Two - The end

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Dumbledore jumps up as I pushed Molly Ronald and hermione away sending them and he says "I challenge u to a wizard duel!" Strongly. Gasps etrupt around us but I don't pay attention. I stare at the old wizard "very well. I choose the rules." I then continue "u may only use magic. Whether it be Wandlessly or wordlessly. If u have powers u may use them. As will I. Secondly if I win u will be banished if I lose I will give u my punishment." My eyes held strength
He spoke "if u lose Which u will. U will be killed."
"very well" I say smoothly then say "we do this outside." I walked out my family joining us
i ignore their worries my eyes held strength
and I knew what to do.
dumbledore had changed into ugly robes. I had my armor on. He frowns at me then I take out my wand. Not the wand I was given at the shop. No. My original wand. Flitwick says "duellers. At ur marks." I waited watching my eyes blanking
then the flag drops he fires spells sticking to light spells. I dodge easily ducking spinning around as I fire my own spells back and say "a princess doesn't cry. A princess doesn't cry no no." I start singing "burning like a fire."
Dumbledore said "scared potter?"
"no." I say with a smirk casting spells blocking his own
i transfigure a rock into a sword it cuts his cheek
He hissed and I smirk hiding my mask
draco says "She's holding back" I could hear it
"of course I am dray." I say firing spells
Dumbledore said "u are holding back? Impossible-"
I rolled my eyes sending my power out into A BOMBARDA then followed by a Custom spell. Then another BOMBARDA and cutting curse I don't bother talking shielding myself from his own spells. He was still sticking to light it annoyed me greatly. I sense the dragons landing beside me but no one screamed sensing they were there to protect
I smirk "hold up now. Don't interfere."
the dragons step away I duck under casting wordlessly spells "baby ur the man. But I got I got the power. U make it rain.. but I make it storm." My eyes glow gold as I make it storm. "U should know I am in control!"
"FIENDRYA" I controlled it wandlessly "goodbye dumbledore." He says "this wasn't apart of the deal!"
I let the fire spell fall and smirk "of course. This is the most boring duel. So let's spice it up."
I stop holding back sending more power into my spells
he struggled against me and I smirk
"u underestimated one thing Dumbledore."
he says "and what is that?"
I step away my wand dropping as his old lover spoke "me."
he stood by my side. I smirk "hello grindwield. U ready?"
he smirks and said "always."
in unison we start firing spells our spells joining as they land on Dumbledore who had paled immedality after seeing his lover.. ex lover. He calls out "ur parents would be disappointed" to me. I step away grindweld following my steps we drop our wands "oh they aren't dead."
"Monty! Mia! Marlene! Orion! DRUELLA! Cygnus! Redwood!" I called out. My grandparents step out looking smug
my parents soon follow them
"u should know I am Emerys. I am Merlyn. I am The mistress of magic.."
he says "That is impossible Merlyn died centuries ago!"
I growled out and said "no. Merlyn is immortal. She was reborn. Watching her friends family die before she would be reborn. And u Albus too many fucking names Dumbledore. Is a disappointment to the magical kind."
"anyone who willingly sided with u is blind. U manipulated me and my family. U took me to muggles against my parents will. U blocked my magic."
"so this is ur end."
Dumbledore said "u can't beat me."
"Professor Mcgongall. Prepare the castle." I say my queen holding a tone hiding a order Dumbledore said "she does not listen to u-"
Mcgongall spoke "of course miss potter."
"I will give u time to prepare u army Dumbledore. As our side will do the same. This is ur end Albus." Then I apparate my family and friends to hogwarts
I sighed softly and send out a message to everyone to prepare. And I knew they would. Tom appears at my side
"we are to strength the wards. Mcgongall please contact 7th years to help. This is our chance to end the war."
She nods and I sighed
"god I need to prepare my allies."
I whistled sharply loud and Tall. Animals came out of the forests entering hogwarts
tom stood by my side as Fred says "CAN WE STOP AND GET A EXPLAINATION?"
"fred and George u are Poseidon children. U can control the sea. Ur mother isn't Molly. I am Merlyn and I didn't die. I inherited my dragon Lord ability from my father. Regulus James lily and hades are my family aswell as the others. I raised the gods and blocked their memories of it because they couldn't move on. I am the heir to hogwarts."
