Chapter 39

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They all walked out of courtroom when
Judge: Taehyung
Tae:Yes sir
Judge:Call me uncle & let's meet some day I'll tell you interesting stories about your childhood what say?
Tae: Sure uncle
Judge left & at same Roy came to them.
Roy:Tae your parents are buried at XXXX graveyard at XXXX street.
Tae: Thanks bro
Roy: Your welcome & congratulations you're gonna be a dad
Tae:Thank you call me if there is any problem.
Roy:All the legal work is done so let's meet for lunch or dinner
Jk:Join us we're going for lunch
Roy:I would love to but I've next hearing soon
Tae:Okay may next time
Roy left from there others also went to near by restaurant & had their lunch after lunch they all decide to go to their parents grave. After 2 hours they reach to graveyard Roy told them. They went inside & search for their parents grave they all were buried in one place only. All kneel down kept the bouquet on the grave.
RM: Hey mom dad I don't remember you but thanks for giving me birth & also thank you for giving such an amazing family like bestfriends please be in peace & keep your blessings on us I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Jin:Hi mom dad how are you both doing? Hope you're happy where you're & dad you're right I'm an idiot to trust anyone easy. Please forgive me I can't remember you guys but hope your happy after getting justice I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Yoongi:Mom Dad thank you so much for saving me that day or else I would'nt have met such amazing people in my life hope you're at peace now I LOVE YOU MOM DAD(teary eyes)
Jimin:Mom dad are you happy where you're please forgive me for being bad son & thank you just bzc of you I got this wonderful people in my life. Now rest in peace we punish your culprits I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Hobi:Mom dad this is your sunshine I'm upset with you guys that you left me but I'm also happy & thankful to you that you gave such a nice & beautiful family to me. Hope you're at peace knowing your culprits has been punished I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Yn:Mom dad are you upset with me I've been a bad daughter & hurted Kookie please forgive me & thank you so much for give me such a cute & pure heart bunny brother also a family I can always reply on without any doubt. Please be in peace now I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Tae: Hey eomma appa how are you guys doing? Are you happy wherever you're? I'm upset you left us in this fake world but also I'm thankful for everything you did for us I married your bunny isn't he the most beautiful person in the world (looked at Jk) please forgive us we're late in giving you justice & please keep your blessings on us always. Rest in peace guys I miss you guys even if I don't remember you I LOVE YOU MOM DAD (teary eyes)
Jk:Eomma appa not fair huh why didn't you took us with you? Why did you left all us to suffer in this cruel world? I forgive you for it & I married your lovely bear isn't my husband handsome than Yn's husband? (looked at Tae) Don't tell her or she'll get upset you know I'm pregnant. Thank you for everything eomma appa I miss you guys & uncles & aunties though I don't remember anything still & please be in peace & don't worry about us we've each other. I LOVE YOU MOM DAD(teary eyes)
A cold wind blew making 8 of them smile with teary eyes.
BTS/Yn:We promise to come here every year on this day & spend time with guys. Thank you for everything & WE LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH & WE MISS YOU SO MUCH
Again cold wind blew making 8 of them smile. They spend sometime there & left from there. At midnight 9 people were tied on the chair struggle to free themselves in dark room
Kwan:Is anyone there? Please leave us(shouts)
??:What's so hurry darling (deepest scariest voice)
9 of them flinched hearing the voice feeling chills down their spines.
Mr.Lim:Who are you? Leave me I'm a police officer it's not good to mess with me
??:But aren't you suspended today only?
Jackson: LEAVE US (shouts)
??:Aish shut up or I'll cut your tongue (deep voice)
Hani:Who are you?(scared)
??:Guys let's end their curiosity what's say?
??:I'm very excited to see their shocking face.
??Are you ready guys?
Hana:Who are you guys?(scared voice)
??:Your death(chuckle darkly)
Hearing the dark chuckle the 9 of them got scared
Mr.Oh: Please leave me I did nothing
??:Oh really such a liar
Do-hyun:Who are you? Why did you kidnapped us?
Soon lights went "ON" & 9 them close their eyes & open they open their eyes got shock seeing the 8 of them sitting like kings & their queens.
Ria: You guys why did you kidnapped us?
Aniaya: Aren't you happy that you gave justice to your so called parents?(rudely)
Jk:Talk respectfully girl or I'll not mind chopping of your tongue if you once again disrespect our parents(deep cold voice)
Hani:What is this Kim Taehyung? (angrily)
V:You got punishment from law which Kim Taehyung wanted so people know never mess with "The Great Kim Taehyung" & his loved once now you'll get punishment from "Mafia King V" for messing with his loved ones
V:Lim I got know you were involved with them after I  join as under cover cop but I wanted you to first face your karma.
