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At Cleo's house.

I opened the door to my house holding some of the things that ashtray had grabbed and ran.

"Cleo.." Nate had said on his phone resting on the couch

"Mm yeah?" I asked walking past him

"Where'd you get all of that stuff" he asked very obviously knowing what I did

I groaned knowing what he was going to do, and I was right, he stood up and walked to me and said

"I thought you said that kid was just your dealer" in an intimidating tone

Before I could say anything he cut me off with a hard slap across my face and yelled at me

"If you are going to lie to me, make it believable you little slut"

Usually whenever he would do anything like this id just ignore him and go to my room, but today I guess I just had enough and I fought back, I threw a punch to his jaw and he looked at me in shock

"You bitch" he furrowed his eyebrows muttering, he pushed me against the wall leaving a dent from head hitting it, I winced in pain and he kick my stomach and punched my nose.

"Nate, stop" I mumbled and he backed away walking up into his room I stayed there for about 10 minutes feeling my head pound before I went up into my room aswell.

I fell onto my bed and fell asleep immediately not even realising the blood from my nose slowly soaking into my pillow.


I woke up to see a small pool of dried up blood on my pillow. What the fuck- I realised It was from my nose and felt all the blood that had dried up on it


I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror touching the dried blood, I couldn't help but cry...the fact that Nate could do this to me..

I ran the shower and undressed getting into the shower and the blood washed away slowly.

After about 20 minutes I turned the water off and grabbed a towel that was hanging up walking back Infront of the mirror to inspect my face more

As I leant into the mirror a bit more I saw dark circles around my cheek bone forming.

I sighed and shuffled my clothes on, I decided to swear a navy blue long sleeve top with light grey sweat pants, it was comfortable and covered the few bruises that were on my stomach

I knew that what I did was wrong, but so was what he did. I decided I wasn't going to stay there for the next few nights and decided to ask Maddy if I could spend the night.

                      I need to spend the night
Why? What's happened
Omg ofcc it is
Youre always welcome
You know this 💗💗
                                 Thank you madz ily

I had begun to make my way out of my room, each step felt like agony on my back, being slammed into walls definitely isn't good for the spine. Obviously I had eventually made it to the door and unlocking and opening it, shutting it behind me

I started walking down the stairs, I didn't think the pain could get much worse but it did, it was like laying on an entire bed of legos.

I got down the stairs and looked around, obviously nobody was out here, cal was probably fucking some hoe in a motel room and god knows what Marsha's doing.

Time skip
I knocked on Maddy's door waiting for someone to open the door, after a few seconds I heard a shuffle from inside and the latch unlocking, the door swung open to reveal Maddy.

"Heyyy bit- shit...that's bad"
Her eyes examined every corner of my face

"I know" I groan clearly just wanting to go inside already.

"Alright, alright"

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