chapter 2

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Light opened her eyes, a ray of sunlight came through the shattered window. A bell sounded, almost akin to a school one. She sat slowly while looking around. Some are just waking up, too. Day had come.

“Zero, Zero? Wake up!” Sky placed one hand to Zero's shoulder and shook him.

He slowly blinked, his felt dizzy as he was drunken last night. Zero shook his head before he gaze at her eyes, “Are you okay?” Zero asked as he was completely worried, Sky gave him a smile and nod to him.

Aurelia had just awakened, “What happened?” She asked to Light.

Light shook her head and recalling what happened last night, “I don't know.”

“Oh, no. Poor Grey..”  Estrella said shakily.

Light immediately got up looked down infront of the shattered window where Grey threw himself, His body was down there. Her tears started streaming down to her cheeks but she managed to stop her tears. She looked away in disbelief and realization that the transpired last night wasn't a nightmare.

Their stare got cut off by the ringtone coming from their phones, Each of them immediately reached their device as the purge siren came on from the speaker, following by the female robotic voice.

[Before the last vote closed, Police used their skill.]

Another purge siren sound enacted and followed by the same voice announced another one, [Gerald Lane was executed by mafia. Gerald was mafia.]

The third purge siren resounded,

[All participants, identify the mafia and begin to vote.]

All students seems to be genuine shock, fear, disbelief and uneasiness. Sky's gaze travelled across the room, it landed on Zero, who was sitting up with a dazed expression. Their eyes met and for a certain moment, there was a silence of shock and sadness that wrapping them. Zero's usual tough behavior was nowhere to be seen instead disbelief and uneasiness was painted on his face, it was the emotions she often seen.

“Where's Gerald?” Light asked but no one dare to answer her questions. Sky eyes travelled to the shocked students where her eyes couldn't find Gerald, He wasn't there with them.

Everyone stood in silence as Ledger tried to walk away through somewhere else.

“The broadcast.” Jasper started as he stole everyone's attention. “Who's in charge of the broadcast? Why is it even on?!” He yelled out as he pointed the speaker.

“The studio's on the second floor.” Tyler said. “Let's check it out, come!” Few of the students ran after him towards the studio when someone else screamed from nowhere.

“What the heck?!”

Light lead the way towards the men's restroom only to found the scared and trambling knees of Ledger, gasping in terror. He was staring at the first cubicle.

Everyone's eyes got widened as they spotted the small pool of blood located under the door, The door was closed but not locked covering the view from the students, hiding what's inside. The scent of the blood filled the entire men's restroom.

They all stood up infront of the cubicles. Veronica walked in covering her mouth, Zero side-eyed Zhairo who's beside him, he pushed him to the front of the door.

“Class President, You open the door.” He ordered to the clas president as Zhairo was forced to step in the front near to the door.

As Zero stated, Zhairo gently opened the stall. Sky grabbed Zero's upper arm and she subconsciously hid behind his shoulder, Zero didn't bother to stop her from hiding behind his tall and perfect physique made her even feel safer.

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