Mr.Lim:You killed my family
V:No it's rule of Mafia King V " That it's okay if the culprits aren't killed but no innocent should be killed" so I didn't even touch your family your family had to suffer bzc of your actions.
Jackson:What do you mean you're under cover cop? Aren't you a business tycoon?
V:Yes I'm for outside world but for underworld & criminals like you I'm a undercover cop & Mafia King V. There I rule the world with power & status I hold here I rule the world with guns & torture.
Suga:Tae what are you thinking?
V:Hyung simple I'll torture them to death everyday but I won't give them death
Kwan:If anyone find we're missing then you'll all be in danger.
Jin:Are you dumbass or what?(disbelief tone)
RM:A undercover cop & Mafia King V himself got you here so no one will even question him or us
Do-hyun: Police officer must be searching us?
Hobi: Aree you talking about one who arrested you guys? Then sorry to break it to you they also work for the Mafia King V (smirk)
Hana:No chance they'll find us soon.
Ria:What do you mean by how?
Yn:The van you were taken blasted bzc it's engine was over heated (smirk)
Aniaya:No way
Jk:Yes way darling (wink)
V:What say guys should we begin the show?
Except Tae:Yes
Hani:Don't you dare touch me
Tae:I'm not as disrespect as you I know my boundaries so only your dear daughters are still alive GUYS
Few people came inside the room with rods & different kind of tools making 9 of them shock.
Tae: Torture them till they pass out but if you stop I'll shoot you am I clear?(deepest voice)
Gang members:Yes King
Tae: Start
His members started torturing 9 of them.
Mr.Oh: Please leave me I've family I've kids
V:The people you agreed to kill for some money also had kids didn't they huh?(shouts angrily)
Members where torturing them & 8 of them had satisfying smile on their lips. After sometime Tae stood took the rod & beat all males mercilessly other 7 also beat each male mercilessly.
Yn:Can I beat them hubby please?
Hobi:Hmm be careful but
Yn nodded took rod & beat the ladies mercilessly making 7 of them shock. After sometime Hobi stopped her.
Hobi:Enough honey you'll get tired.
V:Guys continue & later put salt & pepper on their wounds
Kwan:What?(shock) Have you lost your mind?
Jackson:I'll die like that
Tae:Not so early sweetie until
every cell in your body beg for death I won't let you die guys you know your job once they pass out call med to treat them & give them food one meal a day. Let's go guys.
They left from there only screams where heard in the basement. Next morning Tae was making breakfast when he felt a small arms around his waist making Tae smile.
Tae: Goodmorning sweetheart (deep husky voice)
Jk: Goodmorning hubby (softly)
Tae turn off the stove picking Jk placing him on kitchen counter standing between Jk's legs kissed his forehead & then his lips who kissed back happily after sometime they pull back. Tae kissed Jk's forehead & pecked his lips. The he heated the milk giving it to Jk who pouted.
Tae: Drink it sweetie you need to have breakfast also hmm
Tae got busy in making breakfast & Jk started admiring his husband while drinking the milk.
Jk:I love you hyungie
Tae: Love you more bunbun
After sometime Tae was done he place the breakfast on table & pick Jk in his arms who hug him tightly like kola. Tae sat down with Jk on his lap he started feeling his husband who smile happily.
Jk:Umm it's so tasty hyungie
Tae:Is it?(Jk nodded cutely) then you have to finish it all
Jk:Okay but today I'll feed you
Tae:As you wish honeybun
They started feeding each other after sometime they were done with their breakfast. Tae clean the dishes & Jk arrange the living room then both went to walk out the house after the walk they were cuddling in living room. Jk was sitting between Tae's legs who back hugged Jk securely while kissing & sucking Jk's neck continuously who let his hyungie do as he (Tae) please.
Jk:Umm hyungie
Jk:When are we going to meet Aera?
Tae:I've booked tickets for Monday
Jk:Did you tell her? I talk to her last night he said there is annual function in her school she was upset will not be there
Tae:No I didn't tell her let's surprise her & when is annual function?
Jk: Coming Friday
Tae:Then she'll be so happy after seeing her
Jk:Did you talk to her?
Tae:Yes she was on video call while getting ready she looks more healthy then before.
Jk:Yes I had personally instructed the nanny & cook to make sure she eats more healthy food & if she wants to eat something from outside them make sure it's healthy or cook it at home & present it it's brought from outside.
