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"Can you just not wear the hat? Charlie knows but I'm sure she won't tell anyone." I whispered, in case someone was still outside the door.

"I'm wearing my hat, [Y.N]." He grabbed it and put it on his head. "How else will I be able to pull things out of it?"

I sighed. "Okay, I'll go downstairs first, and then you'll follow after a minute or two, okay?" I walked back and forth in my room trying to think of things we should do to not be suspicious. "And, we have to pretend we don't know each other because I am so sure if Stella sees we're friends, she will bother you." I opened my closet and pulled out some cargo's and a hoodie. "She's the devil."

I looked around my room since I didn't get a response and saw that Husk already left. I changed into my clothes and just waited in my room for a while. Checking Vox's schedule to pass time. After some minutes passed I went downstairs, everybody was already sitting on the couch, Husk with some cheap booze in his hand.

I sat next to Stella, since she was tapping the spot next to her, and we did an introduction round like the first time I was here. "Well, you know me already, and I am really so sad to hear you killed yourself. Surprising, since you always boasted about how better your life was than mine." I chuckled sarcastically, and she laughed loudly with me, I rolled my eyes at her.

"And who might you be, whiskers?" She asked Husk and his ears went down.

"Don't fucking call me that." He took a sip of his booze, and Stella was still looking at him expectantly so he sighed and answered. "Husk, the bartender."

"Well, Husk the bartender, I think we are going to get along very well." She said with a flirty voice and I raised my eyebrows. Who the fuck does she think she is?

Charlie went on to explain today's workshop, we were going to learn not to lie. She wanted us to pair up, one of the people to lie and the other person to act out the impact that lie could have on the person, then end it with a sorry.

While the others were picking pairs, I looked at Husk and we locked eyes, I smiled softly. But that was soon interrupted by a certain blonde grabbing onto his arm, I felt my eye twitch. "Husk baby, pair up with me, will you?"

He shoved her away from him, but Charlie came by and told them that this could be a good opportunity to get to know each other. So Husk sighed disappointed and they stood together, facing each other somewhere. Charlie turned around and she walked towards me.

"Do you want to pair up?" She smiled sweetly and I nodded, smiling back, glancing at Husk and Stella.

We walked together to a place further away from the others and stood, facing each other.

"Let me start!" Charlie said and started thinking about something she could say as a lie. "Your brother... is dead."

The workshop felt extremely long, with Charlie coming up with whole stories when I told a lie and me laughing at hers. I kept looking at Husk's direction to see his annoyed expression as Stella tried physically getting close to him and flirting. I felt guilty, but mainly just very pissed off at her.

I knew she was only doing this to make me mad, because she has always been jealous of me and everything that I achieve. She probably figured out that Husk was in my room from the hat and the eye contact we made, and she's just being petty and trying to 'steal him from me'. Which doesn't even make any sense because we're not dating, or anything, just... sleeping together.

But seeing her try to touch him and flirt with him fills me with a type of rage I haven't felt before.

The workshop finally ended and Husk went behind the bar, Stella following behind him and taking a seat, ordering a drink. I could see him furrow his eyebrows as he handed her the glass and she grabbed it, her hand brushing against his.

I walked down a dimly lit hallway, distancing myself from the rest. "I know you're here, you godless bastard."

I declared, my words cutting through the uncomfortable silence. I turned around to see Alastor, with a wide smile stretching from ear to ear, his eyes filled with amusement. "I need a favor." I continued.

"Oh dear, you seem troubled, what can I do for you?" He tilted his head to the side, feigning innocence.

"I need you to get rid of that bitch, or so help me God." He chuckled at my answer, his laugh laced with static echoing in the empty corridor.

"Now, why would I do that?" He got closer to me, invading my space.

"I'm not going to give you my soul, obviously. So tell me what I could offer to you instead." I asked, confident, mainly because I already made a deal with an overlord before and it went surprisingly well for me.

He thought for a bit, keeping eye contact with me which made me even more uncomfortable. "Start a fire in the VoxTek building." My eyes widened, letting his demand sink in.


"I don't know what else you could offer me, and I think a fire caused by the secretary will create quite a stir!" He chuckled. I opened my mouth to make a counter offer but he cut me off. "There's no haggling." He smiled.

"Ugh, whatever, just get that whore out of here." I offered my hand and soon after he took it, immediately disappearing after.

I looked around and decided to go back to the lobby, where Husk was behind the bar but Stella was nowhere to be seen. I smiled to myself and took a seat by the bar, Husk mumbled under his breath and turned his back around to face me. "I told you, bitch, I'm not fucking interested."

He saw me and his eyes softened, letting out a sigh of relief. "Damn, I thought you liked me." I chuckled and leaned on the bar. "I'm sorry if she caused you any trouble."

"She has a real talent for pissing people off, wouldn't stop talking and getting all touchy feely with me." He poured me a glass of wine, which I didn't ask for but I smiled at the gesture. "Crazy how some people can talk so much but say nothing at the same time."

I chuckled, and took a sip of wine. "Well, thankfully, I don't think we need to worry about her any more."


the only type of content i get on my fyp is edits of
a flat screen tv and this pink radio guy
...and also bistro huddy

makes me want to write something about them

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 | husk x readerWhere stories live. Discover now