The singing contest

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(Y/n) and Arthur can be seen back stage wondering what he brought himself into.

(Y/n):.......(How did i end up here again?)

Flashback: Last week

(Y/n) is currently typing in his laptop about his research and findings so he can memorize them for his Professors exam just in case until Arthur comes barging in his door.

(Y/n): *Sigh* What do you want Arthur, Im busy.

Arthur: Okay, Dont get mad at me i might have accidentally set the both of us up on a singing contest.

(Y/n) stops typing and looks at Arthur with a "Are you serious?" Look.

(Y/n): Your kidding.

Arthur: Yeah.....I did.

(Y/n): Arthur You know im busy right?

Arthur: Oh come on, Just this once please.

(Y/n): I am not singing Arthur.

Arthur: Please?

(Y/n): No.

Arthur: Oh come on its only once!

(Y/n): Its still a no.

Arthur: Ok........I guess you dont wanna participate since Serena will be there aswell.

(Y/n): I aint buying your lie Arthur-

Arthur: *On the phone* Hello Serena, Yeah can you go to Unova....Yeah there's this singing cintest and (Y/n) is participating...Next week....Alright bye, So you going or-

(Y/n) instantly closes his laptop as he faces Arthur.

(Y/n): When is it.

Arthur: (O_O) That was fast.

Flashback end

(Y/n): (Oh.........Now i remember.)

(Y/n) was waiting and regretting his decision to being here until he checked behind the curtain to see not only Serena but Hilda, Rosa, Skyla, Cynthia, Roxie and Elesa are there aswell.

(Y/n): (And of course its in a concert why in Arceus's name did he sign me up in this.)

Announcer: Next up we have Arthur (L/n)!! And Kanto's Champion (Y/n) Ketchum!!

Roxie/Skyla: GO (Y/N)!!!

Serena/Rosa: DO YOUR BEST (Y/N)!!

(Y/n) and Arthur went on stage with them holding a guitar.

(Y/n): Lets do this.

Arthur: Hell yeah!!

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