Chapter 6

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As Shadowsight headed back for camp there was a few patrols out. "What are you doing out Shadowsight?" Lo'ak asked from up in a tree. "Just going for a walk that's all." He replied nervously, Lo'ak nodded and kept looking around the forest from the tree. "See anything?" Asked Scoutfern but Lo'ak shook his head. "Just some birds and squirrels." Shadowsight kept walking until he reached camp and there was Icesong waiting for him. "There you are!" Icesong yipped happily

Icesong ran happily over to him like a little kit. "Did you catch anything?" But he shook his head and she sighed "Your always out somewhere it's like I never see you." Shadowsight's ears twitched and he opened his jaws to speak "I know I'm just out walking to clear my mind you know?" Icesong looked at him with confusion "Clearing your mind from what?" He looked over at her nervously "Nothing." Shadowsight replied quickly "You seem shaken up. Are you sure?" He quickly nodded and spoke trying to change the subject "How about we go for a walk and catch up?" Icesong nodded and the two headed out of camp into the forest.

The two walked side by side their pelts brushing up against each other every now and than. "I've missed you a lot it's like I never see you." Shadowsight stopped in his tracks and looked over at her. "I know I'm sorry I've just been out a lot. I'm not sure why." He knew that was a lie but he couldn't let her know or find out what's going on. "Shall i catch something for us to share?" He nodded and Icesong began sniffing the air until she found a squirrel and caught it. She trotted back happily the squirrel dangling in her jaws.

She dropped the squirrel at his paws. "There we go!" Shadowsight nodded slowly "Thanks!" The two layed down side by side and began muncing on the squirrel as they talked "I love how nice new-leaf is." She spoke before taking another bite of the squirrel "Same here the air is so fresh and all the snow is gone" they finished their squirrel before heading back to camp.

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