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[That stormy night, a tall house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The Dursleys, including Harry have moved there, due to the chaos with the letters. The family is sleeping, with Annabel on the cold, dirt floor and Dudley sleeping on a sofa. Annabel has drawn a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Annabel. She looks at Dudley's watch, which beeps 12:00.]

Annabel: [to herself] Make a wish, Bel. [she blows the "candles" on the drawn birthday cake]

Remus looks at the screen sadly. He had figured out that he was still alive, but then where was he? Even with his furry little problem, he should've tried to contact and look after her.

[Suddenly, the door thumps, in sync with the thunder flashing. Harry jumps. The door thumps again and Dudley and Annabel jump up and back away. She hides behind a wall, and Dudley cowers on a windowsill. Petunia and Vernon appear, with Vernon holding a double barrel gun.]

Vernon: Who's there?! Ahh!

[The door bangs again and then falls down, and a giant man appears. As he comes into the clear lighting, the giant man himself reveals to be Rubeus Hagrid.]

Marlene and Sirius start cheering. "YES!" "YOU GO HAGRID"

Hagrid: Sorry about that. [He puts the door back up]

Vernon: [aiming his gun at him] I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!

While the purebloods and some of the halfbloods look confused, Lily is quick to explain what a gun is. "It's a machine that shoots at you. It can kill you with one hit." Many of the fourth years look scared at the screen.

[As Petunia quietly gasps in fear, Hagrid grabs the gun and bends it upwards.]

Hagrid: Dry up, Dursley, you great prune. [The gun fires upwards, blasting a hole in the ceiling, causing the two to shriek in fear. Hagrid notices Dudley.] You're not Annabel. Where is she Dursley?

[Annabel reveals herself]

Annabel : I-I am.

Hagrid: Well, of course you are! Got somethin' for yeh. 'Fraid I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it'll taste fine just the same. Ahh.

[Hagrid hands her the cake]

Hagrid: Baked it myself, words and all. Heh.

[Annabel opens cake, which reads "Happee Birthdae Annabel" in green frosting.]

Lily looks at Hagrid, her eyes melting in gratitude. "Thanks Hagrid."

"Anytime Lily."

Annabel: Thank you! [she hugs him suddenly, he pats her back in return]


"Jeez Mione, I'm going deaf. When someone gives you the first gift you can remember receiving, usally you express your thanks." Blaise sniggers, hiding it with a cough.

Hagrid: It's not every day that yer turn 11, now is it? Aye?

[Hagrid sits down on the sofa, takes out an umbrella, and points it at the empty fire. Two sparks fly out of the umbrella and start a fire. The Dursley family gasps.]

Annabel: [puts cake down] Excuse me, who are you?

Hagrid: Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. O' course, yeh'll know all about Hogwarts.

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