𝟏𝟎 | 𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐬

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I knew where I could find Husk, so I dressed the part. A revealing red dress with heavier makeup than I usually do, my hair curled and my nails painted. I put on some heels and after spraying a bunch of perfume on myself I called a cab, to take me to my old workplace.

I entered the bar and it felt like all eyes were on me, I smirked to myself, feeling confident. I waved Spike hello as I approached the bar.

"Hey, girl! Haven't seen you in a while, but you're not here to work, are you?" He chuckled and leaned on the bar, eyeing me up and down.

"Can I get a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of red wine?" I smiled at him, he turned around and got me the bottles I need and a glass for my wine. I grabbed them by the neck and started walking towards the VIP room, my ego sky high as I felt the demons eyes on me.

I walked in, Husk was sitting in his usual seat so I noticed him immediately. He was hunched over the table and he threw his cards on top. "Read 'em and weep, boys!" bent down and collected all the chips and the money in the middle of the table. The 2 demons he was playing with standing up, cursing and walking towards the entrance. He followed their figures and his eyes soon fell on me.

As the other demons and the waiters waiting by the door left I walked closer.

"Did you come to yell at me some more for gambling?" He raised his eyebrow, his eyes not leaving my figure.

I chuckled, put down the bottle of whiskey in front of him on the table, then my bottle of wine, with the glass I grabbed, and sat down next to him.

"Nooo, of course not, I came to play." I smiled at him as he took the bottle of whiskey I offered and after opening it, took a swig.

"Do you even know how to play poker?" He asked, and grabbed my bottle of wine.

He opened the bottle and poured me a glass. I raised it and took a sip, with a smile on my face.

"No, not really, but! I do know there is multiple ways to gambling. It can be as simple as a dice throw or as complicated as a game of poker." I shrugged, looking at his uninterested face. "Oh, come on! You'll have fun."

"What do you have in mind?" He asks, still bored.

"Beer pong?"

"That's a drinking game, you're asking me to play a drinking game." He deadpanned.

"Come on! We could also play truth or dare, or we could go through the very painful process of you trying to teach me how to play poker." I crossed my arms and stood up, pursing my lips and batting my eyelashes. "Please?"

"Ugh, fine, whatever will get me drunk enough to deal with you."

I smiled and walked out to get a big tray of beers. I put half on my side, and half on his side, I also asked the bartender if he had any ball shaped object small enough to use in a game and he gave me one they use at parties. I quickly explained how to play the game, even though he already knew, and took my first shot. It landed into one of his glasses and he raised the glass, taking out the ball and chugging it in one go.

He leaned over the table, trying to lessen the distance and he threw the ball. The ball fell off the table, but I caught it before it touched the ground. "I thought you would be better at this whole gambling thing." I threw the ball back and it landed into one of his drinks again.

"This is not gambling, and I'm good with cards, not with balls." He started chugging the next beer as I laughed at what he just said, thinking of something inappropriate.

He threw the ball back and it missed again, I chuckled and threw the ball back, but I also missed. I did take the glass of wine from before and started sipping on it. A gesture that Husk took as an insult, as he seemed to be eyeing my glasses like some bird of prey, calculating the velocity and what not. He threw the ball which bounced once and went into my cup, a satisfied smirk on his face as I picked up the glass to chug the beer.

This went back and forth until he was the only one with a single glass left on the table, somehow beating me.

"Guess I'm just better." He picked up the beer and chugged it, even though I was supposed to according to the game's rules.

I giggled, finishing another glass of wine, feeling the alcohol kick in slowly. Husk grabbed the bottle of wine again and poured me another glass, turning his wrist at the end. I smiled at the gesture and raised the full glass to my lips, taking another sip.

We sat down at the poker table again. "How was work today? I'm hoping less brutal than your first days."

"Oh, it was great! I almost resigned, and then I almost got fired but managed to give Vox some well needed feedback and I made a deal with him, now my job is going to be a little easier." I smiled, sipping some more wine.

He shot me a shocked but curious look and I went on to explain everything that happened that day, exaggerating the stuff I said to make me sound cooler, but also because I forgot most important details. I blame the wine.

After the story he looked at me, a little impressed and fascinated with how I managed to make a deal that was more benefiting to me than a powerful overlord. But soon after the room fell silent, wine was making me less talkative and more tired today.

"How about we play some truth or dare? When you can't answer or won't do something you need to down a glass of your drink." I smiled at him and he shrugged, I could tell he was also feeling a little woozy.

"Why all these ice breaker games? If you have any questions you want me to answer, just ask." He pulled out another whiskey bottle, since he ordered a ton after hearing that the drinks are on me today, and he popped the cap.

"Hmm." I kept sipping on my wine as I tried to think of a question. "What was your first impression of me?" I chuckled, waiting for the answer.

"I thought you were some crazy bitch on crack." He chuckled and I laughed with him. "Some random lady telling me to behave well in Hell, like she is not down here for a reason." He sipped on his whiskey as I sipped on my wine and he spoke up again. "Why did you come here, today?" He asked.

"Well, I got home from work relatively early and you were nowhere to be seen, so I took it upon myself to come see you and spend time with you, here." I shrugged.

"But why?" He asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Because I like you, dumbass, you're a fun person and I like spending time with you." I chuckled, as his reaction turned into that of a surprise.

I looked at the ceiling as I tried to come up with another question, the alcohol fogging up my mind. "Can you fly?" I look down at him.

"Yes... But I just, never do." Too drunk to care, I shrug at his answer and take another long sip of wine.

After a while Husk gave up on asking me questions and I was the only one talking. I talked some more about work and how obsessed Vox is with Alastor. I compared my living job to this one, and then spiraled to talking about my old coworkers and the stories they've told me about different clients.

"So 3 hours pass and this dude is still not back, and his cat is just chilling with us in the backroom. We gave it food and water and a pillow fort where it could sleep comfortably after a couple days because the asshole never came back! You don't do that to a cat, it's a living creature." I poured myself some more wine and took another sip. "It was so cute and had this snowy white fur, and it used to purr so cutely if anyone was even close to it! Just like you." I laughed a little, trying to make fun of him.

He clutched his bottle of liquor. "You know you talk in your sleep?" He chuckled, trying to return the lazy insult I threw at him.

I giggled with him. "Now I know, I haven't really slept in the same bed with anyone in a while." I put my glass down on the table. "Speaking of which, did you like sleeping on my chest?" I laughed at his annoyed reaction.

He grumbled something under his breath and downed another bottle of whiskey. I took my last long sip of wine before the glass was empty and I asked him another question.

"Would you like to do it again?"

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now