Untitled Part 11

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Ding Ding! the phone went off.

Rachel: So...I have something to tell you. I should have said something sooner and it's probably best we do this over a call.

I quickly pressed the call button, anxiety fluttering in my chest.

"Hello?" Rachel answered with worry in her voice.

"So..." I trailed, urging her to reveal whatever it was that was so urgent.
"Umm...So I am poly."

My heart settled. That was it? "That's the big news?"

"I thought you would be mad."

"Why would I be mad?"

"I have a partner."

"Oh..." My anxiety came back. I wasn't really sure what to say. 

What the hell do you say to that? We sat there in silence for a few moments.

"You're not mad are you?" she was definitely nervous telling me this, "I should have told you beforehand."

Yeah, you should have was the voice in my head. I managed to drown it out and instead say, "Does your partner know about me?"

"Yes, and he's supportive."

He knew? So why didn't I know?! "Wait what do you mean he? I thought you were gay?" I observed calmly. In reality, I was freaking out.

"I'm technically bi because I'm married to a guy, but I consider myself gay," she breathed a sigh of relief, but I could tell she wasn't fully convinced it was actually okay. "So do you want to do dinner and meet?"

"Sure, why not." I said with almost a monotone. I could feel my mind start to float away...disassociate until I could figure out what to do with this news.

"Okay then, it's a date. How about tomorrow?"

"That sounds fine," I numbly agreed, "I've got to get off here; someone is trying to call in. I love you."

Knowing good and well no body was calling, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I was panicking. Why didn't she say something? Can I date someone who is seeing someone else? Especially when it had taken her this long to be honest with me? I can't believe I agreed to meet him. Breathe, Rose. We will handle this one day at a time. Rose, calm the fuck down. You're overthinking again.

After a while of sitting there in the bedroom freaking out about this profound news, I managed to relax. It took all my mental strength and extreme amounts of breathing exercises and self-talk, but I could finally think clearly. That was, until Sasha came in.

"So I have been thinking about rent..."

"I know," I sighed, my heart immediately picking up its pace again, "I'm looking for another job."

"I know you're trying, but bills are stacking up," she crossed her arms, "If you can't get your half of the rent by next week, I'll have to ask the landlord to take you off the lease."

"Well fuck you too," I shot back.

Sasha left without saying anything else, leaving me an utter mess. Fuck you, Sasha, I growled inside my head. What a bitch.

I had to do something fast. Anywhere I went, I wouldn't get a check until two weeks from now. That cunt knew that so why would she give me such an unreasonable timeline? What can I do to make money fast? Maybe I can sell feet pics. I laughed at the thought, maybe too loud. I wouldn't really know where to find anyone interested in that anyway. Maybe a porn site? I sighed. What else?

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