I say in one breath then the two fainted.
i sighed waving my hand water splashes them
the pack came out in wolf form they shift back at my nod
greyback said "good evening Alpha! Ready for war?"
"always." I say the word sadly
then he turns to the pack and says "PREPARE URSELF"
then they left. I nod to the others they all go to prepare I start armouring my knights despite me being their leader
and I prepare my friends who learnt new spells
poppy looks at me concerned as I stood in the great hall
I stroke my head
"Hogwarts!" I called out my eyes glowing gold
"protect ur home! Defend urself! Protect what we built!"
the warriors we built so long ago raised shifting to make shields around the castle. Me and my family exited
bellatrix rodo and rabastan stood together Narcissa and Lucius next to them. Andromeda joining with the aurors Who we're on our side.
persephone said "promise to make it fire?"
"along as u promise to make it flower" I say back seeing Dumbledore army behind the shield
she nods and says "be careful mum."
morded said "game plan?"
I sighed softly my eyes showing my age now
"Freya." I say out loud the female appears and says "my queen." I spoke "tell them to prepare. It is time we take back our home." She looks at me shocked and worried but I nod at her and she faded
"we have more allies." I told them softly
i watched as Dumbledore glared down at us
sirius and James stood by my side Tom next to them
my parents joined my father and uncle..
hades says "don't wear urself out Nico. Bianca."
"right! Bianca Nico come here" they walk forward
"I Merlyn Emphmia Potter grant Nico Deangelo Bianca Deangelo and all the demigods the permission to use their powers and Magic."
I look to my right the Roman's smiled at me proudly
i smile back.. but I knew how this would go
luna says "u know how this ends my queen."
"I do know. But I'm not afraid."
luna says "why not? U are only 13 u have to live."
"do not worry my little moon. We will"
the shield starts breaking I winced softly
My parents prepare hades helping his siblings
dementer says "mum?"
"yes hun?" She says "can u sing the song?"
the song I sang to them when i went into battle..
"So if u had enough coke to the land of the lost and lonely. Don't be afraid we will be a big family. I know a place where the bruised and broken. Just together."
"Early in the morning late in the evening. Whatever it is I will be there. Now u know where to go. It's gonna be alright.. when trouble comes locking on our door. We'll be there times and more. Because that's what a family does.."
"I'll always be around.." I shift my form my dress changing
"I'll be there. Because that's what family is for.."
"we share everything u knew my secrets. I give u my word and u knew I keep it. Light in the dark."
"it's gonna be alright.. when trouble comes smacking on our home" I gesture to the army
"because that is what friends are for. We'll always be around.. I'll be there."
I felt the barrier break and knew I had to call them
so I put a stronger barrier
"I guess pan was right our family is connected. Set a course for brighter days. Right to the north. Because I knew we were ok. Lost boys kids growing. Make it out but they don't know why. We make friends with the shadows.. ohohohohoh." I smiled seeing the lost boys
"I guess pan was right. The family's are safe."
"and we know we'll be ok because Pan was alright." They sang mind- pan we need u."
the god appears and said "Mother.." in a breathless voice I smile softly "welcome home. U ready to take back ur home?" He nods I felt the new shield break
"it's time." I say softly my voice holding no fear. I kiss my family's heads before me and the knights charged I knew Dumbledore wouldn't be revealed still the end.
So we had a plan.
i charge forward swords striking as I fight against my kin.
I held no fear as I fought killing. I don't let kids die. I let them go home. Forgetting the battle.
then 4 hours later we were growing tired..
I fall back with the knights none of us dead yet.
"we grow tired. U guys go rest." They were pale and nodded not disobeying my orders
Arthur I love u but now would be a perfect time to get here. Of course.
no response I sighed softly
"right just me now." My family wouldn't be revealed still the end.. but I knew I had argued with them about this
I sighed my body paling
persephone said "mum u can't do this alone."
"I am not alone. I will be fine." I say taking a pepper up potion I sighed and join the fight again
ths army was weakening and I fought alone. As I defeat his 3rd last army member more rised
i back up shocked
u want to play that way? Fine. We'll play
"DRAGONS ARISE" I roared out
a large red dragon raised. A gold one next to him.
they fly over to me glaring at the army approching
"dracarys." I say the one word. And the dragons lit the army on fire.

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