1: Lose Me

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Emma's eyebrows furrowed as she walked past Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were huddled together in the Gryffindor common room. They were speaking to each other in urgent but hushed whispers so only they three could hear, which seemed to be something they had been doing a lot recently.

Emma sat down on a dark red couch next to El, setting her cup of pumpkin juice down on the small table in front of the couch. El was doing her Transfiguration homework which was due the next morning. Emma had come to do homework with her but all thoughts of it left her mind when she overheard what the golden trio were talking about.

"Hey, El, who's Nicolas Flamel?" Emma asked as she sat down.

"No idea," El mumbled as she scribbled something out on her parchment, "Can I have a sip of your juice?"

Emma handed her sister her cup and her eyes wandered over to where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were huddled. She wanted to ask them who this Flamel guy was but she didn't want them to know she had overheard a bit of their conversation. She couldn't get her mind off of Flamel now, though. Their conversation had sparked her curiosity and she just had to figure out who they were talking about.

"Can we go to the library?" Emma asked, looking back at her twin.


"I want to know who this Nicolas Flamel is."

El paused her writing for a moment, "Em, it's probably just some old magic dude that invented scented farting or something like that. Oh, and he's probably bald too, like every other old wizard in history."

Emma rolled her eyes, "Please, can't we just look a little bit into it?"

"Look into what?"

El and Emma looked over to see Julia and Indiana walking over to the two of them, Julia being the one to have asked the question.

"Emma's going on about some old man," El told them, returning to her homework.

"What, you fancy this guy or something, Emma?" Indiana asked.

Emma groaned out of annoyance and stood up, "Okay, well, I'm going to the library to look up this guy. El, are you coming with me or not?"

El rolled up her parchment as slowly as humanly possible and stood up as well, "Of course I am. I go with you everywhere, remember?"

"Except for when she sneaks out at night to meet mister fourth year," Julia spoke up.

"How did you know about that?" Emma's eyebrows were now not furrowed out of confusion but rather out of unsettlement.

Indiana looked at Emma weirdly, "You don't know how obvious it is? You leave dinner early at least once a week if I'm not mistaken and just five minutes later, so does that older Hufflepuff guy."

"Whatever, forget about Emma's progressing love life, I'm coming to the library too," Julia said as she walked over right next to Emma.

"Me too," Indiana said.

Emma looked at them for a moment before leading them all out of the Gryffindor common room. They made their way down moving staircases and through hallways until they got to the library. The moment they stepped in it was as though complete and utter silence took over. It felt evil just to whisper, let alone to speak.

"Okay, let's try-" Emma began but El interrupted her.

"Wait, you said you overheard this guy's name from Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" El questioned her sister.

Emma nodded and El looked as though something just became very clear to her.

"What?" Emma asked.

"Well, if Hermione was talking about it..." El began.

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