SS: Matsushita POV- Risky Gamble

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"Where am I?" I repeated my confusion deepening as I remained stuck in the echoes of my memory. The schoolyard persisted, and the younger version of the boy continued to stand beside me.

"You're in a memory, Chiaki," he answered with a gentle smile. His presence seemed to bridge the gap between my past and present.

"I don't understand. What's happening?" I asked, my voice carrying the weight of both bewilderment and vulnerability.

"We all have memories, some that we tuck away deep inside," he explained, his words carrying a wisdom beyond his years. "Sometimes, they resurface when we least expect it. It's okay. You're safe here."

As I tried to navigate the surreal conversation with the younger boy, the boundary between memory and reality blurred. The scenes shifted, intertwining fragments of my past with the present, creating a tapestry of emotions that I struggled to unravel.

The boy then reached out his hand and said, "Come, Chiaki, let me show you what you've been hiding."

I was reluctant, but I grabbed his hand. Then I spoke softly, "Is it really you, Akato?"

"Yes, tell me, do you remember this?" he said, looking forward.

The scenery changed, and now we were in the schoolyard. There, Akato, Shizuku, and I stood together. "Yes, this was the time when Shizuku and I first talked to you."

"Do you remember why I was alone?" he asked. The memories unfolded like a forgotten story, and I strained to recall the details of that moment.

As we stood in the recreated scene of the past, I searched my memories for the answer to Akato's question. The younger version of him waited patiently, his eyes filled with a mix of understanding and anticipation.

"I... I think you were alone because no one would approach you, you were different," I replied tentatively, the fragments of the past slowly coming together. "Shizuku and I noticed you sitting alone, so we decided to approach you and befriend you."

"He was alone because no one would talk to him," the younger Akato echoed, confirming the painful truth. The schoolyard scene now carried a heavy atmosphere, a reflection of the isolation Akato had experienced during that time.

"I remember," I admitted, the weight of realization settling in

Akato nodded, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "That's right, Chiaki. You and Shizuku changed everything for me that day. I'll always be grateful for your kindness."

As the scene continued to unfold, I could feel the weight of hidden emotions surfacing. The younger Akato turned to me with a gentle expression. "There's more you've been keeping locked away, Chiaki. It's time to face those memories and understand. It's time to see the truth"

"The truth, what do you mean?" I asked

Akato chuckled, "You can't seriously believe that can you?"

Before I could say anything it happened again. The scenery changed again this time we were in the classroom 

"Tell me what happened here," he asked

As we were watching the events and I recall it, "Shizuku was being bullied so she was forced to leave the school" 

"Is that really what happened, though?" he asked, his gaze carrying a mixture of curiosity and challenge.

I furrowed my brows, sensing there might be more to the story. "What are you implying, Akato? Shizuku faced hardships, and I remember it vividly."

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