The Aftermath

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After the battle is over the H.S.B found the civilians prisoners and transport them to safety. They put a lot of N.A.W in cuffs, some tried running away only to be met with a bullet in the head. And lots of anthros seem to have nasty scars, bullet wounds, broken bones, missing body parts, and being now cripple. Once again Team Scar left their trails on them like always, reminding them who they are messing with. Anyways Henry is looking around the town, finding his teams, during that he sees his fellow human soldiers rescued the the prisoners the anthro had captured and they ship them off to safety. Also, every time he passed an anthro they always back away in fear or kill themselves, he later found Hank, who was cutting off a rabbit anthro foots. The anthro was in so much pain and was crying like a baby, knowing he can never jump again.

Henry: why Hank?

Hank: haven't you heard of a lucky rabbits foot?

Henry: I know you Hank, you just want to cut of anthros important body parts.

Hank: heh, yeah. But anyways where's Miles?

Miles: right behind you.

The quite human turned visible and was standing behind Hank.

Hank: how long have you been there?

Miles: since you started cutting off the bunny's foot.

Henry: now where the hell is Chase?

Chase: right here. *sigh*

Henry: you okay?

Chase: we'll I was going around looking for a fine anthro for me to woo them and get lucky. But every time I get near them they always kill themselves, feels like this is a curse from God.

Hank: ha! To me this a blessing from God, I knew he be on humanity side. After all, he created us and we worship him.

Chase: of course you say that, your a Christian.

Hank: damn right.

Miles: so what are we going to do now?

Henry: I don't know. You guys wanna find something to eat?

Chase: I could eat a little.

Miles: okay.

Hank: eh, sure. Killing these freaks works up an appetite.

But before they could do that a H.S.B soldier approaches them with some news.

H.S.B soldier: Team Scar, Sargent Willson wants to speak with you.

Henry: for what?

H.S.B soldier: he didn't say, he just wants to talk to you and your team. Follow me, I'll take you to him.

So they started following the soldier, during that they passed by N.A.W being handcuffs, some with fear look on their faces, and some being rape by humans. Henry and Miles didn't care since its not the first time they see a rape, Chase was jealous because they were having fun, and Hank is disgusted but he does like how the anthros are not having fun and are getting hurt real bad. While walking Miles looked around and after three years he finally noticed something about these anthro soldiers.

Miles: hey have you guys noticed there's more female anthros then males?

Henry: huh... now that I'm thinking and remembering about it there are more females than male anthros. Wonder why?

H.S.B Soldier: probably because the females are the dominant gender.

Hank: or maybe because we kill so many males that there's hardly any left to repoulat once we somehow kill all the males.

Chase: and that leaves all the sexy females to us, maybe start a breeding program for one human male having a harem.

Hank: Jesus! Can you stop thinking about your d*ck you sicko perv!

Chase: until I get love than I'll stop. But unfortunately I have no luck yet, but I will.

Miles: you're gonna die as a virgin.

Chase: hey!

H.S.B soldier: all right Team Scar, were here.

They have arrived at a tent where Sargent Willson is, the soldier left and Team Scar entered the tent.

Henry: you called?

Willson: yes. I've called you here because I want to congratulate on your efforts to make those anthros who they're messing with.

Henry: what can we say? We're Team Scar and we leave scars on our enemies.

Willson: damn right, and for the pass three years you and your team has been putting up a Hell of a fight, never give up, and always keep pushing forward.

Chase: yep, that's us.

Willson: always fight on for a better future. That is why your perfect.

Miles: perfect for what?

Willson: to end this war.

Team Scar: huh?

Willson: you heard me. You're the perfect ones to end this war. The higher up and the president have been watching you, how you fight, how you kill, how to bend the N.A.W over and make them your b*tch.

Hank: please don't say it like that at the last part.

Chase: please do, as long as it's the females and not males.

Willson: I got the call from the higher-ups and they told me to give you a new and final mission. Operation Final Nail.

Henry: Final Nail, sir?

Willson: yes, Final Nail is where our boys will be heading straight towards the enemies home city county where will be at the heart of it to kill the leader who started it all and end this war. But to to that we gotta go through their armor base and defense, while taking out facilities and factories to weakened them. It's a long and dangerous way to get there but that's where you soldiers come in. We seen what you're capable of and how those animals fear you, you guys are of the scariest and tuffest mother f*ckers humanity has ever seen. Your perfect for this to end the war. So, are you in?

Henry: ... if it's a way to end this war? Sure, I'm in.

Hank: I'm in as well, to slaughter these spawn of Satan and kill the one who started this whole damn thing.

Chase: I'm in as well, for the hottys that will meet and ending the war.

Miles: me too so we can all go home, I missed my family, and I'm sure everyone does.

Willson: alright boys, get some rest for tomorrow you'll be shipping out to our secret base to meet Sergeant Anderson. Operation Final Nail is a go! Good luck you guys.

After the saluted Team Scar left the tent and find they're resting for tomorrow they're on a mission to end the war.

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