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"why'd you want to walk me home?" vanessa asked, "i really don't live that far."

"i just wanted to." chandler replied shyly.

vanessa just looked at him not knowing what to say next. chandler was walking right beside her, them both going around the same pace. chandler was alot taller than vanessa though, so he took bigger steps. making vanessa get a little bit behind, but he'd stop and wait for her to catch up. they didn't hold hands or anything, they weren't a couple, so they just walked. side by side.

"so..." chandler tried to thing of something to say to break the awkward silence, "did you enjoy monica's pasta?"

"oh yeah, it was terrific!" vanessa said, still thinking about how good monica's cooking was.

"yeah it was!" chandler said back, "did you have fun?"

"yeah." vanessa replied something obviously bothering her.

"are you alright?" chandler asked concerned.

"yeah, yeah it's just." vanessa stopped what she was saying.

"it's just what?" chandler asked intrigued.

"i hated having to bring up my ex," vanessa told him, "especially after what he put me through."

chandler stopped walking and grabbed vanessa's hand to stop her aswell, "w-what did he do?"

"it's a long story," vanessa said, her eyes started to water, "you wouldn't want to hear it."

"no, no please tell me." chandler said in return.

"how about when we get to my place we can sit down and talk about it?" vanessa told chandler, knowing her apartment was less then a minute away.

"ok sounds good." chandler let go of vanessa's hand, and they continued to walk.

they walked in silence for another block and a half, before they reached vanessa's apartment building. chandler held the door open for her, and followed her up to the stairs. they made their way up a couple flights, until they were at her floor. chandler continued to follow her, until they made it to her door.

"here's my place!" vanessa exclaimed, opening the door showing her nicely decorated apartment.

"it's really nice." chandler replied, following her inside.

"you can take a seat on the couch," vanessa said hanging up her coat, "i'm gonna get a bottle of wine, we're gonna need it!"

chandler headed over to the couch and took a seat. he waited a couple of minutes, until vanessa came over with wine and two glasses.

"here you go!" vanessa said pouring wine into a glass and handing it to chandler, then doing the same for her.

"so..." chandler said taking a sip.

"oh yeah," vanessa almost forgot why chandler had come in, "owen."

chandler stared at vanessa, he was mesmerized by her.

"so basically we started dating first year of college," vanessa started off her story, "we went to the same one, but just majored in different things. we were in a class together though, which was a public speaking class. the first day of class we needed to partner up with someone, and i saw him staring at me from across the room. so i went up and introduced myself!"

"nice nice!" chandler said.

"mhm. well i introduced myself, and he introduced himself. his name was owen, he was charming and funny and kind. he checked all the boxes. we would partner up every class for that whole semester, of course only when the professor let us choose who we wanted to partner with. sometimes he chose for us."

"hate when that happens!"

"exactly! well the semester ends and he asks me if i want to go out to dinner with him. i of course say yes, since i had a major crush on him, and we went out. we went on seven dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend. we dated until senior year of college, and then..." vanessa's face started to go sour.

"until?" chandler looked at her wanting her to continue the story.

"until i found out he was cheating on me for six months behind my back!" vanessa said starting to cry, "and that's not even the worst part. he cheated on m- me with my bestfriend."

chandlers heart sank. he thought to himself; someone so beautiful as her doesn't deserve that, what an idiot owen must be. losing her.

chandler didn't know what to do, a girl was sobbing right in front of him.

"i'm so sorry." he said, leaning in hugging her tightly.

she hugged back.

"it's not like it's your fault." she said still hugging him, her tears seeping into his shirt.

once he felt her let go, so did he. they had sat there and hugged for minutes, until she pulled away. she grabbed a tissue, and started to wipe away her tears. mascara was streaming down her face.

"it'll be okay." chandler told her, putting his hand on hers.

"i know," vanessa said, "i just don't like to talk about it."

"then why'd you tell me?" chandler asked a little confused.

"uhh- i-i told you because i trust you." she told him.

those words pierced through him. he felt so loved in that moment.

"you- you trust me?" he asked.


they sat and talked a little bit more, before it started to get late.

"it's getting late," vanessa said, "i don't want to keep you for too long, your friends might think i've kidnapped you." she laughed a little bit.

god even her laugh made chandler melt.

"i wouldn't mind if you did." chandler said, looking her in the eyes.

"chandler im being serious." she said.

"ok, ok." chandler got up and started to head for the door.

vanessa followed him, so she could say her full goodbye at the door.

"thank you for listening," vanessa told him, "i really needed that."

"oh- no problem." chandler started to rub the back of his neck nervously.

"you've got to come over more." vanessa said.

they looked at eachother for a couple seconds until chandler spoke, "yeah, yeah that would be nice."

"sounds good." vanessa replied.

"well. see you sometime soon?" chandler asked.

"see you sometime soon." vanessa looked at chandler before leaning in for another hug.

they hugged for thirty or so seconds, before letting go. chandler could smell vanessa's perfume, it smelt like flower beds. some time passed before they let go from the hug.

"well bye bye now!" chandler said.

"bye chandler." vanessa replied.

chandler walked away, and vanessa watched as he did so. she watched him until he got to the stairs, and completely went through and closed the door behind him. vanessa closed her apartment door and leaned up against it. dropping to the floor, sitting down with her back against the door and her knees up. the night couldn't have gone better.

1203 WORDS

sorry for the wait for this chapter, and thank you so much for over 100 reads!! i know that's not that much but it's my 1st ever story and that's a big
accomplishment for me!!!

also if you have anything you think i need to improve on please let me know!! i won't be rude at all, and i genuinely would like to know what should be improved on in my story!!!

have a good day/night!!!
- Lexi :)

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