9. ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ {ꜱᴛᴀɪʀᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ}

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Maddie sat on the edge of her bed. She knew that her head was a mess as if came to her and Owen. She looked as he lay asleep on her bed. Maddie knew that things were developing with her and Owen and she knew that she felt confused. Maddie knew how she and Owen had started off and how they hated each other but now it was different

Maddie knew that she was already late for work as she lay watching him. She knew Owen had issues to do with war and how it wasn't easy. She looked as Owen stirred as he woke up and rushed out of the room. She was already awake

Owen sat up and frowned as he heard the sound of the door shutting and sighed. He knew how he owed Maddie a hell of an apology from the previous night

He lay back in her bed and sighed, the bed smelt of her and he found it strangely comforting

Maddie got to work. She frowned as she saw Beth. She was pacing the hallway. Maddie looked to her and frowned

"I was going to talk to you over my date, that didn't end in a date with Owen but I think that you need to speak to me more than I do you" she said

"What..oh I am fine totally fine" Beth said as Maddie looked to her and frowned

"Oh you are so not fine. What the hell happened" Maddie asked as Beth turned to face him

"I may of broke mark" Beth said as Maddie frowned. She looked to her with a confused look

"Broke him?"

"Little mark" she said as Maddie realised what she was talking about and laughed out loud

"You broke his? Oh that's brilliant. Oh it's really cheered me up" Maddie said as she laughed hysterically. She saw the look in her sisters face

"Madeline" Beth said as Maddie tried to compose herself

"I'm sorry what" Maddie asked

"This is serious. He was bent in the middle"

"I don't even want to know what you were doing. What's the plan?"

"Callie is looking at him. They're waiting for hunt to come in with his experience in the field, you know when he's out of your bed. To come and examine mark" Beth asked as Maddie paled

"Crap" Maddie said. She knew things were awkward and she didn't want Owen to be checking on the man her sister had broken when they were having sec especially as Maddie had no idea idea what was going on with her and Owen

Oh that's the last thing I need.  Look we haven't really talked about much. He's talked a bit of the army I have no idea what we are and our date turned into his standing full clothed in my shower to him fucking me up against the wall while fully dressed. Fixing the man my twin sister broke with her sex moves isn't on the top of my to do list" Maddie said as Beth nodded

"I need to go and see how mark is" Beth said

"And I need to avoid Owen after last night" Maddie said as they walked off in opposite directions

"Yeah good luck with that" Beth called after Maddie

Maddie stood in the storage cupboard as Owen walked in and looked to her.

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