Special Chapter 1 - Rohdri & Lenarik - *NSFW*

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A/N - The rest of the story is coming, I promise. In the meantime, here's a special (very spicy) chapter. If you choose to skip it, that's fine- there's nothing in it that will be required to know for the rest of the story. That said, I had fun writing it, so if you're in the mood for a smut scene, I hope you enjoy :) 


"I wonder if this is what it's like trying to care for a toddler," Rohdri sighed as he stepped into the bedroom. He and Lenarik had painstakingly dragged the drunken Rien up to his room, but not without leaving a mess in their wake. Rien had vomited in the middle of the hallway, so Rohdri had to get him cleaned up and settled. "Tch, that's right, I still have to clean up the mess in the hall—"

To Rohdri's surprise, Lenarik leaned over him, pressing against the door with his palm. "No need," he whispered huskily. "I already cleaned it."

The sudden closeness of the alpha sent shivers down Rohdri's spine. "Ah- oh! Thank you. I didn't, uh, expect you to do that..." His embarrassment caused him to stutter.

"Anything to get you in here sooner," the bandit chuckled, resting his muscular chest lightly against Rohdri's back. His smirk widened when he saw the man stiffen at the touch. "C'mon, you're not gonna make me drink this whole bottle of wine by myself, are you?"

"I have to go um... clean up real quick," Rohdri murmured. "If I have a glass now, I won't be leaving for the rest of the night."

"That's the idea," Lenarik hummed. "But it's cute to think of you being so diligent all for a night with me, so I guess I'll let you go." He pulled away, stepping towards the small table where the wine bottle and glasses sat. "Tell you what— I'll pour myself one more glass, and I'll take my time with it. But if you're not back by the time I finish, I'll go find you myself. And who knows what'll happen then?"

Rohdri gulped, suppressing a grin. "We wouldn't want that... I'll be quick." Grabbing his bag, the Fiilzian hurried out towards the bathing facilities of the inn.

True to his word, Lenarik waited patiently, sipping his wine and looking out the window at the nearly-full moon. He could hear sounds of others' activities through the walls. His pent-up lust simmered even hotter. He held up his glass, scowling at the last few sips that settled at the bottom. 'He's taking his sweet time,' the bandit thought to himself in irritation.

"S-sorry," Rohdri called out, opening the door and stepping in quickly. A pleasant scent wafted into the room. The Fiilzian's gray-white hair was still damp, and dripping onto his thin nightshirt. Presumably due to the chill, his nipples were perky and easily visible through his top.

Lenarik took it all in with a lascivious stare. "Damn... Good thing I didn't end up going out to bring you back, or I would've just jumped you out there."

Rohdri's eyes widened as a blush colored his cheeks. "D-Don't be ridiculous," he said, shaking his head with a nervous chuckle. He put his bag down and stepped close to Lenarik, slowly raising his eyes to meet the bandit's. "Mind pouring me a glass of wine?" he said quietly, voice like velvet.

Lenarik gulped. He wanted to jump him now... but his body complied to the Fiilzian's request. He calmly poured a glass and handed it to Rohdri— with the latter none the wiser to just how much self-control Lenarik was exercising at present.

Staring at the wine for a moment, Rohdri nodded resolutely and downed the glass quickly. "Wh-why did you do that?" Lenarik asked in confusion. "I thought you wanted to take time to enjoy it."

"To be honest," Rohdri replied, his buzz evident in his tone, "There's something else I'm more eager to take my time with." His violet eyes gazed deeply into Lenarik's.

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