2: Last Week of Vacation

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The green grass that covered the Ryan's front yard was glistening in the blazing August sun. It was bright outside and the summer air was as fresh as ever. El and Emma were walking down their front yard lawn, brooms in their hands. They were simple Cleansweep Sevens but at least they were brooms.

El and Emma were twin sisters but that wasn't the only irregularity about them. They were witches and they attended the best magic school in the wizarding world: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Because it was summer vacation, they were spending the majority of their time up in the air. Practicing their flying was extremely important for the both of them because one of their absolute favorite things at Hogwarts was quidditch, the wizarding world's sport.

Both girls wanted to make it onto their house quidditch team – El's was Gryffindor and Emma's was Hufflepuff. Today, they weren't going to be alone in practicing. In fact, they were going to have the help of a soon-to-be fifth year, Cedric Diggory.

Cedric lived very close to the Ryans so it wasn't the first time he had been hanging out with them that summer. He and Emma were incredibly close. Cedric was Emma's best friend actually, after El, of course. The neighboring village to the Ryans and Diggorys was Ottery St, Catchpole, which happened to home some of El and Emma's friends, the Weasleys.

They had hung out twice with the Weasleys that summer so far but ever since Ron and two of his older brothers had practically kidnapped Ron's best friend Harry Potter, they had been begging the two girls to come spend the rest of summer break at their house.

Harry Potter was the most famous name in the wizarding world. Why? When he was only a baby, he had survived the most evil sorcerer's attempt in killing him, and somehow pushed him to defeat. The Weasleys were a wizarding family with seven kids and each member of the family had flaming red hair. The youngest Weasley boy was Ron Weasley and older than him were the twins Fred and George Weasley who were as mischievous as they were fun.

Speaking of the Weasleys...

"El, there is no way Mum and Dad will let us hang out over there for the last week of vacation," Emma told her sister as they carried their brooms to a large area of grass where they would be meeting Cedric to practice quidditch.

"Maybe!" El defended, "C'mon, Ems, we once literally persuaded them to let us go to Canada for a few days when we were ten."

"That's because we told them it was a school trip!" Emma exclaimed, "We also literally slept on park benches during that trip!"

"It really wasn't so bad. Oh! Maybe we can just tell them we need to finish a giant school group project before we get back!"

Emma stopped walking as they reached the grassy fields, "I guess that could work... But we've got to plan details so we aren't caught!"

"Aren't caught doing what?"

Cedric was walking toward the twin girls, his broom over his shoulder.

"El wants to stay with the Weasleys for the rest of vacation," Emma rolled her eyes. She would much rather stay close to Cedric so she could spend as much time with him as possible, regardless of the fact that she had already spent over 50% of summer vacation with him.

"Yes, because just think about how much fun it'll be!" El cried longingly.

Cedric made his voice high pitched to mock El, "Yes because just think about how much I want to see Fred!"

"Shush!" El smacked Cedric's arm and looked around as though checking to see if anyone had heard, "Cedric, you can't tell anyone that I like him. I'm not about to ruin our friendship."

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