Chapter Nine

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(just a filler/extra) It's VERY important for the plot though!!!

As Suna and Kaya rushed Seyran to the hospital, the air was thick with tension and worry. Seyran, her face pale and strained, was immediately taken into the emergency room, leaving Suna and Kaya anxiously awaiting news.

Hours seemed to stretch into eternity as they paced the sterile hospital corridor. When the doctor finally emerged, Suna's heart skipped a beat. The news was devastating – Seyran had experienced a miscarriage.

Suna felt the weight of the news settle on her shoulders, and she knew that Seyran needed more than just medical care; she needed emotional support. Seyran lay in the hospital bed, her eyes red and swollen from tears that seemed endless.

Suna approached Seyran's bedside, her voice gentle. "Seyran, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. We're here for you, no matter what."

Seyran nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you, Suna. It hurts, but I'll get through it."

The room felt heavy with grief, and Suna decided to give Seyran some space to process her emotions. Later, when the hospital room was quieter, Suna sat beside Seyran, offering a comforting presence.

Suna: "You don't have to go through this alone, Seyran. If you ever want to talk or if there's anything we can do, just let us know."

Seyran looked at Suna, gratitude mingling with sorrow in her eyes. "I appreciate that, Suna. It's just... everything is so overwhelming."

Suna nodded, understanding the magnitude of Seyran's pain. "Take all the time you need. And remember, you have people who care about you, no matter what."

As the hours passed, Seyran's emotional turmoil was palpable. The hospital room became a sanctuary for shared grief, where Suna offered a listening ear and a comforting presence. Seyran finally spoke, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and frustration.

"You know, Suna, the stress and pressure Ferit put on me, asking me to return to the mansion, it started making me feel unwell. I couldn't handle the constant pushing, and then this happened."

Suna's brow furrowed in concern. "Ferit pressured you to return? Seyran, you don't have to go through that, why didn't you tell me. Your well-being is the priority."

Seyran sighed, her gaze fixed on a point beyond the hospital walls. "I tried to tell him I needed space, but he insisted. I just wish he understood."

As Seyran spoke, the hospital room door creaked open, and Ferit entered, his expression a mix of concern and guilt. He rushed to Seyran's side, but she recoiled from his touch, "Ferit, I don't want to see you right now. I need time to heal."

Ferit looked torn, caught between the desire to comfort Seyran and the understanding that his presence was unwelcome. Kaya, sensing the tension, stepped forward and gently held Ferit back,"Give her some space, Ferit. She needs time."

Ferit's frustration and helplessness were evident, but he nodded in reluctant agreement. As he left the room, Seyran's gaze lingered on the door, a mixture of sadness and relief etched on her face.

Suna remained by Seyran's side, offering silent support as they navigated the aftermath of the miscarriage. The hospital room was full of grief, where the bonds of sisterhood transcended words. In the quiet moments, Seyran and Suna found comfort in each other's company, facing the challenges ahead with a shared strength forged through love and understanding.

Days passed, and the hospital released Seyran with the assurance that she needed time to heal both physically and emotionally. Suna accompanied her sister back to Seyran's apartment, a quiet sanctuary where she could process the grief that lingered like a heavy cloud.

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