2. "ʜᴜɴᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴜɴᴛ" {ʟɪꜰᴇ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴀʀᴛɪᴍᴇ}

359 7 3

A/N: Beth grey and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Maddie walked into work. It has been a few weeks since Owen hunt had turned up and he had left as soon as he turned up. Maddie was glad that he was gone. Her head was a mess over it all. Over him and she knew that she didn't need to think over him and what was going on

Maddie stood in the hallway as she got to the hospital as she saw Meredith and smiled "so you and Derek are officially moved in. I see there was a lot of boxes lying around when I left this morning" Maddie said

"Yeah look what I found anatomy Jane" Maddie said as she pulled out a doll. Maddie looked to it and frowned

"That doll is creepy. It always gave me the creeps" Maddie said

"Yeah well it was creepy at five years old but I kinda like it"

"Yeah well you always had questionable taste" Maddie said as she took a sip of her coffee. She frowned as she saw Owen hunt and grabbed Meredith's arm

"Run" Maddie said as she grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hallway with her. Maddie wanted to be as far away from Owen hunt as possible

"What they all was that" Meredith asked as they stood with their backs against the wall. Maddie looked to her and sighed

"I just saw Owen. Owen hunt you know the guy who I may of may not of kissed" Maddie said

"I thought he was in Iraq"

"Well he was and now he's in here in the hospital" maddie said


"It was stupid. It was nothing" Maddie said as Meredith looked to her and grinned

"You don't think he thinks it was nothing" Meredith asked as Maddie looked to her

"I dunno but he's back. What's he doing back if he doesn't like me?"

"You don't think he quit the military for you I mean that's be several stalkers but very romantic"

"Your not helping" Maddie said as she looked to Meredith

"I'm not getting involved with another attending"

"You worry too much" Maddie said

"I'm your sister it's my job"

"Coast clear?" Maddie asked as Meredith went to check and gave her the thumbs up


Maddie walked into the resident lounge with Meredith as bailey followed in. She looked to see Beth and smiled to her

"You look like death" Maddie said as Beth rolled her eyes

"Love you too" Beth said

"Okay, two things ... you all have a skills lab this morning.
It is mandatory. Dot even think about trng to get out.Second, one of you will not have to go to the mandatory skills lab because you will be assisting me in my efforts to remove an inoperable tumor from a 10-year-old girl" bailey said

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