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"Eyah, it's the Little Prince!" shouted one very inebriated patron, and Fang cringed in sympathy with Valen. Damn it. The Drass stood from his stool, heavy bangles of silver clanking around his wrists and his hair in a thick braid just past his shoulders. "S'you, innit? Prince Shorthorns?" Heads turned towards Valen and his brave facade melted as quickly as ice in boiling water, the same worried tilt to his ears as whenever Tias entered range. Fang's hand slid towards her hat and gloves, preparing for a swift escape if need be. The big fellow flashed silver-plated tusks in a grin and raised his massive cup high. "C'mon, why're you sitting over there? C'mere and join us, Majestry!"

"Um..." Valen made some awkward noises. "I'm not sure–"

"'Course you are, Highness!" the patron beckoned, dribbling beer. "Three years ago you bought that big gold ring you're wearin' right now from me, 'member? Word got 'round, now I got more work than I can manage, I'm backed up for months! See these?" he pulled his lip down and showed silver-plated tusks. "Whole family's status is higher now, thanks t'you!"

Valen looked stunned. "Ah, well, I guess–"

"It's true," Nara popped her head out from a doorway, "those other Drassians hardly ever come down to our level, but you do it and leave a trail of golden footprints wherever you go. There's a lot of folk in Kitsara can eat and sleep warm thanks to you."

Fang pulled her attention away from the crowd of grateful Drass to look back at Valen. The Dragon Prince sat silent, eyes cast down at the table where he nervously rubbed his claws together. He looked terribly uncomfortable, ears pinned back and his shoulders beginning to hunch, and her heart squeezed at the sweet, shy prince who also apparently had a generous streak several kilometers wide. He has no idea! Of course he throws kai everywhere, he doesn't have to worry where it comes from. But these people remember, they know he's the one who brings all that money down the mountain to them. "Valen," she said quietly, "they're inviting us over." Valen's ears twitched and he peered up at her through the shaggy fringe of his chopped hair, looking unsure. Fang reached over the table and touched his fidgeting hands, forgetting for the moment the heaviness in her chest. "We should go," she made sure to emphasize we and added, "What do you think Tias would do if he saw?"

Valen's hand stilled and he raised his head. He took Fang's hand and stood, pulling her up with him, and the bar cheered. Approaching the counter Fang watched him smile and bow his head graciously as one Drass after another either thanked him for his business or did so on behalf of a relative, friend or employer, each acknowledging that it was indeed Valen who'd spent kai in their shop and started a flow of new customers. Some asked about a rumor they'd heard about a shared colony with the humans, and their yellow or copper eyes flitted curiously over Fang. "And she...?"

Valen answered the implied question with a triumphant air, and he put a hand out to Fang. "My Lady Courtesan, Lienfang." The crowd whispered and scuffled around, vying for a closer look. Fang remembered – quite suddenly – Lady Yena's words, and reached for the braid stuffed down the back of her coat. Pulling it forward she watched Valen's face as the other Drass gasped in open admiration, many of them stepping back out of respect for a woman of such high status; Valen's orange eyes lit as she unraveled the rope with her fingers and fanned out the long, silky black strands. In the space of a moment Fang found herself in the center of many bowed Drass heads, their horns forming an onyx circle of favor. Then the questions began.

"Your Grace, where did you meet this woman? How did you meet?"

"See? I told you I saw the Little Prince with a human woman a few weeks back!"

"Your Highness, how did you manage her?"

"Never mind how, I've got a cousin who owes me a hundred kai!" That last one got a laugh. Valen, however, looked embarrassed with his tail curling up next to his legs. Fang, sensing another opportunity, reached deep for the charm and quick-thinking she'd had to learn to survive the frosty streets of Kitsara as well as the warm, gilded halls of the Drassian palace-compound. Using her size to her advantage (though certainly not for the first time) she slipped through the circle to Valen's side, wrapping her arms around one of his and leaning almost shyly against his shoulder. She gave Valen a look: Watch this.

The Dragon Prince's ConsortWhere stories live. Discover now