Chapter III

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And the collection never stopped growing...and it still hasnt.

School had finally started, I had no friends like at all..rue had made friends with that new Jules girl and Maddy was to busy with BB and Cassie to notice me so I just had to sit there on my phone...every so often rue would go past with the occasional
"Wait your alive" coming from a random person that was walking by I couldn't imagine that, having someone say the exact same thing to you for the entire day..must get boring at some point

At the party Maddy had fucked some random dude but I don't think Maddy gave her full in body consent because she didn't remember it..meaning she blacked out....alsooo meaning it was rape...which was scary but she didn't even know that it happened so what was there to do...

Alot of shit happened at the kat losing her virginity, kat had told BB and BB being BB she told EVERYONE but everyone kinda already knew from a video that had spread but that's not nows story..

Nothing really happened over the summer, it was mainly a cycle of doing drugs staying out late and then getting yelled at and grounded with the occasional going out to see rue, but I couldn't really see her much because she was always grounded or in a bad mood so that just left me

School was an escape..from everything, not with the classes or anything but to see Maddy and rue and actually talk to them, I can't really talk to rue though cuz she had a new "bestfriend" honestly I know that Jules is Gunna be bad for her, they're so different and so alike at the same time it's just....eughh

Anyway today my brother had slipped school, he was obviously going to stalk that kid that had fucked Maddy, even when Maddy and Nate werent in a relationship they were loyal to each other, kind of...they were both just delusional..thinking that they loved eachother, they did but not in a good way..

The school day was over and it was night time. Like said before, there was a video going around of kat and Maddy had sent it to me

"You think this is kat?" Attaching the photo to her message

"Ew, yeah def her" I replied

"Yeah thought so, ttyl biatchh" she said ending the conversation

The video was definately her, no matter how much she tried to end the rumour and everyone knew it they just didn't want to admit it.

When I had walked into school the next day kat was walking through the halls with her head down, she was so embarrassed and it was obvious that she thought everyone was staring at her, whichhh they kinda were

I walked past her as she ran into the bathroom...I wasnt about to follow her I knew she was upset and me trying to comfort anyone wasn't a pretty sight so instead I just walked over to Maddy

I saw her talking to Troy...or Roy I don't know...

Anyway I saw her talking to one of them it was about the rumour I can tell, but anyway they had started deleting it and telling people it want her, and by the end of the week nobody thought it was her and it completely settled over

"Katherine Hernandez, please report to the principals office" the intercom buzzed then shut off

She quickly got up and went there and by the time she had come out it was obvious she just did suma dat kat magic

For some odd reason our school had this thing where they would do a random cheerleading football thing in the middle of our cafeteria, it was very odd and I didn't see the point in it but It gave Nate a reason to check out Maddy without having to have a reason

We were all sat at different tables as the football team all came running in
As usual everyone was screaming "nateee!!!" As he ran through

And Maddy was doing her usual choreography for it with both girls and boys checking her out, people were everywhere, some people were running and jumping on tables

"I 100% do not feel safe right now" I hear Jules say looking over to rue as a person jumps on their table

My god it makes me feel sick, I just don't like Jules...and I'm sure she's nice she just gives me off vibes I mean maybe it's because rue was the only person I could hang around without beijg seen annoying.. or maybe that's just what I thought either way I have no friends to talk to now which just makes school that little bit more bad

I walk out to Nate with Maddy as we're all giggling and laughing

"Yo Maddy" he says leaning against his car

"What?" She says slowly walking now

"Let me take you out tonight" he replied

"Why?" She asked as he shrugged his shoulders

"I hate you" she said walking off to her car accepting his offer

"I know" he said as I got in the back of his car.

I asked rue to hang out tonight but she said she'd be with Jules so I guess it just me again

Nate go past fez's shop and it was still open

"Nate go back I needa go into the shop" I say point at it through the window

"Yeah yeah whatever fine" he said turning the car for me to get out

"Your walking though, I'm not waiting for you" he said as I shut the door

I groan and go into the shop

"Yo wassup Cleo haven't seen you Ina good minute how you been" he said giving me a fistbump

"It's been like a day, I'm not that big of an addict" I said going into the back where ashtray is and rolling my eyes

"Whatchu want" he said not looking up from the cash he was counting

"Ooo someone's got bills" I say reaching over to grab the money

"Don't even think about it" he snarled snatching the money back

"Ugh your boring" I said rolling my eyes

"Here" Ashtray said handing me a free bag of coke

"What why?" I said taking it out of his hand inspecting it

"Well since I'm soooo boring" he said leaning back onto his chair

I scoffed and walked out of the fridge and into the main area

"That shits flour-" fez said as I walk past him

"Flour?" I said inspecting the bag

"Yeah, that's not even close to coke" he said groggily

"Fuckin hell" I said throwing my head back and throwing the bag on the floor walking back into the fridge

"Fuck you, now I deserve free weed" I said putting my hand out

"Yeah fuck you" he said reaching into his stash

"Wait what? I was joking" I said as he put the weed in my hand

"Anything for you ma" he said in a flirty tone winking at me

Oh god a new nickname, the nicknames he gives me always make my heart race

I walked out of the fridge and outside

"Bye, I'll be back later" I said walking out towards my house


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