Part 12 - SURPRISE!

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And I already knew who's they are...

"Hey so I know the sunset is pretty and all but Im like really hungr-" Before he even finished the sentence i turned around and my arms flew around his torso. Hugging him tight. His arms that were already around my waist, were now also hugging me tight. Keeping me close.

"What the fuck" I breathed out, looking up to Kimi.


I walked out from the hug, still standing close.

"Why did you guys come to watch me?"

"What do you mean why? We are your best friends who wouldn't?" Arthur asked

"A lot of 'friends' I know would"

"Yeah well fuck them, they clearly aren't good friends"

"Okay, I agree with Arthur but I wasn't lying about what i said, I am really hungry!" Kimi said jumping in on the conversation.

After sitting down, I scanned through the menu in search for something on my diet but also something that I would devour.

And that was once again... Fish and chips for the win!

Arthur was the first to speak at the table "What are you guys getting?"

"pasta" "Fish and chips" Kimi and I spoke at the same time, causing us the laugh.

"Okay then... Kimi, what are you getting?" Arthur questioned


"Okay...boring. Anna what are you getting?"

"Fish and chips...from the kids menu."

"I take back what I said about your choice Kimi, Anna yours is definitely boring."

"Wow okay i see how it is. What are you going to get Arthur?"

"Uhmm...spaghetti and meatballs..."

"Your joking"

"What? What's wrong with it"

"Nothing nothing. Your calling me boring but you order meatballs? I know its good and all but seriously boring"

"Whatever" Arthur said, turning toward Kimi who was trying not to laugh the whole time. While they started up a conversation I turned around in my seat to take a picture of the blue-yellow sunset that was behind us. Different from the usual sunsets around. Not pink, or orange but as always it was beautiful.


We had finished our meals at the beach and was now on our way back. Apparently Kimi had gotten a taxi there so he was with us now, and of course i was chucked into the back seat. Not that I didn't mind though. I just like to be dramatic.


We walked into the hotel, Kimi and Arthur still in there conversation until it stopped as well as they stopped walking. Making me confused.

"I didn't actually book a hotel room, and I can't stay with Arthur so i have to get myself a room. You guys can go, ill meet you to at Anna's room"

"No its fine we'll wait" I spoke.

While Kimi went to sort out his room situation, Arthur and I sat ourselves on the couches. I must say they were really comfortable.

"I can't believe he didn't get a hotel room before coming here"

"Why can't he just stay with you? Did you not get a double bed?" I questioned, confused.

𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓, KAWhere stories live. Discover now