After serving 9 years in Prison for eating a doctor Jason felt a burning sensation inside his armpits.
Jason tried his best to fight the urges to listen to his mind.
But he couldn't.
Jason goes on a killing spree, Stabbing everyone until their last inch of air.
He shoots, he Suffocates and Cuts their Limbs off while they're Alive
House number 4528, Jason picks the lock and walks in the lasagna scented house.
He walks up stairs and checks,
under the bed? Noone.
in the bathroom? Nothing.
Jason finishes checking every inch of the house but finds nothing until he hears a noise.
Mumbles, Of people.
Jason runs outside and catches everyone and gets his knife.
But, He sees a beautiful face.
Crooked and yellow teeth dry lips and blood shot eyes.
As the lunatic Jason is he kisses her.
But, Instead of pulling away she goes into it more.
Jason only likes her more when he finds out she went to Prison for Murder.
The both of them Decided to start a life.
(comment for prt 4)