19|mini Saalar

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The week was passing slowly as it was only Wednesday today. The house was now pretty much in routine the twins were now settled and they have been feeling pretty much homely now.

Mariam still does have her moments of hesitation but but somehow every time she thinks about something like this she gets caught by Saalar and his eyes were just enough to make her shut her thoughts almost immediately.

Saalar have pulled strings in medical college and they were just bound to agree on taking Mariam's admission mid semester now Mariam was in Saadan's college but in different buildings as she still have to complete her Fcs before joining medical college.

Coming Monday would be the day when twins and Mariam will officially start their academic year in Karachi. All three of them were nervous because the visit to their respective campuses scared them.

The campuses they have visited here were nothing like the ones they use to study in. Here school buildings are entirely different with a very modern day infrastructure and activities they couldn't ever think off.

The shocker part for twins was when Saahir told them they will have too attend assembly every morning In auditorium and not in normal school ground. They haven't been to auditorium yet and it came to them as a shocker because according to Saahir the assembly in their new school is very different from their previous school where they were asked to stand in lines and recite national anthem.

Here there day will start with a good morning speech from either of the student with a little tablo every morning and a little lecture from Muraad every day which according to Saahir is worst thing that can ever happen to mankind concluding it with a national anthem the shocking part was they have to attend this 30 mins long assembly every single morning.

Saalar asked Saahir to guide the twins about how their school works but what Saahir did was something which twins weren't expecting he scared them enough for life and now they were petrified of going to their new school.

According to Saahir's description Muraad was a very bad guy he was the cruelest person who have ever on Earth. The only exaggeration Saahir haven't done that Muraad is a monster who eats children other than that he have made Muraad a complete monster.

The part that scared the kids most was when Saahir exaggerated how Muraad describes every single detail of their day to Saalar which ofcourse was a lie but it scared the twins so much.

Both Saamar and Saamahir were now nowhere excited to go to their school and all they were feeling was nervousness and they were very scared to start the hellhole as described by their youngest older brother.

And all the exaggeration about school wasn't enough that is why Saahir also filled them in with how strict Saalar gets when its comes to studies. He also described his experience of getting taught by Saalar himself he told them about his infamous wooden ruler and a lot of exaggerations here and there.

Surprisingly twins weren't as scared about this issue as they should have been surely there was fear but in these past week Saalar have been incredibly sweet to them he have been taking care of them feeding them yes his tone was still scary and frightening but his actions were completely contradictory to what Saahir have said.

Now coming to Saahir that why have he done this was because he was just nervous and bored all through the week he have been on his edge he had a gut feeling that something really bad was about to happen but he wasn't able to understand.

The party preparation were going on in full swing and his gang were bunking everyday to execute their plan them not getting caught was little suspicious for him but he shrugged the thought somewhere back in mind.

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