Chapter 6: Facade Broken

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The weekend turned out to be quite eventful. After spending time with my juniors and enjoying a well-deserved rest, I had made plans to spend Sunday with Chiaki. Chiaki and I embarked on a full-day journey, exploring various facets of the school together. Our first destination was the mall, where we strolled through different shops, and tried on clothes, and she was excited as she saw me try on different fancy clothes. The scent of diverse cuisines beckoned us, leading to a delightful food adventure that satisfied our taste buds.

The day unfolded with a cinematic interlude, as we immersed ourselves in a movie, lost in the captivating narratives on the big screen. The park provided a serene backdrop for our concluding moments, where we walked amidst nature, exchanging stories and relishing the tranquility.

It was a day filled with shared experiences, creating memories that would linger, I felt something different when I was with her but I couldn't explain what.

Now that's enough reflecting on the past weekend. I rose with the dawn, a routine ingrained into my daily existence. The gym beckoned, and alongside Shibata and Kanzaki, we delved into the rigorous workout session that awaited. The cool embrace of the shower afterward served as a rejuvenating interlude, preparing me for the day ahead.

With a towel draped over my shoulders, I reached for my phone, contemplating the idea of making a quick call. The device felt cool against my palm as I navigated the contacts, contemplating if she would pick up on the receiving end of my communication.

[Hey Ayanokoji-kun]

[Hey Asahina-senpai]

[What can I do for you?]

[Could you possibly give me Horikita number]

[Of course, so you decided to join the student council?]

[Maybe, I need his number to talk to him about our deal]

[Well I hope you do join, things would be more enjoyable with you and Ichinose-chan around, I'll send you his number though]

[Thanks senpai]

[Anything for my favorite kouhai, remember to text me to hang out soon]

[Of course bye]


As I checked the time on my phone, I noticed I still had some time before I needed to leave. Taking advantage of the spare moments, I got dressed, made myself a cup of tea, and delved into the pages of my book. Eventually, I decided it was time to head to class, aiming to arrive 20 minutes early. I gathered my belongings, slung my bag over my shoulder, and left the dorm.

The elevator doors opened, and to my surprise, Karuizawa and Sato were there, ready to enter. Our eyes met as I stepped into the elevator, setting the stage for an unexpected and displeasing encounter.

"Good morning, Ayanokoji-kun," greeted Karuizawa.

"How are you doing?" Sato asked.

"Hey, girls. I'm doing well," I replied.

"Sato and I were heading to get drinks at the Pallet Cafe before class. Want to join?" Karuizawa invited.

"Yeah, it would be great for you to join us," added Sato.

"Sure, I don't see why not," I agreed.

As we entered the Pallet Cafe, I couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in atmosphere. The predominantly female clientele cast curious glances our way, their hushed conversations adding to the ambiance. The cafe seemed to be a haven for casual socializing, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being an anomaly in this sea of girls.

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