This wasn't happening,had Neon's entire life had just been one long lie? Cry easily read the look on Neon's face and burst into maniac laughter despite her injuries.Oh but this wasn't even the end of it, there was  more, much more."After he oversaw the fall of those secret worlds and military groups, he knew it was the right time to put his schemes into effect since enough enemies had been eradicated and his prediction of our deal with the Chinese crime syndicates was about to go down so he put the bullet in his own brain so you could rise to power right after you discovered our temporary alliance with the Triads, your first enemy as Commander, the Triads had discovered that move with their spies which is how we know all this, The reason he wanted you to go against the triads was to annex the chemical drugs they were working on which you would have done since the division takes and uses their enemies' stuff a lot and incorporate them into the human experiments which would successfully transform them into monsters to bend to your will, the ones that were perfect for the time Being and the reason he needed to die was to cause turmoil amongst the division due to the mysterious death and spark maximum fear into the first bastion under the division's rule, the division itself, also he was far to old to carry out all the other infiltrations to bring the chemicals of other societies back to the division to create more abominations and he couldn't order anyone else to do it because these endeavours were simply crimes against humanity that were so heinous that it would put him at risk of rebellion even with these psychopaths which is another reason turmoil was needed as they would have been to desperate for a leader to question anything and you being the best soldier could secretly carry out the jobs with maximum efficiency when you discovered the instructions that the Commander had left you to 'ensure the corporation's prosperity', plus you were the only one in the corporation that didn't know that they were bent on world domination and asserting a totalitarian world order but no one knew how horrendous these experiments were or understood the means to achieve that goal".

A weapon for world domination, that's what he had been all this time, a weapon for world domination that would turn earth and the life forms on it into some sort of atrocity and the commander had planned on deceiving him to the very end and beyond, driving him to insanity with all the chaos and mayhem against with the division and their enemies long after he was dead.No,no,no."Do you know the best part of this whole fiasco Neon?" Cry asked to which Neon responded with a wordless frown."It's that you totally had no idea that my men down there were setting up charges to blow this entire watchtower to hell and us along with it".
"What?" Neon's eyes widened as it hit home, she was distracting him all this time.
"See you in hell kid" Cry smirked winking at him.
"You'll die too jackass" Neon tried but Cry just nodded her head."I'll die before I let any of you freaks get a grip on this world.With that the charges detonated causing a remarkable explosion and Neon was already leaping of the watchtower before the flames had a chance of singing even an infinitesimal morsel of flesh on him.

Despite the height, Neon swiftly recovered from the fall and looked towards the no nonexistent watchtower where Cry no longer was because the explosion had instantly incinerated her to atoms.Of course,It seemed that the defence against Lethal and the triads because the Triads had long since ran away and DEATH had sustained a hefty amount of casualties which was helped by the death of their commander so the agents of DEATH were now being forced into retreat leaving Neon alone with the division.

Lt G suddenly appeared before the boy and shoved his scroll of vows back into his hands."I don't care if we've just been attacked, we're finishing your initiation NOW" Lt G roared the last part but Neon wasn't about to do anything."I'm not going to be some weapon to create some sick new world order G, I know everything now and I also know that you have no fucking clue the true implementations the commander and his predecessors had intended to make for god knows how long". He wasn't sure how he had expected Lt G to react to this but the man hadn't said anything to him, he just started at him with this mundane expression and suddenly snapped his fingers at some soldiers who left and for a brief moment and returned with some sort of jet injector that he couldn't see through.

"This ought to make you a little more cooperative" G deadpanned at Neon who eyeballed the syringe, he didn't need his intuition to scream at him to know not to let them inject that in him."I'm warning you, don't come any closer" Neon growled getting into a fighting stance, Lt G just blatantly ignored him and told the division agents "I'll hold him down,you just inject the drug". Huge mistake.Neon's fist made contact with Lt G's cheek and knocked him off his feet.Some nearby soldiers whipped out tranquillisers and started firing the darts at him but failed to hit their target as Neon began sprinting away through the field of gore, getting as far away from the division as possible, soon the entire corporation was on his tail and Neon could see that he was running by right towards the ocean which was at a freezing temperature and was decorated with ice burgs,also it was hailing and had been hailing for a while.However Neon's body could seamlessly endure sub-zero temperatures and he was the only one here who was able to do that so he leapt in the river and swam so fast that even the division agents' bullets couldn't hit.

Some of them ran back to jump in their jets, choppers and speed boats whilst others remained to try and catch him on their lead pieces but to no avail, by the time anyone was able to get on the water or fly over it, Neon Riding was long gone.

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