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Tw- Panic attack mentions

I was sitting in the great hall and I  hum as I get a call
I sighed "yes?" I say with a soft voice I nod along to whatever they saying
"She's having a panic attack?" I say my voice filled with worry "put her on." I say softly as I place the phone on the speaker  "there once was a queen her name was merlyn. The wind blows in her hand. Soon may she rise again bring us magic. And when her job is done she continued to roam. The captain calls all hands on the duck. Soon may merlyn come. And when her job is done she continued to roam. Dahdahdahdah. Before she knew her prophecy she dived. Soon may she come. Bring us magic and safety and when her job is gone she will roam forever. soon may the Queen rise." I sang softly
"Soon may the Queen rise and when her job is done she will roam forever." I sang softly tapping my leg to rhythm
Then I switch the song "yeah u know what it is. I knew he was coming for us. And here he is. Because I got everything. Make me ur aphroodite.. Make me ur only. Don't make me ur enemy. So u want to play with magic? Boys u should know what u are falling for. Babies do u dare to do this?" "a perfect storm. Because once u are his there is no going back. Mark our words. Like a bird.. If u choose to walk away. It's in our hands. It's a yes or a no. No maybe. So be sure before u give ur life. So u want to play with magic? Boys u should know what u fall for. Darling u dare to do this? Are u ready? Ready for a perfect storm because once u are mine there is No going back.. Lead them on. If u break their heart they turn cold. Demilover. Love like a rollercoaster. So u want to play with magic? Boys there is a lot to learn. Do u dare to do this.." I rock grace as we danced "perfect storm. There is no going back." the song trails and I hear the call cut I sighed in relief then look at the clock I realised we were all late
"Chop chop! Class time!" I called out automatically it was a Saturday so they all stood up confused
I look at the window a patronus came flying in
It said "its time." I giggle
"YAYYYY" I jump up an down
"Woahwoah born for greatness Woahwoah. Try and take it. It all comes down to this." a voice says "u are the champion" the guy approaches I smile at him
"Hello old friend." he says "hello my lady. Are u ready?"
"Always." he smiled and passed me the long sword.. I wave it getting use to it "thank u old friend., will u be joining us?" he says "unfortunately not must be getting home now si?"
"Si. Good see u say hello to the wife for me" he smiled and nods giving me a hug my friends come to my side and Susan says "uhh? Why are we going?"
"Come on.. I say everyone grabbed their belongings I wave my hand mine went back to my dorm
Professor flitwick said "miss Potter Where are we going?"
"They in safe hands no harm will come to ur students." I reassured as we get outside I see the knights waiting for us
Lancelot says "Hello my lady"
"Sir Lance" I greeted formally then laughed as they all bow "stand up I am not ur King nor ur Queen." they rises and gwaine says "any news?"
"Unfortunely not. Can u guys guide the students on warm-up?" Percival says "sure rules?"
"No killing No injuries sorta promised the professors any issues send them my way." they nod and led the students away well I start my own warm up
I bent down stretching out I wince as I hear pops everywhere I bent into a handstand still balancing my sword then after a hour everyone had warmed up but were too far to hear so I start singing "if all the kings had the Queens on the throne." I flip to my friends "in line. One to love one to lose.. What do we want don't make us choose" I flip to the next group "drank our feelings. I been running to the jungle running with the wolves" Percival helps me up and says "to get to us. Look for love don't make this a stranger.. I been running through the jungle to get to u.."
I smiled softly as he walks us all to the next group gwaine catcher me and smirks loyally I poke his nose "Drank our feelings away.. I been running through the jungle running with the wolves to get to us.."  gwaine sang "all for us.. We been running through the jungle to get to u.." I smile softly at my loyal knights as we all walk to the next group which unfortunately had Ronald in it Lance looked annoyed at the redhead he sees me his face lighting up
He bows respectfully I roll my eyes at this but curtsey back he says "practice time?" I nodded they all cheered
"Ronald with me." I order my tone in Queen mode
Ronald says "what? I thought we were done!"
"U silly Boy u think the knights were done after a hour? No. They spent hours working to protect the king. And it is because of them magicals can roam freely." Percival came behind me pulling me back as he says "Gwaine take Ronald." I wiggled and he giggled at me and said "calm down how about u fight one of ur other friends?"
