chapter 1

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Light Avery woke up in shock after having a nightmare. It is about a ghost that keep chasing her. She gazed out the window of the bus, her eyes tracing the fleeting road as it blurred past. The sun casting long, lazy shadows over the countryside. She was one among many, a sea of uniforms and youthful energy, all bound for the Hope Youth Center for their class retreat.

Inside the bus, a noiseful voices competed against the hum of the engine. At the back of the vehicle, the group of students gather into a crowd, their heads bowed in concentration over the mafia game. Whispers and accusations flew, the inconvenience of a bursts of laughter.

Light smiled faintly at their antics, being apart from the excitement.

The outas of the bus have the scenery of solitude. Some students, lulled by the rhythmic motion of the bus, had captivated by the drowsiness, leaning their head on the window or resting on the shoulders of their classfellow. Others were having their own worlds. Aurelia Kennedy was busy coding in her laptop. Veronica Madéine secretly taking photos of their class president, Zhairo Collins, who was napping quietly in his seat, meanwhile Light Avery sitting beside Aurelia, occasionally stole glances at Zhairo Collins.

Aurelia noticed Light stealing glances at Zhairo and laughed at her.

“You should seat beside him instead of staring at him.” Aurelia stated.

Light smiled at Aurelia, giving her a hint that yes i was.

“I'm not staring at him.”

Light stood up a bit to find her friend, Sky. And ended up finding out what Sky does, She laughed a bit when she saw Sky staring endlessly at her seatmate who was taking a nap.


Sky panicked as someone called her name, she was surprised due to the person who called her name also felt trembled that someone might found her staring at Zero's sleeping handsome face.

“Sky? What happened to your face?” Estelle laughing at Sky's dumbfounded reaction.

“Huh? Uhm.. Nothing, I'm just sleepy.” Sky's voice was trembling while her mind is floating at the air because of Zero.

Light noticed Sky's fleeting glances towards the school bully, Zero Krieg. There was something in Sky's eyes, was it admiration or something deeper? Light felt twinge of curiosity but ignore it.

“Who do you think is the Mafia?” Estelle was so excited for Sky to answer her question.

On the other hand, Confusion was painted on her face as Zero is listening to their conversation and got awakened due to the someone who called Sky.

Sky is not sure of answering her questions due having a second thought.

“But I'm not part of your game.” Sky remarked.

“It's okay, I just need your opinion.” Estelle still trying to convince Sky.

Everyone. Enzo, Grey, Silas, Beatrice, Minna and other students who joined their game is waiting for Sky's answer.

“I.. think the mafia is Grey.” Sky finally stated her answer and Estelle immediately clapped her hands.

“See? Even Sky thought Grey is the mafia!”, Estelle yelled. “You should vote him out not me! I'm not a mafia!” Estelle is disappointed because of her friends didn't believe her that she was a citizen.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” Enzo stopped them from talking further before he glanced at Sky and asked, “Why did you suggested Grey as the Mafia?” Enzo asking with a creepy smile on his lips.

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