Day 2

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I woke up surrounded by warmth and...sniggers? I slowly opened my eyes, flinching at the bright light.

"What the..." I muttered, glancing around at the 5 interns surrounding me. I looked around until I found Delilah, furrowing my eyebrows. She smirked and gestured behind me. Only then did I take notice of the muscled arms circling my waist. Everything from last night came rushing back to me. Prince Charming my ass.

"Nuh-uh! I didn't...we didn' was..NO!" I stammered, trying to coherently explain the situation. "This never happened," I said, threatening anyone to disagree. I was met only with smirks.

"Whatever you say, Sam." Isobel 'Izzie' Stevens said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and begin attempting to shove Alex's arms off me to no prevail. He just tightened his grip and pulled me closer to his chest. I sighed and turned over.

"Alex," I said, trying to wake him. Nothing. "Alex." I poked his arm. Nothing. "ALEX!" I yelled, flipping his nose. He yelped and grabbed his nose, eyes flying open. He focused on me and gave me a "What the hell?" look.

"Sorry, I honestly forgot about your nose. I just needed to get up." I told him, feeling bad about hurting his nose (again) after what he'd so graciously shared his bed with me. Platonically of course!

After standing up and stretching, I offered a hand to Alex to help him up. He accepted it and immediately pulled me back onto his chest. I quickly sat up. I could feel the fire in my blood red cheeks.

"Sam, sweetie, stop," Delilah said, walking over. She shook her head, faking disappointment, as she lifted me up off the bed.

"Sometimes, I hate you." I said, looking up at my 5'7" best friend, arms crossed. I glanced around, looking for someone my height. I immediately spotted the perfect person.

I walked over and slung my arm over George O'Malley's shoulder. "You're my new best friend, K? K. Good." I told him.

"Ok. Do you think I'm gay?" He asked me, randomly. Well, I guess that's one way to start a conversation.

"Um, no. Maybe bisexual at the most. Why?" I ended my answer with a question of my own.

"Everyone thinks I'm gay." He muttered, trailing off as he stared at something out the door. I just ignored it and turned back to the conversation.

Just then, someone's beeper went off. We all checked to see if it was ours.

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I AM NOT STICKING MY HAND UP ANYONE ELSE'S ASS!" Izzie exclaimed, collapsing against the wall.

"I'll cover for you." I offered. I immediately regretted volunteering as Izzie's head snapped up and a wicked grin spread across her face.

"Your such a doll! Room 517, prostate exam. If Bailey finds out, just tell her I was sick. Or had female problems. Or. I don't know. Make it up!" She rushed, ushering me out the door.

"See you all later." I sighed before heading to the elevator.


I huffed and grabbed the chart before entering the room.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Samantha Sheppard. I'll be your doctor today." I said, washing my hands and pulling on a pair of size extra small gloves. What can I say? I have tiny hands.

"Well, hello there pretty lady." The man said in a deep, husky British accent. I turned and faced him. Without a doubt, my cheeks were flushing.

"My hand is about to be up your anus. So, I suggest you calm the flirting. You wouldn't want this to be more uncomfortable than it has to be for either of us would you?" I suggested, stressing the word. I have to admit, he was hot. And he had an accent. In my books, that just makes him hotter.

"Come on, Darling. Why don't you let me take you out and treat you after this is all over, hmm?" He said, giving me a cheeky grin.

Oh boy, that'll be fun.

*Lunch Time*

I sat at the head of the lunch table, my head laid on my crossed arms. Alex sat to my left and George sat to my right. That was, until:

"Move it, Asshole." Delilah said to Alex. He ignored her and continued eating his lunch. Lilah laughed humorlessly. "Oh, you think you have some magic claim to her because you shared your bed? I don't think-" She started going off on him but I cut her off before they could truly cause a scene.

"George. Will you please move down so my oh-so-polite friend can stop throwing a hissy fit?" I asked O'Malley through gritted teeth. He nodded, giving me a small smile, before moving closer to Meredith Grey.

"Hey, sunshine." I heard the voice I would know from anywhere as a hand was lightly placed on my shoulder.

"Hey Der, sup?" I asked my brother as I turned my head to be able to see him.

"Can't really say there's much. How was your first day as an intern?" He asked, smiling at me.

"My hand was in a British man's ass. And he kept flirting with me. The entire time." I said, the color returning to my cheeks as I remembered the many ways he had found to compliment to.

"Everyone has been flirting with you," Derek said. I could practically feel him glaring at Alex.

"Stop glaring at Alex. Once you get past all the layers of egotistical, sexist remarks, he isn't a bad guy." I said, raising my head and turning around in my chair.

"You almost broke his nose but he's "not a bad guy"?" Delilah asked, air quoting what I'd said. I rolled my eyes and stood up, pissed at the both of them.

"I gotta go." I said without looking back as I started out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, Sam. Wait up!" I heard someone call. I stopped and turned to see Alex. He jogged up and stood by me. "Hey, uh, can we" He asked awkwardly.

I giggled and nodded. "Walk with me." I said, pushing open the door and starting down the path that led to the currently unoccupied small garden outside.

He walked beside me, causing our hands to brush together several times. I noticed Alex bite his lip and glance down. I grinned and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers. He smiled as we walked over to a small bench. We sat down and I turned my body to face him.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I, um, I know we just met yesterday. And you punched me yesterday. And according to you, I'm an egotistical, sexist douche. But, I really like you. So would you please do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Alex asked, fiddling with my fingers and trying to avoid looking into my eyes.

I giggled again. "I'd love to. On 2 conditions." I told him. His head jerked up, a grin spread across his face. "First, stop checking out and flirting with every woman you see." He quickly agreed, assuring me it would be no problem at all.

"What's the second condition?" He asked nervously.

"According to ancient law, you must seal the deal with a kiss." I told him. He grinned, immediately pulled me into a long, passionate kiss. My heart was racing as he pulled back and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Ew! Sam has Karev cooties!!" I heard someone yell. I jerked back and saw Delilah. I growled and chased her down, tackling her. We rolling around in the grass, wrestling, before we ended up side-by-side laughing about nothing and everything.

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