Chapter 3

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"Easy now, coming in for landing" called the Doctor. There was a few seconds of silence then an almighty bang crash and the doctor was thrown off his feet
"Oh I remember this we'll sort of remember it here comes number 4" he mumbled "Rose Mickey you had better get up here"
"Doctor what happened?" Called Rose as she came up the aisle soaking wet and dripping. Mickey came up soon after her an apple in one hand a glass of milk in the other
"Mickey where have you been?" Asked the doctor
"I went exploring and came across a kitchen stacked with food
"Oh even I don't know all the rooms of my Tardis!" the doctor exclaimed happily as a stranger faded into the control room
"Sarah Jane what have you touched now"
"Doctor I didn't touch anything only the things you told me to touch"
"Doctor what the Blazers happened to the Tardis?" Called harry as he flashed into being behind Sarah-Jane and the doctor
"Oh Rose Mickey meet the fourth doctor"
"Who are you then" questioned the fourth doctor as he came up to the tenth doctor a weird noise started like all the air was being sucked out of the place when that finished K-9 was standing there
"Master?" He questioned
"He recognises me!" Exclaimed the tenth doctor looking estatic "for the second time in a couple of days" he mumbled quietly to Rose and Mickey they both quietly laughed
"You there what do you think you are doing with my dog unless..."
"Yes.." Said the tenth doctor
"Your one of my fans" the fourth doctor exclaimed the tenth doctor clearly expecting something else cried out
"Yes... Wait a minute no!!"
"Yes yes of course you are you've got your self a model Tardis and you and your two friends are pretending to be me" at this point the tenth doctor was getting a little disappointed at the reaction he was getting
"Do you think it would be possible for your Tardis to collide and merge with a model?"he asked clearly devastated
"Wait a minute merge that would explain a lot so which one are you trying to be?"
I mean clearly your way to young to be one so which one are you trying to be?"
"Think about it"said the doctor the fourth doctors face suddenly lit up with a crazy smile
"Oh so you are me" the doctor answered
"Tardis, time lord, yeah!"
"Well then nice to meet you me" said the fourth doctor Sarah-Jane spoke up
"But doctor how can he be you?"
The doctor turned to her, "Well you see Sarah-Jane, Time Lords have this trick, a way of cheating death"
"When we are about to die we regenerate, every cell in our bodies is rewritten sand we change face and personality but not minds, we retain our memories and our knowledge" the tenth Doctor finished. Sarah Jane looked shocked
"Oh ok then" she said quietly "hello doctor" she said to the tenth doctor and they shook hands. Harry came up to the tenth Doctor
"Hello Harry" said the tenth grinning maniacally "we had some good times"
K-9spoke up "Masters we had better get going my sensors detect Tardis explosion in 5 minutes"

Doctor meet the Doctors (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now