The military site had not been difficult to hack at all,at least not for someone of Neon's calibre,he accessed the security cameras within 5 seconds and a glance was all he needed to memorise all the details of the layout.

The military site had not been difficult to hack at all,at least not for someone of Neon's calibre,he accessed the security cameras within 5 seconds and a glance was all he needed to memorise all the details of the layout

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Neon set the chopper he was operating on auto-pilot mode and grabbed his parachute and dove into the abyss to infilitrate the site that was build into it.How creative.

It was a 36,000 foot drop,just the altitude of the sky and would easily kill anyone even if they had powers or a parachute but Neon was far more capable than any warrior,at least any warrior he had encountered.

The plan was simple;create an explosion,mid air that would alert the attention of the guards and carve his way into the base,below,all the enemy agents were currently located at the upper parts of the base so he would have plenty of time to get inside unnoticed and then take out the guards who got dispatched to the lower levels.They he would grapple hook in through the ceiling to the top levels and while everyone was stunned,Neon would let the grenades fly,killing the majority of the mother-fuckers and punching the living shit out of whoever was remaining.

Show time.

As Neon plummeted through the air,he swiftly calculated the exact height,he would need to hurl the initial grenade in and immediately let it drop once he reached his conclusion,the resulting explosion quickly alerted the attention of the guards just as he predicted and a sustainable amount of soldiers were being deployed to the lower levels of the facility.Neon was already in the middle of the wide hallway when the agents reached the room,he tossed a grenade,making the agents skill fully leap away from the vessel to all the areas he had calculated they would land in.

Neon barrel rolled towards the closest soldier,evading the lines of bullets streaming towards him and upper cut the agent,his skill instantly spilling in half and by the time he had collapsed to the ground Neon was already behind another guard,hurling his body towards his comrade and slide tackling another assailant,grabbing his rifle and front flipping behind a pillar,swiftly taking out the remaining warriors with his expert marksmanship.

Neon then fired his grappling hook into the ceiling and burst through it throwing some agents who were standing directly in his spot to the side and letting more grendades fly,the resulting explosion throwing everyone,l and their guns,everywhere,however despite being caught of guard like this,it didn't take long for them to realise who came to terminate them,"Ravenmask?"
Neon charged forward and casually lifted the nearest man above his head and hurled him at a soldier who was at the back of the room as two guys pulled out their knives and began swinging at him only for Neon to front flip between them,drive his knee into the face of the soldier on his right and dash behind the left agent,suplexing him and thrusting his body into the former who was just recovering.

Another warrior had just grabbed a nearby rifle and started emptying the clip,the bullets failing to hit their mark with Neon jumping,sliding and dashing out of the way,his impossible reflexes causing to projectile to find new homes in their own comrades while Neon kept kicking and punching the dazed soldiers until they were just limp corpses.6 men surrounded Neon now,all armed with knives,knowing better than to resort to their guns and began to desperately swing at him,only to connect with air,each mistake coming with painful consequences as they were met with a inhumanly quick fist to the face or a leg sweep their's from underneath them.

Finally an assailant got hold of Neon's back and suplexed him while another,jumped on top and plunged his knife through his armoured chest.Neon felt his flesh get impaled on the steel as ignored the shooting pain and headbutt the soldier off him and swept the other warrior on the ground,leaping up,yanking the knife out of his chest and decapitating guar with it,he then hurled it at the soldier he just headbutted,watching the blade strike true in his throat.

Once the room was clear,Neon pulled out a remote from his pouch and soaked a button,ordering his chopper to fly to his coordinates and bring him away from the piles of bodies that were either dead or unconscious.While he was waiting,he pulled found one of their phones,quickly unlocked it and used the device to hack into all the computers,he then gathered all the intelligence and uploaded it into his usb as the chopper finally hovered outside the window on his level.

Fighter jets were already soaring through the sky,trying to find out what the hell just happened as Neon activated Camouflage mode and simply went right underneath them without anyone seeing him.Neon set the location on his chopper and put into autopilot once again before going into the back and reaching for his medical kit to treat the wound on his chest.That agent had been particularly strong and went pretty deep but failed to puncture anything significant,all Neon had to do was clean the wound,wrap it up and his body that was honed to perfection would take care of the rest.

After Neon was done tending to himself,he slumped down on his seat and took out his laptop,inserting the USB and beholding the new information it had in store for him.

The military organisation that was running that site,DEATH,was apparently making plans to affiliate themselves with the Chinese drug trade and the triads were the syndicate that they had their eyes on.The soldiers he had just killed in that site were due to be deployed to Chongqing the next day but since Neon had just thwarted their plans.The militants would have to adjust.

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