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vanessa arrives back at her apartment kicking off her shoes, and slouching down onto the couch. she had just gotten back from having coffee with chandler and his friends, and was now awaiting a call from monica. she was going to hang out with them again, and couldn't have been more excited. she kicked her feet up, and grabbed one of her favorite books. she didn't know exactly how long she had till she was going to monica's, but that's why she told her that chandler would give her vanessa's number. she hopes he doesn't forget to do so.

vanessa read for about an hour and a half, before she heard her phone ringing. she stood up from the coach rather quickly. before she ran over to the phone to answer it.

"hello?" a familiar voice on the other line said.

"hi!" vanessa replied cheerfully.

"vanessa! everyone is going to be over here at 6ish," monica replied "i live apartment 20, right by the coffee house."

"okay," vanessa said "do you want me to bring anything? i feel weird showing up empty handed."

"no, not unless you want to." monica said in return.

"sounds good." vanessa responded.

"okay, well see you at six." monica exclaimed.

"see ya!" vanessa said back seconds before the phone hung up.

she did feel bad if she showed up empty handed, and one thing vanessa knew how to do well was bake. she had three and a half hours until she had to be there, so she decided she'd make some brownies. she got out all the ingredients, a bowl, measuring cups, a pan, and a big whisk. she mixed all the ingredients together, then poured them into the pan sprinkling some extra chocolate chips on top. she put the brownies into the oven, and set the timer. they needed twenty or so minutes to cook, so vanessa decided to read a little bit more of her book while she waited.

the timer for the brownies went off, taking vanessa out of her reading trance. she stood up out of her seat on the couch, and moved her way into the kitchen. she grabbed some over mits out of a drawer, and a toothpick. she opened the oven slightly pulling the pan closer to her, before she stuck the toothpick in to see if they were cooked. she pulled out the toothpick, and they were perfect. she fully grabbed the brownies out of the oven, and set them onto the counter to cool. she cleaned up whatever mess was left, and put everything away just leaving the brownies on the counter. she still had alot of time to spare, so she decided to go and get ready. she wanted to look beautiful for chandler, she still really thought he was quite neat. she made her way to her bedroom, taking off her makeup from the beginning of the day so she could do some skin care. she used all the products she normally used, and now her skin was glowing.

it was now around five, so she needed to leave in around forty five minutes or so. she didn't wanna be late. she decided the next thing in her agenda was picking out an outfit. she opened her closet door, and looked through the countless shirts she had. she decided on a light blue sweater she got from bloomingdale's a couple weeks prior, and a pair of black flared leggings. it was just dinner with a group of friends, so she didn't want to get too dressed up. it wasn't like it was a date with chandler.

vanessa did her makeup, like she always does. then made her way into the bathroom to do her hair. she decided to do a natural style, but made sure it still looked pretty. out of everything on her, her hair was one of her best qualities.

she made her way out the bathroom, into the kitchen where the brownies were now cool. it was around 5:40, so she had to get these out the pan and cut. she cut them into perfect squares, and grabbed something to put them in from one of her kitchen cupboards. she stacked them in perfectly, and put them down while she went to grab her bags and keys. she grabbed everything and headed out the door.

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