Chapter IV

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Just as I had gotten home I got a text from rue

(Hey, I'm going over to get sum wanna come?)

I know I had already been there but what's the harm

I respond with a quick

(Meet you at yours in 5)

I put on my shoes and run over to rue's house, she was waiting outside with 2 bikes

"Here" she said wheeling the bike closer to me

"Really? Were going to ride a bike there in the rain" I said as the rain started to pick up and get heavier

She nodded and got on her bike it only took about 5-10 minutes to get there which is better then walking I guess but anyway.

We had gotten there and rue put her bike up against the side and I did the same following her up towards the door which she was banging on

"HEYY" she yelled out sticking her finger up at the camera

"The fuck you want" I hear ashtray scream as he comes to the door

"Open the fuckin door" she said not so loud this time

"Who is it man?" Fez said over an intercom

"Rue" he replied

"Nah man tell her to come back later" he said dropping the thing back onto the table and continues putting bills into the money counter

"To late, bitch" she said as we come through the kitchen

"Hold on, hold on, you cant be in here right now" he said stepping up from the table he was at

"I see you cash money" she said walking over to the couch

"Yo, I just need some OCs and some socks" she said still walking as fez follows her

"Nah, I can't help you right now, you gotta go" he insisted

"Yo forreal rue I ain't fuckin playin with you. Come on, you can't be in here" he said raising his voice

"Look fez, we are fucking drenched..okay?" She said finally acknowledging him

"Rue, he's saying we need to go, I think we should just leave and come back in an hour" I said instantly trying to grab her arm

She pulled away and said

"Im outta drugs" she said looking at me with a duh expression

"That's not my fuckin problem, you gotta get up outta my house right now before these motherfuckers come through" he said raising his voice even more

"All I need is a couple OCs and some xannys and then I'll be gone" she said putting on his socks

"Yo I'm telling you, I don't got that shit right now, come back in a couple hours and I'll have that shit, but right now you gotta get the fuck up outta my house" he said with worry and anger in his voice

"I know you got something fez" she said walking towards him

"Im telling you, I don't got shit for you right now, rue come on" he said as she walked past

"I need you outta the house right now my guy is bout to come through and I don't want you here" he repeated

Rue sighed and layed in the couch

*Buzz* the phone in the table starts ringing

"I could fucking kill you right now" he said walking up to the phone

"Yo Ash they here" he yelled as he walked up to the cracks of the couch cushions pulling out guns and making sure they were loaded

I started getting a bit scared..I mean fez had told us to leave and we didn't.. and now there's guns coming out? Drugs were fun but not when guns are involved

"So this ya lil bitch" the man says as he gets behind rue

"Nah bru that's like my little sister" fez said calmly

"Well hello there lil sis, my name is mouse, it's a pleasure to meet Chu " he says as he leans down to kiss her hand

Fez looks at rue disappointed but also with a slight worried look on his eyes

"Yo custer toss me that bag" he said to the man who was sitting in the corner

"Okay check it I got 100 OPOC80's
500 xanny bars 500 20' Z' ddy
I'm low on vikes so if you wanna cop em vikes you better cop em today cuz I got like 50 left got a gump of that Cali medicinal, and molly"

He said alot more stuff but it was hard to make out what he was saying, all I knew is that I haven't done most of them and I want to. The dude that was sitting in the corner was now on the lounge counting numbers, I looked over to him and saw ashtray in a doorway looking at me and rue

"7,550" the dude said when he was done. Ashtray was looking at something very hard.. it was the gun that was in that dudes pocket, he was obviously getting ideas, fez saw this aswell and before Ashtray could do anything he pulled out a stack of cash and threw it to mouse who then threw it to custer,

"So you don't want no fentanyl" he said looking over to fez

"Nah man I'm putting off that shit, it's to many id's n Ion want the heat" fez said as mouse walked over to rue

"How bout you lil sis? You ever try fentanyl?" He said walking over and sitting down next to her

She shook her head and responded
"" her voice was very shaky and it was obvious that she was uncomfortable

"Nah she's good bro" fez said as mouse whispered in her ear

"You gon let big brother talk for you"

She was very uncomfortable and it was obvious, her breath was shakey and she only responded shortly

"Uhh, i-i don't know" she said looking at fez

"Don't look at him...look at me" he said and rue did, she slowly turned her head towards him

"You ever try it?" He said tucking her hair away from her face

"Yo forreal bruh she ain't want that shit"

"You know that feeling when you come so hard you cant feel or hear shit" mouse says whispering into her ear again

She didn't even say anything, just looked at him, he smirked

"You like that feeling?" He said still smirking, rue responded lightly

"Yeah.." was all she could manage to get out of her mouth

"Well shit, you gun love this" mouse said pulling out a knife and scraping it against a silver bag to put the liquid on it and putting it near her mouth

"I-im good actually" she whispered not looking down to the knife

"What? Chu don't trust me?" He said with an offended look

"Yo forreal man she's good" fez said leaning off his couch

"Shut the fuck up bitch, ain't nobody talkin to you" mouse said not looking over to him and getting angry

"Tell your big brother I ain't talkin to him right now, tell him shut the fuck up" mouse said with a threatening tone

"C'mon don't be scared, it won't bite Chu. C'mon try it" he said leaning it closer to her mouth

It was silent for what felt like an eternity before she put the blade in her mouth to take it. I froze.. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing I could do. She was just sat there on her own world....

It hits quick

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