Deku Ending~

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"Say it! Say you'll stay with me! Say that you belong to me!"

Kirishima's glossy, bulging eyes somehow meet Bakugou's. The look the redhead was giving him was saying "Don't do it, don't let him win."

Amazing. It was incredible how in his last seconds of life Kirishima was still looking out for Bakugou. Still trying to protect him.

Bakugou couldn't let him die here, not for him. It just wouldn't be fair. Kirishima had so much left to live for, so many things to accomplish. He was destined to become a hero, no matter what.

"All right! Enough Deku! I'll stay. I'll stay with you."

Midoriya instantly released black whip, and Kirishima began to choke, desperately inhaling air. He couldn't speak at first, it was like he was overwhelmed with joy. After all this time, all his plotting, he finally heard Bakugou say it. 

Finally, the love of his life would be with him, only him. 

"Yes.. I knew you would see things my way Kacchan! Oh, at last you're mine."

Midoriya used black whip once more, shooting it out in Bakugou's direction. The blonde didn't fight, he didn't move, he let it all happen. He let Midoriya pull him closer, until the two of them were barely inches apart. The taller male reached out for the shorter's face, cradling his cheek gently. 

Midoriya was not known for being gentle, but when it came to Bakugou, he simply couldn't help himself. He wanted to hold and love him, he wanted to give him everything. 

"Say you're mine", he almost whispered. 

Bakugou clenched his fists. He knew he could get out of here, he knew he should fight. He knew his place was with the heroes, fighting for peace and good. 

But for some reason, he didn't want to. A small, tiny part of him didn't want to run from Midoriya. Bakugou, as much as he desperately wanted to deny it, partially wanted to stay with his childhood friend. 

Midoriya gave up everything for him. His hopes, his dreams, his life. He gave up everything for Bakugou, to be with him. 

Bakugou couldn't look past that, he couldn't get over it. He was almost...flattered. It made him fell special. It made him feel loved in a way that no one else could love him, not even Kirishima. 

The blonde closed his eyes, tilting his head down as he muttered, "I'm yours."

"Bakugou no!"

Without breaking eye contact with the blonde, Midoriya sent a pulse of One for All in Kirishima's direction, knocking him out. And not even a second after that, he closed the distance between their lips. He snaked one arm down around Bakugou's waist, pulling him impossibly closer. With his other hand, he lightly gripped his throat, again assuring both himself and the other that Bakugou was finally and wholly his. 

For the first time Bakugou didn't pull away, but rather leaned in closer, wanting Midoriya's touch, his love. Bakugou kissed him back, lifting his hand to place on the other's cheek. 

Midoriya pulled back an inch to take a breath, leaning his forehead against the other's, panting. 

"God, I love you Katsuki."

The blonde locked eyes with him, holding his gaze. It was a look of vulnerability, something Bakugou had never seen in him. It was the look of love, or rather, lovesickness. Midoriya was plain obsessed with him. 

And honestly, Bakugou didn't really mind that, because a part of him loved Midoriya. It took him a while to come to terms with it, but it was true. He loved him. He wanted to be with him.

After all, Midoriya had done this all for him~


SORRY IK ITS BEEN HALF A YEAR. Not even sure if anybody has been waiting on this lol, but here it is. I'm kind of proud of myself for finishing the story, even though it took FOREVER. TBH I haven't really been into MHA anymore, so I think I'm going to take a step back from writing fanfics for this fandom :( I do enjoy writing for ya'll but MAN am I lazy. I'm trying to think about what other fandoms I wouldn't mind writing fanfics for but nothings coming to mind rn lol, so if you have any ideas feel free to drop them in the comments or dm me. 

If you made it this far, THANK YOU. I love knowing that people read and enjoy my stuff, so thanks again for being here <3 

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