Chapter 1

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Kiana wasn't as bothered by her breakup with Mei as much as she thought it would. In fact, she didn't seem to miss Mei at all. Mei had joined World Serpent. Kiana tried to stop her at first but ended up failing when she lost the fight and Mei made her escape. She wanted to be devastated. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. At least that's what she thought she wanted. Instead, she found herself feeling content as if Mei's departure gave her some sort of closure that she didn't know she needed until it happened. Maybe it was because Kiana knew all along that her and Mei were never meant to be. Kiana returned to the Hyperion alone. She was immediately greeted by Theresa and Bronya.

"Kiana, are you okay?" Theresa inquired as she studied Kiana carefully noticing her body was covered in dried blood and bruises.


"Where's Mei-Nēsan?" Kiana didn't say anything at first.

"Kiana? Do you know what happened to Mei?" Theresa questioned.

"She's gone" Kiana finally spoke as she walked passed the two keeping her back to them.


"Yeah, gone"

"Well shouldn't we go find her?"

"There's no need for that" Both Theresa and Bronya looked at Kiana confused.

"But Kia-"

"She's not lost. She's with World Serpent now. It was a decision she made, and she's made that very clear. There's no point wasting any more effort into bringing her back. If she wants to be with World Serpent then so be it" Kiana stated as she interrupted her aunt. Her words spat like venom. The room filled with silence. Neither one of them imagined Kiana would have this kind of reaction. Theresa and Bronya glanced at each other not sure of what to say or if they should say anything at all. With that, Kiana went to her room throwing herself onto her bed with her face buried into her pillow letting out a muffled groan.

"Well aren't you a mess" A female voice commented startling Kiana as she jolted up from her bed seeing the purple haired girl she referred to as her sister who sat on the bed on the opposite wall from Kiana.

"Sirin" Kiana whined. "What the hell? When did you get in here?" She then asked. Sirin let out a small giggle.

"I've been in here the whole time. You just didn't notice until now"

"But this is my room"

"You mean our room. Remember? Auntie Terrie made me switch with Mei cause you two were constantly arguing during the night and it was annoying everyone on the ship"

"Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about that"

"Speaking of which, where is she? Didn't you two go on a city adventure together before?"

"She's gone" Kiana said as she averted eye contact.

"Really? I didn't think birthday wishes actually do come true"

"She's not dead Sirin"

"Oh...that's a shame. So what did happen to her then?"

"She joined World Serpent."

"Seriously? Should've known she would betray us eventually"

"Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised either. She must've been planning this for a while now. It's probably why we were fighting so much. She was trying to distance herself so it would hurt less when she actually decided to leave"

"Sounds like you got it all figured out"

"You know what? Good riddance"


"No, I'm serious. I don't care" This time Kiana looked Sirin right in her eyes.

"The fact that you seem pretty mad says otherwise" Sirin teased with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up!"

"I'm just saying. Geez..." Sirin put her hands up in defense. "Just so I understand, if something were to happen to Mei, you wouldn't care?" She then inquired.

"Sirin...." Kiana said her name like a warning even though it wasn't meant to be one. She knew exactly what she was implying. Sirin hated Mei. It was a well-known fact. Kiana remembered how often Sirin would try to persuade her into breaking up with Mei cause she wasn't good enough for her and all Mei cared about was herself. At the time, Kiana thought Sirin was only saying that because of how much she hated Mei, but it turns out that she was right. Mei didn't care about Kiana at all. It was obvious now.

"So you do care?"

"I know what you're up to. Just leave her alone. She's not worth it"

"True, but she's technically the enemy now so it's fair game"

"Not the point" Kiana said sternly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay fine, So what now? Are you just going to move on as if nothing between you two ever happened?"

"That seems to be what Mei is doing"

"Ah so you're just doing this out of pettiness"

"Shut up!"

"Not denying it" Sirin commented in a sing song tone with a smirk on her face making Kiana's cheeks turn red. "Although I am curious to know what World Serpent offered Mei to make her switch sides so easily. That is to say she was even on our side in the first place" She then added. Kiana looked at her older sister with a cocked eyebrow. "Think about it. Mei's not the type to be easily persuaded. In fact, she's actually quite stubborn. So unless World Serpent offered her something she couldn't refuse, it's possible that she's been working with them the entire time and just spying on us so she could feed them information about us." The more Kiana thought about it, the more it seemed plausible which made Kiana more pissed off than she was before.

"You know what. If that's the case then go ahead and do what you want with Mei. In fact, hit her once for me"

"Of course. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go see what Bella is up to" Sirin said before leaving Kiana in their room alone. Kiana flopped back onto her bed with her arm tossed over her eyes. She found it hard to believe that the once person she trusted the most, was simply just using her. However, it was the only explanation to this situation. As much as she didn't want to believe Sirin, there was no other reason for Mei to switch sides so easily unless she was never on her side to begin with.

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