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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Prendre le thé avec le Diable


american venom || une morsure -non- fatale


"Con quỷ dữ mà em biết. Hay con quỷ dữ mà em không biết?"


Her hands are steady when she loads a single round and clicks the cylinder back into place. The bullet is aligned with the barrel. She hesitates for a moment before spin it once.

Twelve divided by two is six.

She doesn't like Russian Roulette. It's about luck, not skill. And 1 in 6, not odds any sane man would take.

Ross lies on the hard ground, staring up to it. She fights the scratching in her throat, exhaling the smoke out into the still air. Rain stings her eyes.

She swallows thickly, the taste of iron swirling around her mouth from how hard she had bitten into her cheek. She simply raises her revolver, placing the cool metal tip against her temple, grips like it's her lifeline.

She holds it on her head, index finger rests on the trigger, then pulls the trigger.


Barrel spins uselessly.

Shaky hands light up a cigarette, acrid smoke mixes with metallic taste, filling her lungs and pulling some of the anxiety away with it.

She sighs, then stands up.

"Kitty, this is a goodbye."


Leon S. Kennedy x Oc


No OP. No bashing. No canon rehash.

This story contains character death(*), graphic violence, Resident Evil game-series spoilers, sexual themes, swearing and trigger themes

read at your own discretion.

This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes and should not be considered canon.

copyright © 2024 PrudenceRV
all rights reserved.

Published in: 24/1/2024


[RE] American VenomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