Tae: Nice
Jk:Hyungie what do you think how will she react to the news about the baby?
Jk said placing his hand on his own belly caressing it soon smile crept on his lips when Tae place his hand on Jk's & started caressing Jk's belly.
Tae: Don't know let's hope for good
Jk moan slightly when Tae slide his hand underneath Jk's shirt caressing Jk's belly. Jk looked at Tae they were about to kiss but door bell rang making Tae groan & Jk giggled. Tae went & open door.
Suga:What took you so long?
Tae:I open door in few seconds
Suga: Whatever
They all push Tae walking inside the house making Tae irritated. He went inside living room & sat down next to his husband.
Jk: I'll get water for you guys
Jin:I'll get you sit(Jk nodded)
Jin went in kitchen. Jk laid his head on Tae's chest who started caressing Jk's hairs. After sometime Jin came back with tea & snacks.
Tae:What are you guys doing here?
RM:We came here to talk to you guys?
Suga: We've decide to move out of mansion
Hobi:It holds so many memories most a memories of lie lives we lived
Jimin: And we can't stay there like that
Jk:Where will you guys stay?
Yn:We're thinking to buy a house somewhere peaceful away from crowd.
Tae: Why is the need there is my other farm house few minutes away from here you can stay there.
Jin: But it's yours
Jk:Wow hyung now it's yours & our c'mon guys don't be stupid & it will be easy for you guys only you don't need to wait for holidays or weekend to meet us & spend time with us
Suga:Are you guys sure?
Tae:More than sure
Hobi: Okay then we'll shift there soon.
Tae:Okay btw me & Kookie are flying to Australia on Monday
Jin: Why? For business?
Jk:No but to meet someone
Tae: You'll know soon once she is here
Others nodded they enjoyed their whole day with each other. After dinner all were in living room.
Jin:We should leave now it's getting late
Tae:Wait I'll get the key
Tae went & got the key giving it to RM.
Tae:From today the house is your you can make changes if you want
Hyungs/Yn:Thank you Tae
Jk:You know what give the key back if you're going to keep saying thank you & sorry.
Jk try to take key but Tae hold him making Jk glare at Tae
Yn:Oh okay we won't say thank no need to be double bunny
Jk:I'm not bunny
Jk: Hubby see na she is teasing me
Tae:Yeah Yn don't tease my sweetheart.
Jk hugged Tae showing Yn tongue. They bid goodbyes left from there. Taekook went to their room slept peacefully hugging each other. Monday morning Taekook had their breakfast & went to airport both were excited to meet their daughter. Taekook decide to adopt Aera as soon as they come back to Seoul.
Tae:Wait here I'll complete the formalities
Jk:Okay hubby lemonade please
Tae:Okay Samuel get him lemonade & others be with him.
Bodyguards nodded Tae went to complete formalities & Samuel went to get lemonade. Jk sat down looking around when he saw a lady playing with her small baby made Jk smile.
Jk:I'll also play with you like this baby come soon
Jk said caressing his own belly after sometime Tae came back to see his sweetheart looking at mother baby duo made Tae smile he patted Jk's head who looked at him & smile. Samuel also came back with lemonade. The board in Jk's private plane & took the seats.
Air hostess:Sir fasten your seat belt please you too handsome.
Jk looked at airhostess who was looking at his husband made Jk jealous he smirk.
Jk:Hubby baby is hungry order something na
Tae looked at his sweetheart who was glaring at airhostess made Tae chuckle he caressed Jk's cheeks who pouted Tae pull the pout.
Tae:Miss get some pasta, sandwich make sure there is no spinach in any of them & cake once we take off (cold ruthless voice) next time don't you dare flirt with me if you love your life I don't like when my sweetheart gets sad. Am I clear?(deepest voice)
Airhostess immediately nodded going away. Jk smile laying his head on Tae's shoulder looking outside the window. Tae started caressing Jk's hairs who smile. Soon plane took of airhostess serve the order. Tae feed Jk the food who eat happily after sometime Jk was full.
Jk:I'm full hubby
Tae:Are you sure?(Jk nodded) okay take rest I'll complete my work.
Jk:No I'll read my book
Tae nodded. Tae gave Jk his book & he took his laptop started working time to time checking on his sweetheart. After an hour Tae felt a head landing on his shoulder making Tae look at Jk who slept with pout made Tae chuckle. He carefully remove the book from Jk hand. Tae carefully held Jk's head putting his laptop away he pick Jk in bridal style & walk to bed in plane. He cover Jk with blanket & went back to his seat after kissing Jk's forehead.
After 2 hours Tae woke Jk up for lunch.
