Chapter 2

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The sun was slowly rising as Shadowsight padded back into the camp clearing with a small mouse in his jaws "Your out early." Rainstar barked as Shadowsight turned his head and dropped the mouse into the fresh kill pile "Uh yeah I woke up early and thought I just go hunting!" Shadowsight replied nervously "Hm very well." Rainstar turned around and headed back into his den. Shadowsight sighed and trotted over to the warriors den and laid down in his nest beside Icesong "Hm? Shadowsight is that you?" Icesong mumbled as she opened her eyes to look. "Yeah it's me" Shadowsight sat down and began washing his fur was full of leaves and a few small twigs. "Did you get into a fight with a rabbit?" Icesong chuckled as she saw Shadowsight picking leaves out of his fur. "Yeah I did so I just caught a mouse instead." Shadowsight continued picking leaves out of his fur a spat them onto the ground "You need help with that?" Icesong asked as she sat up "No no I'm fine." Shadowsight replied annoyed "Awe come on don't be mad! It happens to us all." He kept picking out all the leaves until they were all gone "Whatever."

Shadowsight stood up and shook his fur than walked out of the warriors den and out into the clearing. Icesong followed him until she stopped in her tracks "Why are you pacing?" She asked Shadowsight with worry "Is something bothering you?" Shadowsight ignored the question and kept pacing until he stopped and looked over at Icesong "No I'm fine. Just bored you know?" Icesong shrugged and padded up to him "You don't seem yourself today, are you sure everything is ok?" Shadowsight sighed and spoke "Yes I'm sure." He shook once more and spoke again "Don't worry about me."

"Well your my mate it's my job to protect and worry about you!" Icesong giggled as she spoke "Yes I know that Icesong but I'm fine I'm sure" Icesong shrugged and walked off to go with the other warriors "Three days remain." A voice whispered in Shadowsight's ear and he whipped around looking frantically "Who said that?!" He looked around but all he saw was the clan wolves looking at him odd "Sorry." He muttered and headed for the forest. "How did he say that when he's not even beside me?!" He asked himself until he remembered what Nicky said "I have control over you" the words rang in his ears "Oh right that's how" Shadowsight sighed and headed into the forest and found a shady place to rest "I really don't wanna do it but I have too unless I wanna die" His ears perked up as he heard something but it was just Nicky and Roxy. "What do you want?" He asked annoyed "Don't speak to me like that!" Snarled Nicky as he glared at Shadowsight "You have three more days."

"I know that Nicky." Nicky rolled his eyes "Of course you know that! So have you decided yet?" Shadowsight shook his head "Of course you didn't." Roxy spoke up "You wolves never know how to make a proper decision." She scoffed and sat down as she licked her chest fur "Well you have three more days to decide so you better hurry up." Shadowsight nodded and sighed "Yes Nicky I know." Nicky stood up "Good now go!" Shadowsight stood up and trotted off leaving Nicky and Roxy by themselves.

"I have no choice but to hunt there's nothing else to do" He sighed and lifted his head up to sniff the air. It smelled of wolves and prey but no scent of foxes. "Why don't they carry a scent?" Shadowsight wondered but brushed it off as he tracked a small black bird that was resting on a bush. He dropped into a hunters crouch and slowly walked forward until he pounced right on top of the bird. He pick it up and snapped its spine as it died. He licked the access blood off his mouth and headed back for camp with his fresh kill.

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