in my hopeless romantic era

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(a/n: struggled for who knows how long and now it's finally done 👍)

amidst a valley of snowy white roses and blossoming marigolds, there she stands like an angel from heaven. so alluring, she pulls you into her embrace under the glistening lunar light. so pure, blood flushes her face at the slightest touch of yours. so fragile, a crack of a smile shows on her porcelain-like skin as you shower her with sweet nothings.

beneath her abyssal orbs, she hides a facade full of wavering emotions. sorrow, tear-stained cheeks and a runny nose. anger, bloodshot eyes and frizzled hair. lust, soft moans and quivering lips.

under the velvety duvet she calls for your name, writhing and squirming as pleasure travels throughout her body. you pull her flowy hair back, her eyes watering dews, little sniffles that are so adorable, lips taint a cherry-pink you can't resist.

atop the shiny marble counter she pleads and begs, craving for your gentle touches. deep maroon scratches lay across your back, the feeling is numbing yet it drives you to do more. intense scarlet hickies planted on where you left your lips, she looks so ethereal, so helpless..

in the steamy shower she kisses you till her knees weaken, tears and saliva go unnoticed under the splashing water. you push her towards the tiled wall, the icy sensation sends prickling and stinging goosebumps.

love, displayed through an infinitive yet unreachable lens. love, fantasized by the hearts of millions of hopeless romantics. but your love for her, delves deep depths and swims freely in the entirety of your soul.

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