Tae:Baby get up it's lunch time bunny
Jk whine laying his head on Tae's lap snuggling into Tae's belly who felt shiever. Tae started caressing Jk's hairs who open his eyes after sometime looking up at his husband who just kiss Jk's forehead.
Tae: C'mon let's have lunch then you need to take your multiple vitamins hmm
Jk nodded aftet freshening up he join Tae & both eat their lunch. After lunch both took rest after 3 hours they reach Australia. Airhostess came to them.
Airhostess:Sir Sir(little loudly)
Tae open his eyes looking at her & spoke
Airhostess:Sir we'll landing in 20 mins please fasten your seat belt
Airhostess left. Tae fasten their seat belt & looked at his sweetheart who was peacefully sleeping on his seat with a pout & urge Tae had to pull the pout without thinking twice he pull it out making Jk whine made Tae chuckle.
Tae:Bun wake up we'll be landing soon hmm
Jk nodded snuggling into Tae's chest who hugged him securely. After few minutes Jk woke up looking at his husband who kissed his forehead.
Jk:After landing I want to use washroom
Tae:Okay are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?
Jk:Hmm I'm feeling little dizzy smoothie will be fine.
Tae:Okay are you feeling nauseous?
Jk nodded laying back on Tae's shoulder who started caressing Jk's back after 15 mins they landed. Tae did formalities while Jk used washroom. After that they got in car going to mall to buy toys, sweets & clothes Aera. After shopping the went to Villa is staying after 45 mins they reach there.
Tae:Let's go inside
Jk nodded both went inside the house maids & servants bowed to them.
Nanny: Welcome sir
Tae:Hmm where is Aera?
Nanny: School sir she'll be back in an hour you both can freshen up I've ask to make your room read already.
Tae:Thank you & send orange juice to room please
Taekook went to their room getting freshen up. Jk freshen up & went to kitchen to make food for Aera after an he was done. He placed the food on dinning table.
Soon door bell rang nanny open the door.
Nanny:Welcome home princess
Aera:Thank you auntie I'm hungry
Nanny:Your lunch is ready let's get you freshen up & have lunch
Aera nodded running to her room she freshen up got change & went to dinning table. Nanny served her & started feeding it but after one bit she stopped nanny from feeding her.
Nanny:What happen baby?
Aera:Who made it?
Nanny:Chef uncle why?
Aera:It taste like papa's food
Aera got down from her chair running into kitchen just to find the chef she ran out looking around the house but got sad when she did find her dads. She sadly sat on couch.
Tae: Sweetheart I think someone is looking for us (softly)
Jk:Yes you're right hubby (softly)
Aera immediately looked up to see her dads standing infront of her looking at her with smile. She smile with teary eyes running towards them. Taekook kneel down she threw her into their arms making both of them smile.
Aera:Papa dada I missed you both so much
Taekook:We missed you to baby
They pulled back kissing her forehead. Tae pick her & they went to dinning table. Tae sat down with Aera on his lap & Jk started her.
Jk:How is it?
Aera: Delicious papa I missed you so much papa
Jk:Miss you too my cutie
Tae:What about me? Didn't you miss dada?
Aera:I missed you to dada
They had their lunch while Jk feeding Aera, Tae feeding Jk & Aera feeding Tae. After lunch they were in living room Aera was happily seeing her toys & gifts while Taekook were cuddling while watching their excited daughter. Aera run to them Jk put her on his lap as he was sitting between Tae's leg who was back hugging Jk placing his chin on Jk's shoulder.
Tae:Did you like your gifts & toys?
Aera:I love it thank you
Tae:Your welcome darling.
Aera laid on Jk's chest who started caressing her head.
Tae: Sweetheart
Jk:It's okay hyungie it won't hurt me
Aera:What happen?(pull back)
Taekook looked at each other & then looked at Aera who was looking at them with curious eyes.
Tae: Darling do want to have siblings?
Aera:Can I have them?
Jk:Of course darling
Aera:Means then Aera will be big sister
Tae:Yes so are you ready to became big sister?
Aera:Huh? You brought baby with you & didn't even let me meet him.
Jk cupped her face who looked at Jk with confuse eyes.
Jk: Cupcake you need to wait for 7 months to meet the baby
Tae:Bzc baby is in papa's tummy
Aera looked at Jk's belly & then again looked at her dads pouting confusingly made Taekook chuckle at her.
Aera:Why is it in papa's tummy? How did it go there?
Jk:Bzc baby will grow in my tummy & about how when you'll become big girl then we'll explain everything to you.
