Trinity's Rise and Phoenix's Fall

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I was called into a meeting with Genji and some of the Overwatch heroes, Winston and Sojourn closed the door behind him, getting to the point, "We got a mission, since you all are staying here, and the Helicarrier is almost rebuilt, we need a favor, there is an AI being used to defend an American nuclear submarine, recently, the submarine was taken down, we have reason to believe that the AI, which calls itself "Trinity", is sentient and a threat, one of it's main abilities is to corrupt nearby technology and even Omnics, another ability is being able to alter any information present on the cloud/internet, therefore, any non-human may not go on this mission, world powers are engaging in warfare with each other to gain control of this AI, and use it to pretty much take over the world, your job? Purge it, Countries cannot handle such powers, in fact, no human should be, I am requesting a taskforce of some of our best operatives, DLA and Overwatch, to head this operation to Purge Trinity" Genji nodded, "Phoenix,Strider and Striker team, you are assigned, unfortunately, I can't come, since my life support relies on technology, Phoenix 1, your in command, take care of em well" Winston cleared his throat "ON overwatch, we will assign Mcree,Ana and Lucio plus 3 Overwatch militant units, Helicarrier Odin will now be used by this new task force, called Red Team 161, now, pack your stuff up, this may be the endgame, no country's army is allied, whoever you see before yourselves is your allies, if you take this mission, you can;t go back"

We all nodded "I'm in" Striker 5 said, soon, everyone agreed. After gathering up all my stuff and packing away all my stuff, "Hello Zenyatta, I will be leaving for a very big mission, it does put Omnics at risk, in fact, it has the possibility to manifest in Omnics, watch yourself out there" "Thank you, I will" I shook hands with Zenyatta, and left, heading to the loading dock to embark on Odin, I grabbed my rifle, and strapped it on my chest, Climbing up the ladder to the deck, drones swarmed around me, I motioned to Striker team, "Come on men, move it or lose it" Striker 2, "Jaeger" was one of the homies, the boys, and one of my best friends, "Hey, Kenji, what's up?" "Nothing much, I'm just nervous about this mission" "Well, we got our first order, Tokyo, Omnics have forced civvies into lockdown, the JSDF is trying to fight them, but most of their tech is getting corrupted by Trinity, we are booting off all our online services, Trinity cannot tune into Radio, same with Odin, we have made out own private network.

Over the speaker, Genji yelled over the intercom "HELICARRIER ODIN TAKING OFF IN 2 MINUTES" I jogged to the entrance ramp and the leftover Overwatch members were there "Godspeed Kenji, lead them good, lead them well" Winston said, I shook his hand, and approached Angela "Good luck Kenji, I believe in you, we all do" I shook her hand, Genji walked up "Well, this is where the whole successor thing settles in, I am handing over the Mantle of The Demon Lord to you Kenji, you have learned well, I am proud of you, so this is how it feels when a father sees his kid become successful in life" Angela elbowed him "Let me just finish this up, yeah? Anyways, yeah, I will be retiring now." I teared up, I never got this feeling, like someone who was there since the beginning and was seeing me grow up and become a man, like a father. I hugged him, He hugged back, I wiped off all my tears, and I approached Kiriko "So, I will be back, I'll miss you Kiriko, But it's fine, I'll call you every night." "I hope so, Don't die out there, just remember our deal, Here died an idiot, I love you" "Don't worry, It's not like I'll get killed or anything" "you better not!"

Our conversation got interrupted by "ODIN TAKING OFF IN 30 SECONDS" "Oh shit!" I ran to the bay "Don't worry everyone! You'll see me, either in a hearse or covered in Champagne!" The door shut. I Nodded to some technicians working on our experimental XFA-33 Jets, I walked up the stairs to the cockpit, "How far are we from tokyo?" "quite a bit boss, you can go to sleep"

I then trudged to my bedroom, and collapsed, falling into a deep slumber.

