4.5:I GIVE UP.

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hey ning, did you see win? " ryunjin ask even she's drunk.

"I haven't, maybe she go home it's already 12 am" ning said ang drink another beer.

"let's rant a bedroom up stairs, I can't drive" ryunjin said waiting for ning ning response.

"fine" ning ning said as they go ahead.

they went to the room.

"don't you dare to take advantage on me ryunjin. " ning ning warn her.

"Big yuck, no way I'm loyal duh! " as she lay beside her.

I'm in the bedroom, uncontrollable crying while trying to convince my self, that she's not jimin, but I saw it, I saw her, she's enjoying the kiss, it's hurt me, so hurt, that you're see your love kissing and you saw that, in your one eyes, it's fucking hurt!.

I burst into cry and shut, the condo filled with my voice and cry"NO! it can't be, no, no!, jimin!, WHY?, WHY!, you change, you change a lot!, I thought I can change you but why?" I pull out a ring in my drawer and throw them and throw them away "I CAN'T!, I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE!!, I GIVE UP!. I'M TIRED CHASING YOU! I'M FUCKING BULLSHIT TIRED JIMIN! LET ME REST," I open my condo window and shut. "FROM NOW ON, I'M LETTING YOU GO, YOU'RE FREE I'LL STOP MAYBE YOU'RE NOT THE JIMIN BEFORE" I look where the ring is and took them and throw it in the window.

'I will accept the offer, to forget you, thank for the 3 years, at least you know that I fight for you.'
I took my phone and message my dad


winter : Dad I accept your offer, to marry him.


I regret, ignoring my crush |winrina/jiminjeong|Where stories live. Discover now