1: The Beginning

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The sound of people rushing around in the train station was heard as the two girls pushed their trolleys to the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, walking as quickly as they possibly could. The time was 10:56 a.m. and they were to be on a train leaving at 11:00 a.m. to their school. Their school wasn't any ordinary school, however. It was sort of like a boarding school but there was one thing that stood out about it that was different from your usual boarding school, for this was a school of magic.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and it was El and Emma Ryan's first year there. They were sisters. Twins, in fact, but they were fraternal, rather than identical. Eleven years old, turning so on January 27th. The two had met- oh wait, they're twins. They met before they were even born. Now for the not-so-fun but also not-too-bad part: descriptions.

El and Emma were cousins with a boy named Seamus Finnegan who was half-blood, which you'll find out what that means later. The girls were from his mother's side. El had brown hair and hazel eyes while Emma had brown hair but green eyes. What made these two girls different from the other people in the train station they were in was that they were witches, magic flooding through their veins.

Because they were from Seamus' mother's side, the girls were pure blood, meaning their entire blood-related family line was magical. Which, Seamus' father's side was all muggles, or in other words, non-magic folk. Being pure-bloods, there were a few people El and Emma already knew that were attending Hogwarts as they had met them once or twice while growing up, and clearly, they knew their cousin Seamus.

Though there was a good amount of people the girls were excited to see again, there was no one they were more excited to see than someone they had met when they were barely even one, before they could remember anything. Harry Potter. The girls' mom was best friends with his mom and as they grew up, they heard stories upon stories of Harry, his mother, and his father. What was sad about it all, though, was that Harry's parents died when he was only one, in the face of Lord Voldemort, the evilest sorcerer in the world. However, the day he killed Harry's parents, he tried to kill Harry too, but the curse backfired and he vanished to never be seen again.

El and Emma had heard that Harry had gone to live with his muggle aunt and uncle after his parents died and that was why they weren't able to ever visit him, but El was determined that now that they were all going to Hogwarts, she and her sister were going to be best friends with him.

"It's us two versus the world," Emma sighed as they looked at the brick wall they were nearing.

"Okay, you go first," El told Emma once they reached the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10.

"What?" Emma asked, caught off guard.

"You go first," El repeated, motioning her head towards the barrier.

It was a bit odd, the way to get to the train. The platform the train arrived at and left from was Platform 9 ¾, a platform that didn't seem like it was such a thing. Of course, seeing as it led to a school of magic, it had to be hidden so muggles wouldn't know that magic existed in the world. The only way to get onto the platform was to run through the solid brick barrier between the two platforms previously mentioned.

"I can't go first," Emma said, backing herself and her trolley away from the barrier, "If I go first, I have a higher chance of running into somebody. If you go first, you'll have the way cleared for me."

"You liar, you're just nervous," El teased, "Go ahead, do it."

Emma sighed, "Fiiiiine."

El stepped away from the barrier, allowing Emma enough space to go through it. Emma's hands clenched tightly onto the handle of her trolley, her knuckles turning white. She shut her eyes tightly then opened them up again and ran towards the barrier. Just seconds before she thought she was going to crash, she shut her eyes once more but continued to run and push her trolley and only moments later, she opened her eyes to find herself on a very crowded Platform 9 ¾ but what caught her eye beyond anything else was the large, red train that sat on the train tracks, smoke billowing out of it as bold black letters upon it spelled out the words 'Hogwarts Express.'

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