"Cho." I say knowing the girl bullied Luna he looks at me sees the anger and says "Nope. Not one that u will most likely kill." Hermione scoffed and said "she can't kill anyone she's weak!" Percival raised a brow at that and he says "u been holding back? We went over this!" I groaned
"Thanks a lot Granger." we walk back to the professors Percival says "u cant hold back the last time u did that u were sick! We went over this and u promised not to hold back!" I raise a brow "if they underestimate me no one will know my true strength in battle. We both know this will come down to a war. Whether I fight or not He will return."
Percival sighs and says "the knights will fight as we always have for u." I smile at that "ok Go cool down I got this" I kiss their heads they smile cheering as they all walk off I pull the students back as they went to leave
"Professors can I show the students something?" they look at me but modded I sighed softly
Mind- Night. hello? Night?"
I hear his voice in my head and he said he was coming I waited.. And waited. I shush any complaints
Then finally the massive black dragon landed Hagrid looks At him shocked he bows and says out loud "my lady."
"What is with all of u guys doing that!" I whined and stroke the dragon he snorts a breath of smoke at me and said "u are our Lady. We protect." I smile softly
"Do u mind letting hagrid pet u?" he glanced at the giant then nodded and I step back to the students hagrid going up I watched my dragon and hagrid with a amused smile
Hermione said "isn't it illegal to own dragons? How do u own one?" I roll my eyes "one u cant own a dragon They choose who they stay with. Night here chose me therefore he lifts at my house most of the time. And no Minnie I don't live in New york" I giggled softly night says "did u say Minnie? Like the one uncle Sirius tells u about?"
"Yes night u want to say hello?" he nods breathing smoke excitedly I laughed "calm down u can meet Minnie and the other professors I don't trust the students enough to pet u.." I nod to the professors they step forward
I look at the scene with a smile.. After they step back night says "can I go for a fly mama?" I hear gasps But i say "Sure. U want me to come?" he snorts a flame St me I laughed as it circled around me in a dance and spelt out DUH
"Rightio" I laughed stroking Cassie I pass her leash to Draco "professors do u mind my son needs a flight" they nod shocked as I change my outfit to flying gear with magic I take the leash from draco and pass it to the professors the large black dragon bowed and I pull my friends
Draco says "woah wait what?"
I laughed "relax he won't hurt u. If I trust u he trusts u. I suspect he will be calling u uncle and aunts in no time" I bump shoulders as I help everyone up I glance at the professors they nodded again and I climb up in front
"Hold on to the bar on the saddles" I say softly
"Rise!" I roared softly dragons of all sizes fly up around us
Night joining them I let out a laugh as we fly together I Bent over his back "Get!" I urged and the dragon flew faster eventually I open my wings on my jacket "draco u in charge night don't kill them." I jumped off my wings spreading as I do Night flys beside me as we go down
"INCOMING" I yelled down at the students and professors
"DOWN" I roared out louder as we fly down
My wings spread out and I free fall
Night snorts following me down and I land on my feet the dragon following soon after I help my friends off and hug my dragon before he flew off I wave my hand over my Vest it faded back into my robes.  I laughed softly as draco pills me into a hug I kiss his head gently and let him stay for a few minutes then I hear a famillar song "there is a old voice in our head that's holding us back" I look up
"Soon may it will be buried.." I sang softly draco looks at me confused and separated I glance around
Then Bane and the Centaur Herd appeared I curstied down low to them they nod in respect
"Do u guys hear that too?" I asked softly bane said "yes.. He will be waiting." I sighed softly
"Very well.." I look up hearing the voice sing again "now we torn apart."
"Let us go we'll meet again soon" I sang sadly
Bane looks at the students worriedly
"Professors can u escort the other students away? minus my friends." my friends come to my side as the professors escort the students away Bane pulls out a portkey
I gently take it from him "thank u bane for ur help" he nods and he led his herd away I sighed softly and hiss the password to the port key everyone grabs it as we were teleported to the meeting I slid on my mask as lower deatheaters would be here.. I let my friends go first and then follow in my head held high I don't glance at my family
i curstied to Tom he bows back respectfully and pulled out a chair I look at him for permission to speak  he gave a discreet nod "Thank u Lord Marvlo for inviting us. Anyway! Hello lower level followers." I greeted softly my voice going soft at the end I shake my head softly
"Hello everyone! For people who don't know me I am known as the enchantress. Or the emerald witch."
