Chapter 4

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Katie's surroundings gradually materialized as she regained consciousness. The room was dimly lit, and her vision struggled to focus. Startled, she felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to let out a small yell. A voice reassured her, "Oh my dear, I didn't mean to scare you."

Confused and uneasy, Katie questioned her mysterious surroundings, "Who are you, and where am I? How did I get here?" The voice belonged to a figure behind her. As her eyes cleared up, a woman wearing a cloak and holding an owl mask walked in front of her. "My name is not important; I am nothing but a pawn for The Temptress. You can call me Payton, though."

Payton, with a sinister grin, tightened her grip on Katie's shoulder, causing pain. Leaning in, saying "You'll understand in due time", "The Temptress. I don't know who or what that is, but I really don't care. I just want to go home!" Katie exclaimed, feeling a growing sense of urgency and fear in this mysterious and unsettling situation. Payton unties and quickly pulls out a huge dagger and holds it to Katies back. Realizing she is being released she almost jumps out of the chair until she notices she is being held at knife point. "Alright alright I'm not going to do anything stupid" she says "I know you won't now move your ass out of the room now" Payton said with a harsh tone, As Payton is leading her out of the room the man in the dragon mask walks out in front of Katie and nods at Payton then hastily starts leading them both past the carnival area deeper than Katie has ever ventured. 

The path was uneven, covered in fallen leaves and obscured by shadows. Payton led the way with a confidence that hinted at familiarity with this hidden route. The rustling of leaves underfoot echoed eerily in the stillness of the night. Katie couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't going to make it out of the woods tonight nor see Richie ever again. Katie's instincts screamed at her to turn back. However, Payton's grip on her arm was firm, and the dense woods seemed to close in around them.

A clearing emerged in the heart of the forest, revealing a sight that sent a chill through Katie's veins. A massive bonfire roared in the center, casting dancing shadows that played tricks on the mind. The flames licked the night sky with an almost hypnotic rhythm. Katie's heart pounded in her chest as she noticed a tall pole standing ominously in front of the bonfire. Dread settled in as she realized the true nature of her surroundings. Payton, maintaining her sinister grin, guided Katie towards the ominous with a sudden and forceful motion, Payton secured Katie to the pole. Bound and helpless, Katie's eyes widened as she took in the unsettling tableau before her. The bonfire's flickering light painted eerie patterns on the surrounding trees," What the hell are you going to do to me? Stop NO!" Katie screams and squirms around but it's no use the woods seemed to echo with an unsettling silence as Payton stood back, surveying her captive with a predatory gaze. As Katie hung bound to the pole, the ominous atmosphere of the ritual ground intensified. The cloaked figures surrounding her moved in a slow and deliberate circle, their movements synchronized like a dark dance. 

Their cloaks billowed in the night breeze, The flickering light from the massive bonfire cast wavering shadows over the hooded figures, Amidst the encircling figures, Payton stepped forward, her cloak trailing behind her like a phantom's silhouette. In her hands, she held an ancient-looking book, its pages yellowed and weathered with age. With deliberate steps, Payton approached Katie and placed the mysterious tome on a stone post in front of her. The stone post, rough and weathered, stood as an altar of sorts in the center of the ritual ground. The symbols and runes inscribed within seemed to glow faintly in the dim light, adding to the surreal ambiance of the scene. 

As Payton flipped through the pages, her movements were deliberate and purposeful. The cloaked figures continued their circular motion, creating a mesmerizing rhythm. A low chant emanated from the hooded figures, their voices blending into a haunting melody that sent shivers down Katie's spine. Payton, her gaze fixed on the arcane symbols in the book, Payton unfolds a blanket next to the book and reveals a ritualistic Dagger and walks over to Katie with the book in hand begins reciting words that seemed to carry both power and weight. The words were in a language unknown to Katie, adding an additional layer of unknown for Katie. "Lilith, I invoke you; I adore you; I desire you!" Payton cries out full of passion as the mass group of people circling around the bonfire chant lowly "All Hail Lilith" Payton slashes Katies left leg Katie screams and cries out in pain tears now running down her face and immediately Payton continues "Lilith Goddess of darkness, illuminate my temple in black light" she slashes Katies right leg Katie still letting out gut wrenching screams "Lilith Kindle in me the excitement of the flesh!!!!!" Payton screams louder slashing katies left side. 

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