(Chapter 17) Soul Divination Council Chairmen

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Elsewhere, in an obscure and clandestine chamber shrouded in secrecy, the two giant metal doors leading into the room, of which bore the Soul Divination Council's Insignia, slowly opened.

As the light of the neighboring hallway seeped into the chamber, revealing a group of enigmatic figures sitting at a wide metal table, two people entered.

One was a tall and lean man. His straight, blue-green hair and slightly tanned skin were the only features not obscured by his black cloak.

The one walking beside him was a woman with long, amber hair and eyes. Her somewhat petite stature mirrored the man.

The pair showed obvious signs of fidgeting and fear. Each click of the woman's heels echoed throughout the entire room and back into their ears, somehow furthering the tension felt.

Their hearts pounded with a mixture of apprehension and fear, cautiously approaching the round table bathed in a dim, eerie glow. Five hooded figures sat around it, their silhouettes barely discernible in the murky ambiance.

“Halt,” One of the chairmen commanded, his voice filled with heavy authority.

Instantly, the two individuals froze, their bodies dropping to one knee. They both gulped when hearing the rumbling of the colossal metal doors sealing shut, as if their own fates were also just sealed.

“Captains Bacho and Munia… I would say it's a pleasure to meet again… But,” Another chairman spoke, leaning back in his chair. “I think we all know why you were called here today…”

"Our stronghold in the Aserian Ocean… Your Posts… Seems to have met a dreadful fate…" Intoned another figure, their high, yet chilling voice seemed to strike Bacho's and Munia's very souls.

"You phrase it as if it was their fault,” A fourth voice rang from the table of men. “We already know they were sent off to find that girl. Isn't that right… Director Matchi Tehew?"

Everyone in the room realized and feared the immense weight that name garnered.

Matchi Tehew, the founder of the Soul Divination Church and Council, and not to mention, labeled the ‘Evilest Soul Sorcerer alive’.

He sat at the head of the table, his body completely obscured in shadows, with only the amulet he wore around his neck reflecting the tiniest bit of light.

Tehew leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “Correct… Though, I did say if I ever saw them again without the girl…”

Munia abruptly shot up in fear for what's to come. “M-my lord, I know you said to find her, and I want to say we have a lead! So ple—!”

“SILENCE!!!” One of the other chairmen’s voice boomed within the chamber. The singular command echoing repeatedly as it got quieter, yet keeping the same absolute authority it held throughout.

“To speak without being told is a grievous misconduct. Know your place, Munia…”

“Y-Y-Yessir…” Munia weakly replied.

Witnessing this from a short distance away, Bacho couldn't help the small ember of anger lighting inside of him.

“It's quite alright,” Tehew coldly remarked, secretly enjoying the show of total fear he had over Munia. “But to cut to the chase, the fortress we had in the Aserian Ocean has unfortunately exploded. Crewmen sent to the aftermath have reported it was done by the self-destruction procedure… To think there's someone out there who's able to push our men to that point…”

A heavy silence hung in the air, broken only by the captains' shallow breaths as they exchanged anxious glances, the weight of impending doom bearing down upon them.

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