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          Have you ever noticed, when its dark, things are scarier. Like when you lay in your bed in the middle of the night and you look around, and your familiar room isn't so familiar anymore and every corner something is hiding. It's like the darkness adds onto it's self and everything seems worse, and all you want is to see the bright sun melt through the window so things won't seem so bad anymore. All you want is to find the light because the light is the only thing that will keep you safe...


          The cool droplets of rain trickle down my cheeks, tickling my skin as it fell. They cascade in a race as they traveled over my arms, skimming past my fresh bruise and over my healing cut. I looked around. The beautiful greenery colored a dark tone from the wet rain. Echoes of the droplets surrounded me. The dark sky was filled with dark clouds. I kick some rocks. I was doing it again. Wandering.

Wandering was my only escape from this reality. When I needed to breathe or just needed to get out of that house, I would go outside and wander around, no matter what the conditions.

I would do anything to get out of that house. To feel the slightest bit of freedom. This was my only way of doing so. This was the only way to escape the yelling, the violence, the hurt. It was so peaceful out here. He couldn't hurt me out here. One day I would get away from it all, and that day would be soon.

"Grace!!! Get your ass in here now."

I was pulled from my thoughts. Peaceful moments never lasted. They would always find me and I would have to go back in that house again.

Luke's P.O.V.

I pushed though the screaming mob of girls, gripping Lauren's hand in my own, careful not to lose her in the scene. I tried to cover my ears, attempting to mask the piercing screams. Bright flashes emitted from large cameras as the paparazzi got pictures for their next big story. They pushed and stoved. I had multiple scratches going up my arms. The body guards tried their best to keep the girls away from us as we pushed to the exits. It was hot, and sweaty. I couldn't breathe, my throat started closing up.

Not now. I couldn't have one right now.

I struggled to breathe as I pulled Lauren and I through the mob and into the fresh, uncrowded air. Once we were safe I dropped her hand and fell against a wall. Finally accepting the panick attack, I choked and heaved. Sliding down the wall, my head in my hands. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes. I felt some one take my leather jacked off.

"Guys give him some space." I heard a voice.

I continued to heave. These happened all to often. I would always get worked up around the mobs. We always told the fans to step back. First of all-no one likes to be mobbed. Second- I get panick attacks-none of the fans know about it though. Management wouldn't allow us to tell them either. Apparently it would stunt 'negative publicity'. Finally, I was able to square some oxygen into my struggling lungs. My heaves began inhales, and I was finally able to regulate my breathes.

"You ok mate?" I looked up.

Calum held my jacket in his hands as he bent down to my level. He held a water bottle in his hands, passing it to me. I gladly took the canister, twisting the cap off of.

"I'm good man, thanks."

"Ok, are you good enough to get to the car?"

I nodded my head, slowly standing up, still dizzy from my attack. He handed me my jacket then turned toward the door, holding it open as I marched out with him. Everyone else was packed into to their escalade when I made it. I climbed into my designated vehicle to meet Lauren, giggling on the phone.

"Ok babe, I'll see you tom-" her eyes widend as I crawled inside. Shoving her phone in her purse, she sent a small smile my way,"Luke- hey, are you ok."

"Yeah Im good. Just got a little worked up from the mob." I forced her a small smile. "Who were you talking to?"

Laurens face went pale. "Uh- my friend. I meeting up with her tomorrow." She smiled again.

I nodded my head. We're in the middle of the U.S. How she has friends here--I don't know. "Do you need someone to go with you, just incase something happens or-"

"No!" she said cutting me off.
"Ok, ok calm down!" Holding my hands up in defense.
"I'm just tired of you thinking I have to have a bodyguard at my heels at every move. Your so called 'fans'," she finger quoted," need to learn how to control theirselves it's ridiculous!"
"First of all- don't insult my fans! Second of all- I know they need to learn, I just had a fucking panick attack, and third of all--I'm just trying to protect you! I don't want you to get hurt!"
"I'm not! It's my business! If I need you to intervene I'll tell you!"
"You know what! I'm done trying to keep you safe. I was just trying to make you happy!!"
"Well it's not working is it!!"

I scoffed, she doesn't understand I just want to keep her safe. If she gets caught in the middle of a mob and I'm not there, I can't protect her. I'm still going to send someone tomorrow to watch her. She just can't see them.

Fights like these happen often with Lauren. They've been happening more lately. I, not sure why. Maybe touring is finally getting to her. Lauren and. I have been together for a while but the only reason we have been is because of mamagement. Even since we've started touring around the states she's been acting a little off. All she does is get snappy and I always find her talking to the so called 'friend' of hers. I would talk to her about it but management wouldn't allow us to break up if a fight started.

She's also been fighting a lot with me lately. Ive been so lost. Being in the music business as starting to weight down on me. Im never happy anymore. I've prayed and prayed for God to help out. I feel like he's doing something I just don't know what.

The boys don't see it, management and Lauren don't care, Im almost to the breaking point. I need someone that will change that around, and the only way to do that is it go find them. Everything was so dark, I needed to find the light....

Ok I know this sucky but I promise it get better😂 This is basically the introduction ( Duh) But, I wanted to give you guys the basic events that developed the story and the plot and baloni (I don't know how to spell it) so Yaah!! There will be a lot of Luke's P.O.V. at first then it will mainly be Graces after that. YA dig?

So basically this story is about the two of them (Luke and Grace) and they like meet and shit but I wanted to make the descriptions to look cool so judge me. But anyways, it there is any mistakes please forgive me I know I am a horrible human being and I will try to correct my crime!

So I'm not responsible, and inspiration hits me at random times (I can't just write a Shakespeare novel like most people on Wattpad) It's hard to write a story with no inspiration, so I'm sorry but I will update when I can. PLEASE DONT BEG FOR UPDATES!! It won't help.

I won't tell you anymore about this story your gonna have to read for YA self!! Tell me how YA like it. Comment, Vote, all that mustard. But sorry for my long ass authors note ENJOY!!

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