Prince Charming

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Samantha POV

"Sam! We're gonna be late! Hurry up!" My best friend and roommate, Delilah, yelled at me. I huffed and straightened my shirt before starting down the stairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. I grabbed my black and pink Adidas tennis shoes and attempted to pull them on as I was hopping down the steps one at a time.

"Took ya long enough," Delilah muttered, tossing me a partially eaten blueberry muffin. I raised an eyebrow, giving her a questioning look. She shrugged her shoulders. "I was hungry, you were taking your sweet little time, and I already ate mine."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my car keys. "Come on Lilah. Let's go."

*At Seattle Grace Hospital*

All of the interns stood in an unoccupied operating room as the chief, Dr. Richard Webber, explained the basics to us. We were then taken into a locker room to change into our scrubs. As I opened my locker and began changing, I heard a wolf whistle. I immediately turned to try and locate the culprit. It was quite easy. Upon turning, I saw an admittedly handsome guy oogling a small, yet busty, girl who was trying to change. I threw down my own scrub top and walked over.

"Hey, douche pickle!" I yelled, quickly gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Why don't you keep your eyes to yourself," I suggested, glaring at the guy. He turned and started to retort before noticing my half-naked body.

"Daaaaaaamn." He said, eyes roaming me. I growled and grabbed him by his collar, slamming him against the lockers. His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat.

"You better listen and you better listen well. I am not here for you to sexually harass, nor is any other woman. Stop thinking with your downstairs head and start thinking with the one that supposedly houses a brain. If I catch you harassing someone again, I will not hesitate to beat the ever-loving shit out of your sexist ass. Kapeesh?" I threatened. The whole room stood in a stunned silence. I may be only 5'3, but I have a lot of unresolved anger issues. I finally let go of him and turned away.

"Sorry, darling. It just so happens I like it when my women take charge!" The idiot said. I spun around and punched him in the nose, successfully knocking him to the floor and earning a loud "CRACK!" And as luck would have it, my brother chose that moment to walk in.

"Um, hey Der. How are you today?" I said, slowly lowering my fist. Derek looked down at the guy whose nose was now gushing blood before locking eyes with me.

"Get a shirt on and get out here. Now." He demanded. I sighed and hung my head, quickly doing as he said.


"What the hell just happened?!" Derek demanded.

"He was being a sexist pig," I answered calmly. Derek sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You can't just hit a guy for being sexist." He said.

"He was hitting on me while I was half naked." I told him. He stopped pacing and turned to me.

"If his nose isn't broken, you're in trouble." He told me. I grinned and pulled him into a hug. He pulled back and smiled, saying, "Get back in there and show 'em how a Sheppard does it." I nodded and skipped back into the locker room. I walked over and sat down by Delilah.

"Big brother break bad?" She asked me, smirking.

"Lilah, you've known me since we were 8. Has Derek ever 'broke bad' on me?" I air quoted, returning the smirk.

"I've never ever seen him tell you no." She replied, chuckling. We sat and talked for a while until a short, angry looking, colored woman walked in.

"Grey, Stevens, O'Malley, Yang, and Sheppard." She called out before immediately turning and walking back out. I stood and gave Delilah a grin before following the other four interns. The woman, Miranda Bailey aka The Nazi, showed us around and explained the rules. She then gave us each an assignment. I was honored enough to receive the job of suturing. For 48 hours. I sighed and headed downstairs.


I stumbled into the 5th full on-call room. I turned and banged my forehead on the door facing. I heard a deep chuckle and a bed creaking.

"You can share with me." I groaned and banged my head again.

"I'd rather sleep on the roof," I muttered. Another chuckle, more creaking, and footsteps.

"I'm not a rapist; I'm not gonna try anything. Just lay down." The man who had recently gotten acquainted with my fist said, leaning on the wall beside me. I sighed but turned to face him, quietly yawning.

"I'm Samantha Shepherd. You are..." I trailed, waiting for him to fill in the blank. He chuckled and scooped me up, carrying me bridal style to his previously abandoned bed. He gently laid me down and crawled in beside me.

"Never caught your name," I mumbled, half asleep. He (again) chuckled.

"Alex Karev aka your prince charming." He said. I giggled and cuddled into his chest, quickly falling asleep.

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