chapter 3

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Zero with Sky, Axel and Jett chattering about the game at Cafeteria, Light and Aurelia resting in their room and the other students gathered in separated groups while minding their own when a purge siren pervaded the whole building, it startled everyone as their heartbeat started to pound faster indicating them that something might happen to the hiking team. Everyone's phones vibrated as they went to check their phone only to find out the announcement of the female robotic voice.

[Isaac Hades was a Citizen.]

Sky locked her gaze to Zero, she let out a heavy sigh before stating something to the three, "This is bad." She stated as she doesn't wanted to predict what happened to Zhairo's hiking team.


The hiking team leave the mountain and decided to come back to the building with their heavy footsteps, carrying the frustration, walking hopelessly as their anticipation and determination had finally vanished from minds.

The students gathered in the lobby with a suffocating silence, waiting each seconds for the group of students who volunteered to arrive. After hearing the announcement uncountable questions are still leave unanswered.

Sky wrapped her hand onto Zero's arm found themselves infront of the statue, There was a sense of familiarity to the statue, Sky found herself clutching her head using her other hand, she couldn't puzzle the pieces of her memory.

"Goddammit! I think I saw this statue somewhere." She murmured as Zero heard her. He placed his hand to her wrist and remove it from her head, "You should stop thinking about nonsense." Zero gave her an assuring smile which he never does to anyone else.

Before Sky could say anything, Her attention shifted to the entrance as Minna called their attention.

"Hey, They're back!" Minna stole everyone's attention at the lobby. They welcomed the group with their millions of questions.

"What happened to Isaac?" Enzo immediately questioned them but they were silent. No one dared to speak first, making the tension heavier.

Everyone was curious about what happened but the group remained silent, they see the sorrow and sadness expression of each. Sky went to the front and scanned them, Veronica caught her attention as she looked uneasy and guilty as if she had committed a crime.

"Hey. Say something, What happened to Isaac?" Minna demanded them to speak up. "What's going on?" She can't let the silence conquer them.

"He thought.." Veronica started as her voice is trembling, "the line stopped there. So he was checking, then slipped." She told them while she was about sob.

Sky found Veronica suspicious, her movements, expression and explanation were suspicious, that she might faking it, She thought that Veronica's expression was same as she shown when she was apologizing to Light.

'Are you faking it again, Veronica?'

Zero removed Sky's hand as he can step forward to face Zhairo. "Then how far into the village were you able to go?"

Zhairo didn't answered as his eyes were glued on the floor, which made Zero furious. "Fucking shit! You said you would meet people and call the police, did you do it?"

Sky step forward beside Zero and held is forearm, just in case. After the silence, Zhairo finally spoke up, "We couldn't go."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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