(A few hours later)
Neon sat in the spacious cafeteria on his own, he hadn't really talked to anyone during the first few classes he had and hadn't wanted to, despite all the travelling he did around the world in his lifetime, Neon was a full fledged introvert and was quiet happy to be spending lunch by himself. He had just finished his food when professor Lacy came striding through the vast cafeteria, she spotted Neon and walked over to him.The boy hadn't liked the initial vibes that the enchanting lady gave radiated, despite the stares, her model's beauty earned her from both boys and girls.

"Neon, I just wanted to reiterate my amazement from today's work, I do hope you're keeping that up in all your other classes." She gave him this unnerving smile that really put Neon on edge.
"I'm trying my best" Neon replied, choosing to stay as humble as possible."Well if you don't mind, I would like to learn more about my new student, tell me where did you live before?"
Neon tried to assure himself that this was a perfectly normal question, merely a curious inquiry on where he was moving from, that's all but he couldn't help but feel there was something far more sinister behind this question.

Apparently professor Lacy sensed Neon's growing apprehension and immediately jumped to her own defence. "Don't be startled, I'm just curious about you, that's all". She assured him.Neon had no intentions on disclosing his past just yet so his first reaction was to lie. "I lived In New York but my old school was closed down due to budget shortages so me and my parents moved here". It seemed like a decent lie to come up with on the spot.

"Is that right? What school did you come from then?" Lacy, inquired  still holding that peculiar smile.Seriously why was this woman so inquisitive about his early life? And why were all of Neon's instincts screaming at him to get as far away from her as possible? Neon suddenly tensed up more than he initially was, he didn't know the names of any schools in New York and he certainly didn't know a that had recently shut down due to budget cuts.Damn it, He should have thought of a cover story for himself to preserve his secrets, a fool's mistake, oh well, he supposed he had no choice but to come up with something.

"J- junior high" Neon stammered, it was the best name he could think of and judging from the slight cock of Lacy's eyebrow, it didn't feel like it flew with her.Fortunately for him however, Lacy simply just nodded her head and walked off without extending another word towards the boy.Neon sighed in relief and decided the cafeteria was suddenly to loud for his liking so he stood up and began to make his way to library.

That's when this tall jock suddenly got in his way and gave him this cocky grin."You the new kid?"
Judging by his harsh tone, Neon had a pretty good idea how this was about to go."I don't want any trouble" Neon sighed, trying to manoeuvre around him but wasn't letting up. "Alright kid this is how it's gonna go, I heard some of those girls tell me about you being some sort of English whizz or some shit and I suck at English but if I don't get my grades up, I'm gonna get kicked off the football team so why don't you do me a favour and get my grades up?"

The jock cracked his knuckles, already inferring the 'consequence' of refuting his 'request'."Not gonna happen pal" Neon irreverently deadpanned at him but before he could even move, the bully suddenly gripped his shirt and tried to force him backwards but found that he could move Neon even an inch, being the ultimate soldier who could lift 2 tons sort of had that affect."Choose a different fight, trust me" Neon told the bully who had this stupid confused look on his face now, usually the person would be dead by now but all his assailants had been trained killers and not just some stupid kid who probably had daddy issues and Neon really didn't want to get caught kicking ass on the first day.

So he just stepped around the moron and began walking towards that library thinking that perhaps this kid would have some common sense and decide to play jackass somewhere else.Unfortunately, he didn't so a large and  muscled fist was now making a bee-line towards the back of his head.The very moment Neon felt the heat of his fist nearing his head, he swiftly grabbed his arm and slammed him over his shoulder and on the ground like it was nothing, his training and experience had in instinctively twist his arm before Neon could stop himself and an audible crunch was heard throughout the cafeteria which had now gone spookily silent at the transpiration.

"Shit", Neon thought to himself as he rushed out of the cafeteria, leaving the sobbing kid on the ground and booked it for the library which he miraculously made it to without being called into anyone's office.Meanwhile people in the cafeteria were already gossiping about what the strange new kid had just done, none of them paying any heed towards the bully who hadn't gotten up from the floor and his arm was bent at an unnatural angle.Well no one apart from professor Lacy who had without Neon's knowledge, watched the entire thing go down.She smirked to herself as she stalked towards the poor bastard and pulled him to his feet."Your fine kid, go to the nurse's office, next time think twice before starting fights". The bully gave her an enraged look as if what had just happened wasn't his fault but simply huffed in lividness and staggered towards the Nurse's room, clutching his arm and still dazed from the body slam.

"Yeah, he's definitely the one" Lacy thought to herself, laughing a little at Neon's pathetic lie he told earlier.

"Now all I have to worry about is how I'm going to catch him.

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