Chapter 9: Tickets

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2 weeks at her new school, Nash was slowly getting used to it. She got along fine with her new friends, especially Natalie. They had been inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Though, Nash more seemed like the listener, and Natalie was the talker.
Nash was a talkative one when she was a child, but she'd grown into a shell, so now she's become Natalie's personal listener.

She's become quite good at dodging giant students walking around campus, she was getting used to the environment. But she couldn't deny there were a lot of jerks at the school, their egos were way too big for their bodies. Like quinn, though she hadn't directly interacted with Nash, and only Natalie, She always ignored and tried to exclude Nash from the conversation, which Natalie was oblivious to and ended up re-including Nash in the conversation as if nothing happened.

She'd rarely seen that red headed guy Daniel around the school, either he was sitting in his own group of friends, or asleep in class or on the bleachers.
But she was relieved she didn't have to see him as often, she just didn't like him. Ever since he shoved his foot in her way while trying to get a book in the library.

She and Natalie were sitting at the bleachers during lunch, with hannah sitting on the stair right above theirs.

"Hey, do you guys listen to Vinn Rubyin?" Hannah asked casually, scrolling through her playlist on her phone.

Natalie and Nash both looked at her, giving her their attention.
"Yea, for 2 years now." Nash said, grinning a bit at a song she was listening to by him last night while doing homework.
"Mhm, me too, though 6 months only" Natalie replied coolly.

"Cool. I heard he's having a small exclusive concert on the next town over. I heard only 300 people are allowed in, and 179 have been already sold out." Hannah said, glancing uo at them.

"You're hinting that we should go, right?" Natalie said expectedly, already knowing her friend's mannerisms to understand she was suggesting they should go together. And maybe it's be fun for them, to have a little girl's might out.

Nash raised her eyebrows at both of them, thinking of a few scenarios. "And how do you expect us to go?" She commented, "he's a giant singer, like actual giant. So there's gonna be giant fans, so we definitely won't survive past the check in line"

"You do realise most concert halls have a exclusive part for humans, right?" Natalie smiled.

"Aside from that. You asked about that, and forgot to ask about how much the ticket is" hannah continued, turning her phone over for them to look.

"$200?! Why? It's not Beyonce or anything!" Nash spoke with surprise, 200 dollars for a single ticket was a hefty bundle of money for 16 year old with no job like their group.

"My parents would agree. So, I'm going either way." Hannah already decided, she had gone to different concerts ever since she was 11. And her parents were big fans of many musicians, so they let her go to concerts if there was one available and they'd go with her when she was younger. But now that she had grown a bit more independent, they'd let her go alone.

"Me too, my mom said if I wanna go somewhere, it's gotta be outta my pocket money. She'd only be paying for the bus." Natalie agreed also.

"I gotta ask my parents.. I don't know if they're gonna be okay with me going to a concert without them. My dad was the one who always took me." Nash sighed and leaned back at the stair beside them.

Natalie and hannah stayed silent for a moment, "then ask them, it's on the 6th of December. 4 days away." Hannah shrugged.

"I'll have to ask.."

"No, not happening." Zoe said as she read her book. Not looking at Nash.

"But- mom! My friends are going, and it's gonna be safe. Hannah said that those giant concert halls are totally safe for humans like us. We won't get stepped on" Nash begged, trying to persuade her mom with a sweet tone.

"Your dad is busy this weekend and won't be able to take you." Zoe licked her fingertip and flipped the page, not budging with nash's request.

"It's only in the city over. Not far, only 35 minutes from here." She clasped her hands together, begging hard to go.
"He's my favourite artist ever, and I'd literally do anything if you let me go! Please, please, pleeeeeease!"

"Natasha Asthe Kennedy. I said no." Zoe stayed persistent. She didn't feel it was safe for her dumb 16 year old daughter to go to a place inhabited with giants. Especially unsupervised ones. Atleast in school grounds, there were beepers and high tech cameras in the hall to catch any troubles giant doing anything to a human student.

"I'll literally do the dishes for a month, do my homework consistently without arguing. And I'll scrub the roof if I have to, just let me go. Just this once" She gave a pouty lip with puppy eyes  trying her hardest to convince her.

Just then, Mark walked through the door. Feeling his whole body aching and sore from sitting at a desk all day, writing and preparing court papers.
Working as a lawyer definitely felt like a normal 9 to 5 if you sit at a desk all day preparing and writting papers.

"Ask your dad. If he says yes, then you can go" zoe just wanted to get Nash off her back, knowing Mark would say no. Surely.

Nash nodded and quickly climbed down the ladder and ran to the door entrance. Where Mark was taking off his coat and blazer and untying his tie.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" She spoke with a hurried tone, hoping for the best.

"Whatever it is.. fine" mark replied tiredly, not willing to hear the rest and too tired to hear the rest.

Nash took this as a victory, and ran through the house to the living room, yelling for her mom. "Mom! Dad agreed I can go to the concert!" She yelled loudly. Mark then comprehended, and groaned. I should listen to the rest of her ad commercial next time if her request was going to be as something as absurd as this he thought.

When Nash went to bed, and Mark was getting into bed next to Zoe. Making her bounce a bit off the mattress as his huge body plummed down onto the mattress, rubbing his temples to ease his headache.

"I still can't believe you told her yes." Zoe said, crossing her arms and looking at him.

"First off, I didn't listen to the rest of her question, second, I don't see a problem." Mark adjusted his body onto the mattress, pulling the covers over him, and covering zoe with the tip of the duvet.

Zoe's eyes showed skepticism, and then she spoke again. "Don't see a problem? She's gonna be surrounded by Randos. And let me be more specific giant randos who fully could grab her at any given moment and kidnap her!"

"Relax, I went to an eminem's concert once in 2002 when I was 21. It was no big deal, the human's were on an elevated surface. I'm sure it'll be the same" He said, turning on his side to finally fall asleep.

"You're paying for her ticket" Zoe rolled on her side aswell, pulling the blanket to her neck.

"I always pay darling." He smiled tiredly, and was immediately out like a bulb.

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