"my real identity is not important at the time.." I glanced up meeting eyes with the followers
"now we have some rules to lay down. First Every adult student or Whatever will be getting a inheritance test. I do not care if u don't want to. This isn't a request it is a order." I slip into my queen mode so my voice was colder then normal "u may be asking why in ur heads it's simple. I had blocks on me. Enough to kill me if they weren't removed. My friends had the same blocks but not as bad." I say my voice cold again I glance up as I hear the knocking cue
"that would be everyone else." I whistle towards the doors they open revealing the professors and regulus black
"hello Regulus. No mama or dad today?" He says "unfortunately not my lady. Marvlo." He nods in greeting to the male beside me snape said "why are there students here?" I smiled softly at his concern..
"they won't be harmed Severus do not worry" I say smoothly then shifted in my chair again "as I was saying Inheritance tests. Whenever u have time I suggest summer so u can take ur kids if u have." I glanced up hearing children giggling Tom sighs and says "that would be the children u ok to continue?" I smile at his concern "of course my friend" he kissed my head and I burst out laughing as the teens enter Tom sighs.. and says "hello kids ur mother is there. Behave. I'm going to check on the littles"
"good morning children" i greeted they see the deatheaters and walk up to me head held high they come to my side and I kiss their heads they stood quietly beside me I glare at the followers who look at my children with disgust
"moving on." I say with a hiss in my tone Lucius shuddered in fear before raising his hand and saying "My lady.. do u mind me asking who the children are beside u?" I glance at the teens and nodded to them the only male in the group Raised his head and steps forward "merry meet I am Finn Flemont Orion Potter-black. I am the heir to the potter and black house and others that I will not mention. My mother is the beautiful lady beside me my father who blood adopted me and my siblings is The dark lord." He greeted everyone formally and then steps back Kira steps up next and said "merry meet I am Heiress Evergreen. U may call me Kira in non formal settings. My parents are the people beside me" then she steps to the side of me with her sibling I smile softly loving they knew I was their mother even if not biogally. Next was the Twins who step up and say "Merry meet. We are Hunter Gideon And James Fabian Potter. We are heirs to many houses which we do not care to name. Our parents are the lady And the dark lord."
After introductions
"Lunch time!" I say as we finish talking in time for lunch I stood up brushing my dress off I hummed
"come along." I called to the rest who stand up aswell I hummed softly sending my magic out to see where my brother was. My face lit up as I notice Remus and Sirius were with him and the littles then also My mother and father I let out a squeal "Mom and Dad are here!" I call to Regulus his face lit up and he said "do u-"
"Go. U deserve some alone time with the two" I smirk and he blushes red before bolting off I danced around with excitement before schooling my emotions down calm
I walk out the followers behind me I don't talk to my friends as we walked together I was thinking
Then I cover my mouth in shock as I realised.. I sped up my walk and the others struggle to keep up
I called to Tom as we enter "Tom Ginny doesn't know!" he sucks in a breath and says "the magic would know she would be the heir.. U ok to talk to her?"
I glanced at the weasleys who stand next to their sister protectively I hesitated "can it wait?" he looks at me concerned and I mouth "I can't ruin their family they the only ones she trusts" he nods softly and sat back down I gesture for the rest to sit I look up and giggled as my father and mother enter beside them Papa (Hades) and Daddy (Regulus) I smile at them and rise up
They smile at me then Lily eyes meets severus's her eyes fill with fury and I step forward to her "no killing." I warn my mother kissing my father's head with a wink
And I start singing "so u want to be immortal with a loaded gun.. Start a war.. War.. War.. Bang. Shots fired.. Pain. Is what they desired. How did we get here my god?
Say.. I'm a liar. History is dead and gone. How did we get here my god? So u want to start a war? Age of icons. U want to be immortal?" I sang softly calming my parents
"So u want to start a war. Ohohohohoh. u want to start a war?" thunder rumbled and I glance up rolling my eyes
"U want to start a war.." a owl came in landing on my shoulder I take the letter from him with a smile I smirked as I see sirius's trial would be done tomorrow St the meeting.. This is gonna be good. I glance at my brother and promptly walk over and kiss his head I sighed softly
I glance St everyone eating lunch Hades sitting with mama Regulus beside him separating the two from severus
I stand up and my family looked at me confused I shake my head and say "Ginny can I talk to u? Alone." she looks worried but stood up her brothers go to follow but Tom stops them shaking his head
"Tom I think it's best I tell Ginny now dumbledick won't be happy about our plan. Speaking of which Remus I wish to talk to u after ginny. Sirius u too. Oh and Regulus." I say smoothly sighing at tom's concerned look

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