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a few months go by, and vanessa has barely seen or heard of from chandler since that night. it was now almost new years. and he's tried his best to ignore her, and she didn't fight him on it. she'd walk into the coffee house and see him, but no words exchange between the two. she'd see him casually out in public, or would walk into monica's apartment and he'd be there. over the last couple of months, vanessa had become very close with the whole group. she'd have girls nights with monica, rachel, and phoebe. ross showed her around the museum he worked at, since vanessa wanted to learn more about dinosaurs. joey shower her his favorite sub shop. but chandler just stayed out of her way, which kind of hurt her. so instead of waiting around for chandler, she buried any little bit of feelings she had and persuade a relationship with flynn. he was sweet, caring, and best of all a great cook. but one night when vanessa was hanging out with him, some conversation started to brew up past relationships and crushes. flynn told vanessa about his ex and the crush he had right before her, and vanessa talked about her ex and chandler.

"haven't i met that guy?" flynn asks a little bit confused.

"yes.. he's uh- in my friend group. but he's been avoiding me for months." vanessa answer truthfully.

"why's that?" flynn has a puzzled look on his face.

"i have no idea." she knew the reason, and he was sitting right in front of her.

"well, you don't like him anymore right?" flynn asks seriously, staring deeply into vanessa's eyes.

"no of course not." she responds but with a higher than usually pitched voice.


vanessa had buried her feelings for chandler, but they were still there. she sometimes still wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. or if he was close enough to her face if his breath smelt like coffee. but she was happy with flynn, he was a great guy. he's hung out with her friendgroup countless times, and they all enjoy being around him as much as her. after the night they talked about their past relationships though, he put two and two together and realized that chandler and vanessa were always a little bit closer then normal.


vanessa heads over to the phone and answers it, "hello?"

"hey vanessa, it's me monica." monica greeted over the phone, "new years eve is tomorrow, and i'm having people over. the six of us have decided to make a no date pact, but since you're with flynn you can break it."

"okay," vanessa laughed a little, "will it just be us? or will there be anyone else?"

"just some other people from some of our works, and some people in the building." monica answered.

"okay, i'll be there!"


vanessa hung up the phone and called flynn to let him know. he agreed to go, and was excited to have some plans for the new year.

it's time for the party, and flynn and vanessa stand at monica's door. they make their way inside, and see that no one had followed the no date pact. except for ross, but he did have a monkey he was accompanied with. but other than that. monica had a date, who looked a little depressed. phoebe was with some nerdy guy. rachel was nowhere to be seen, maybe getting lucky in her room with paolo. joey was with someone's mom? and chandler was with, janice.

vanessa walked over to monica and her miserable date, and said hello. monica explained why her night was going bad, the main reason being the fact her dates grandfather passed. as she was talking to monica, a busted looking rachel blew through the door. vanessa didn't want to deal with whatever situation was going on with her, so she walked about to go talk to ross instead.

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