Aera:I'm a big girl tell me
Tae:Of course you're you darling but you need to grow more when you'll be 18 dada papa will tell you everything then.
Aera:Okay so it's baby sister or baby brother?
Jk:We don't know yet we'll get to know when baby is about 7 months now it's only 2 months
Tae:So tell us how is school going on? Do you like here?
Aera started explaining everything like excited baby who loves play with their favourite toy. After sometime time Tae looked at his babies who fall sleep on on Tae's chest other on his sweetheart's chest. Tae slowly put Jk's head on couch. He pick Aera putting her to her bed & came back picking Jk in bridal style walking to their room slept hugging his husband. Time skipped it was Friday morning Jk was sitting on living room drinking his milk while looking father daughter duo who busy completing Aera's drawing.
Aera:Dada colour trees green not brown
Tae:No sorry darling I didn't notice
Jk:Okay guys let's go & have breakfast
Tae/Aera:10 mins papa
After 10 mins they were in dinning area having breakfast.
Aera:Papa dada don't forget today's is annual function in my school come on time.
Jk: We'll be on time darling.
They had their breakfast Tae dropped Aera to her school & then came back completed his work. Taekook had their lunch getting ready for Aera's annual function. After 30 mins they reach to Aera's school they enter grabbing everyone's attention they were walking towards the auditorium but Jk saw Aera with a group of kids he indicated Tae who also saw it they walked to them.
Sanaya:Hi Aera
Aera:Hi (cold voice)
William:You know today is annual function?
Aera:Oh thanks I didn't knew no move I need to get ready
James:What if we don't
Aera:Are you up for fight?
Isha: You know all of our parents will come poor you today also only your nanny will come
Nari:How sad? Poor Aera guys don't hurt her she is orphan
Tae:Who told you that she is orphan?(cold voice)
All of them look behind Aera who smile when she saw her dads she ran to them. Jk pick her up wiping her tears & kissed her forehead.
Jk:You remember what papa thought you never get hurt bzc of other people right?(Aera nodded) go fight with them but without beating them.
Jk put Aera who walked to group of kids & stood in front of them confidently & spoke
Aera:I'm not orphan kid I've world's best dads that to not one but two next time don't underestimate someone's silence as their weakness. Papa dada I'm going to get ready you both got to auditorium.
Taekook:All the best darling
Aera:Thank you papa dada
Aera went to get ready & Taekook went to auditorium. After sometime annual function making kids did many performance like singing, dancing & skits.
Teacher: Next is skit performed & director by Aera.
Skit was how Aera's parents left here, then how admitted in hospital, meeting Jk & then Tae & now how they're family made Taekook shock both had tears in their eyes they looked at each other.
Aera: Ma'am I'm want to say something can I?
Teacher:Of course here you go
She gave mic to Aera who smile looking at her dads who were looking at her with smile and teary eyes.
Aera:You know everyone here tease me telling me I'm an orphan child & I don't have any parents they pity on me but I never said anything bzc someone thaught me to never think about what people say just do what makes you happy people behind you bzc for two reasons 1st they want to be like you & 2nd they can't be like you. And let me tell you may be my real parents left me but god gave me world's best dads that to not one but two. One is most handsome man in world & other is world's most beautiful man. Both came to my life as an angel taking all my problems as they both are here today I want to thank them. Papa thank you so much for taking care of me, making me healthy again, taking my illness away & also thanks for giving me most handsome dada. Dada thank you for everything you did & do for me may it be protecting me or telling me stories before bed or sleep while cuddling with me so I don't get bad dreams. Thank you both of you.
Taekook open their arms Aera ran to them & hugged them tightly who started caressing her back & hairs as she started crying. Everyone looked at them with teary eyes & clapped their hands. After sometime they pull back Taekook wiped her tears & kissed their daughter's forehead.
After an hour function was over all were enjoying the party in school hall. Aera were sitting with her parents when someone came to them.
Lady:Hello myself Olivia I'm teacher in this school
Tae:Hello I'm Kim Taehyung & he is my husband Kim Jungkook we're Aera's parents (deep voice)
Olivia:Nice to meet you guys hope you are enjoying the party
Jk:Yes we're thanks for asking
Olivia: Your welcome what about you Aera?
Aera:Even I'm enjoying ma'am
Olivia:Nice performance
Aera:Thank you ma'am.
Olivia:Please enjoy I'll take my leave
She left from there they enjoyed rest of party. Taekook enjoyed next 2 weeks with their daughter who was more than happy. They visited many places, spending time together, playing with each other all in all having happy time with each other.
                   TO BE CONTINUED....

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