Chapter 66 - Consequences

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"No— This can't... No," Carmine choked out, taking a step back from the bed the corpse was laid on.

"Mr. Isaiah, what's wrong?" Marie sniffed. "Why won't she wake up?"

Carmine ignored the girl gripping the hem of his tunic. In fact, he barely noticed her as a deafening roar hummed in his ears. "I didn't... I didn't mean to. I didn't know this would happen... I didn't think someone could die from this!" Though he spoke under his breath, emotional and almost manic, Marie caught just enough of his words to grasp what was going on.

"Did you say die?! Is Grandma d-de—" She couldn't even finish the last word as she broke into a wail. The little girl sobbed, clinging to Carmine tightly. Absent-mindedly, as though in a daze, he pushed her away gently.

"G-Go to your father. I need to think," he muttered.

"But he won't w-wake up either!" the girl cried, a sob hitching in her throat as she spoke.

Carmine felt his chest tighten when he heard Marie's words. "W-What do you mean?!" Frantically, he ran over to the couch where Tyson lay. The huge man's rosy complexion had turned a sickly white, and his lips were tinged blue. However, his chest rose and fell to show he was still breathing. That said, his breaths were slow and labored— he was in bad shape. "He's still alive," Carmine murmured. 'Though I don't know for how long...'

"Why won't he wake up? Is he sick? Make him better, please!" Marie cried, hugging her father tightly.

"I should see if Caesonia can help—" Carmine began to say to himself, then stopped abruptly. He felt his throat tighten as anxiety ramped up within him once more. He slowly turned to see her, still sleeping soundly. She was laying on her side, facing away from Carmine and the others.

'She's fine. She's fine. She's just sleeping soundly.'

He knelt down beside her and placed a trembling hand on her shoulder. "Caesonia, I—" Without resistance, her body fell towards him. She was stiff and lifeless. Carmine carefully placed two fingers under her chin, looking for a pulse. As expected, he didn't find one.

Carmine didn't know how to feel. The shock weighed heavy on his heart and mind. He felt sick, confused— he couldn't even enjoy the fact that the power transfer had really worked. Its price had been steeper than Carmine had imagined.

As the young man continued to try to process what had happened, a low moan erupted from Tyson. Gradually, it got louder and more pained. "Mr. Isaiah, what's happening?!" Marie screeched, running towards him in fear. Her frenzied running caused her to trip over Caesonia's body. She let out a blood-curdling scream as she realized the woman on the ground was also dead.

Marie's scream was overpowered by her father's wail, growing louder and louder. The little girl dropped to her knees, crying. Her father's agonizing howl shook the walls. Panic struck Carmine. 'I can't be here. I need to get out. I need to get out.' His terror drove him out the door, slamming it behind him. He looked around, eyes unfocused, seeking somewhere to flee.

"Hey, hey! Where are you going?!" The Kitsune's voice reverberated in Carmine's head. In the background, the wailing from inside the house could still be clearly heard.

'I have to get away. I didn't mean for this to happen... I-It's not my fault. It's not my fault.'

"Calm yourself," the Kitsune commanded sternly. "You can't just leave. Two of them are still alive, and are now connected to my power. They need guidance. Besides, what's the point of putting them through all of this just for you to panic and leave them to their own devices?"

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