[BEEP BEEP BEEP DAMAGE! DAMAGE! BEEP BEEP BEEP! "COME ON! MOVE! MOVE! THE YANKS ARE ON US!"] I gasped awake to absolute chaos. Jaeger was banging on my door, I grabbed a pistol and my gear, and sprinted alongside Jaeger "Boss, the United States Air Force have intercepted us, they are hostile, I say again, they are hostile!" "Got it!" I slid down a railing and into the hangar, I grabbed a helmet and Jumped into the XFA-33. I slid into the seat, tapping the screens and grabbed the yoke, after flipping some switches, I taxid out to the runway, The catapult attached and I Signaled to the ground crew, The jet jumped forward and I pulled back on the stick, And I locked onto an F-35 Lighting II, I got a tone, and fired off a AIM 54 Phoenix, smashing into the tail, it was still flying, and fired off some gun rounds, penetrating the cockpit, killing the pilot, the jet veered off, flying into an F-22 Raptor flying by, exploding. I exhaled as I checked the radar, AWACS squawked "All targets down, RTB" "Phoenix 1, RTB" How did they find us? We were in stealth mode. As soon as I touch down, I hop out of the jet. It rained quite a bit, so I almost slipped. The Phoenix team jogged out, "Boss, what the hell was that?" "they were some Stray american bandits" "Americans?" "Yeah, remember, we have no allies, we are here to rescue civilians, not be diplomats." "got far is Tokyo?" I tapped my screen on my wrist, "About an hour, get everyone up, arm up, and fuel up choppers and Jets" "Got it" I took an elevator, Jaeger was waiting, "Hey man, what's up?" "Nothing much, just kinda a bit burnt out, I'm gonna talk to Kiriko and the others" "I gotcha, here, have some JetFuel, it's an energy drink, not actual jet fuel" Jaeger handed me an orange can, with JETFUEL written on the side, I cracked it open, and took a sip, I felt energy returning to my body, I pulled out my holo-tablet, and tapped on Kiriko's icon, calling her, I stepped outside, it was still raining, so I stepped under cover, Fighter jets streaked overhead, Overwatch teams were walking around, holding their weapons and getting ready to infil into Tokyo, Kiriko picked up the call "Kenji, Do you know what time it is?It's 3:00 in the morning here! Anyways, what's up?" "Nothing much, we're about to arrive in Tokyo, I might stop by at Kanezaka for the Fox Festival" "Oh, say hi to my mom for me then, She might lose her mind if she doesn't hear from me" "got it, so how are you holding up? Are you eating well?" "Yeah, I do miss your Ramen, but Genji was able to sorta replicate them" "That's great to hear! Well, I gotta get ready for dropping into Tokyo and saving lives, I'll record everything ""'Kay, Love you ""Love you too' ' I cut the call and walked past Mcree "Hey, Kenji is that right? You're the boss, correct?" "Yeah" "Us Overwatch people are a bit on edge about the whole Trinity crisis, and a lot of us have been having a bad time, so can you DLA men take this mission? Don't worry, we'll join later, or provide Support." "It's all good" He tipped his big cowboy hat and walked away, Lucio skates down the hallway and fist-bumps everyone along the way, I nodded towards them, there was 15 minutes until we land, around me, soldiers getting ready to put aside their origins to save innocents, a helicopter lands and after quadruple checking my gear, loaded up inside the chopper, the darkness of the night quickly enveloping the helicopter, only lights from the control panel giving off some feeling of comfort, I hold my rifle closer to my chest, the rest of phoenix team stepped into the chopper, "Boss, I think I'm scared" Phoenix 4 whispered to me, "Hey, It's okay, we'll be fine, as long as we don't alert the Omnics, and remember who we are" "You know what? You're right!" "That's what I wanna hear" I leaned against the side of the helicopter's interior, gazing up to the sky, rain still hammered the windshield of the helicopter, and as the rotors begin to spin, the blades slam down the water droplets, creating an almost surreal experience, as if everything went quiet and all that was left was the the rain, I glanced down to see the afterglow of Tokyo below us, I honestly never seen tokyo in this light, I lived in the western part of Osaka, near the bay, before my mom died, my family used to go with my best friend Ito's family to Tokyo, it was fun,we enjoyed going on trains and visiting Universal attractions, then my dad joined the Yakuza, everyday when he comes back, he comes back with more tattoos or more expletives to shout at us kids, Mom would try to stop him, but he would hit her, I stood up to him once: FLASHBACK: WARNING KID GETS STABBED, IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED, SKIP, IT'S NOTHING IMPORTANT, JUST KENJI RECALLING HIS CHILDHOOD

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